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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
972 / 3.346

Re: No caigais en su trampa

Jajajaja pues la verdad que si para un dia que me da por escribir algo durante la sesion vaya como ha estado el foro.

Yo ahora solo estoy atento a las preferentes, a ver si quieres caer mas y compro mas... me encantaria que nos dieran un buen susto y cayesen por debajo de los 40...pero me temo que esa breva ya no se dara mas ya que ahora se sabe exactamente lo que se va a recibir en worst case scenario... En ese sentido me siento muy seguro con ellas.. pero a ver cuando el EC meuve no se que pensar...por una parte el uST los nombro y la jueza los ratifico por algo...pero que no se nos olvide que seguimos dentro del periodo de debtholders asi que... estoy impaciente por ver que protesta hacen, pk de momento todo lo que han hecho asi sido presentar argumentos muy a grosso modo. Alguna novedad en los foros USA? pk el tema juridico sobre el papel del EC se me escapa


Re: No caigais en su trampa

Que tonto soy que llevo ganado un 200% en sólo unos meses con wamu. Es que mira que soy tonto, eh?....

Hay que joderse, venir a dar lecciones y a insultar escondido en el anonimato!!!


Re: No caigais en su trampa

Luis023 te he enviado un mensaje privado. Te agradeceria que me contestases.
Un saludo


Re: Los insultos gratuitos

Mr_Simpson, mis respetos , ante todo, aunque llevo dos semanas siguiendo al hilo, y sobre todo intentando leer todo lo q habeis escrito desde hace meses con la última semana, he tenido q abandonar la idea y sigo ahora, (just in time), se q sois un forero entusiata con la acc, no he dicho nada referente a ello, estoy agradecido al ti a otros compañeros, por la claridad de posturas, no queria contestar al tal liberthi poque no lo merece, le he hecho un comentario a Ptolomeo, q lo ha tomado con humor, es todo, se q en los foros hay conversaciones q se sacan de contexto, pero no discutamos más, la cuestion es decirle al liberthy q es un mamarracho, simplemente, a lodicho vamos a ver como acabamos el dia, S2 .


Los foreros en USA estan uniendose para contratatacar

Tomemos nota que la unión hace la fuerza y lo que llevan intentando desde la semana pasada es desunirnos.

Comentaros que desde Ghost of WAMU se está preparando una estrategia igual de sonora que fue la que nos llevó a la aprobación del EC. Se va a crear una nueva web al respecto. Os informaré en cuanto este todo listo.

Ahora hay que tener calma, estamos esperando la respuesta del EC, la Juez no ha aprobado nada así que estamos en modo de espera judicial pero nos estamos moviendo para contratatacar. Tened fe y estemos unidos.

Si la vista en la corte del día 18 marzo no se cancela espero que el EC sea la fuerza dominante en la próxima vista.


Re: Los insultos gratuitos

0 interés tengo en estas acciones, no tengo un duro puesto en ellas. Lo único que quiero es que nadie nuevo en esto de la bolsa crea en estos "milagros" que de un día para otro convierte a paletos en millonarios con ferraris. Y además de eso, decir y creo que no soy el único, que este hilo cansa y molesta y se hace cansino para los demás.

En ningún momento he insultado gratuitamente, vosotros sí, me quito el sombrero con la gente que me ha respondido correctamente que también la hay para ser justos. Me gustaría saber que estudios/educación tiene gente como Ptolomeo, Wingo,Purga etc.. simplemente curiosidad, por lo que creo que es muy reducida...


El próximo movimiento de Weil

-Tomorrow (por el día de hoy) if any day, may be utilized as a 'further scare tactic'. Reason I think this is because there are tons of investors who do not have access to the information this board and hooohooo does. With Friday's slingshot movement and the news of 'wamu falling on jpm/fdic settlement" they (investors) may be waiting to see what happens on Monday and make decisions based on the movement they see.

More importantly, I think that 'we' as a whole are missing something that is going on behind the scenes. I think that the 3/4/2010 court hearing were everyone was in Chambers was more than just SJ being discussed. IMO no 90 minute long discussion would have been started should Rosen have said, "we have settlement on the table". That would have taken a few minutes at most not 90 minutes or so.

It is my opinion that Weil, JPMC and FDIC have determined where they are in this case and where they wish to take it. I do not believe at any time that they intended to piss of the Judge or implicate themselves on ‘unethical behavior’. It is my belief that they explained to the Judge that they did not want SJ ruled on because they have been working on a settlement. When the Judge asked, "Are you almost done?" they probably responded "getting there" or "no, not yet". So they came up with something that would allow for the Judge to delay her ruling, that something was having the 'old proposed settlement' from December thrown on the table. I do not believe this was a serious effort by the Debtors to resolve all litigation, or anyone else for that matter. The Judge IMO knew this was coming and can delay her ruling on SJ. The Judge probably made very clear as well that this offer would be rejected because Equity needs to see something. She probably further expressed her expectation on seeing ‘true valuation’. She did after all allow the EC to stand and denied the Debtors (and everyone else’s) request to disband the EC. I find it hard to believe that they were in chambers for 90 minutes explaining to the Judge what a fantastic ‘plan’ they had all agreed on and then present something like this. The Judge is no idiot and they know it. They know they have to face the EC and that the EC is not comprised of idiots. They know that the UST is involved and that he saw something previously regarding ‘extingent circumstances’. What type of circumstances could have been any worst than what we saw Friday?

It is hard for me to believe that Weil and Rosen would put their reputation on the line to the extent it appears. I know it is possible and that it sure hell appears that Weil is trying to shut out Equity, however, the posturing by Rosen saying, “this plan can vaporize if the Bondholders disagree” is telling IMO.

I am thinking the way I am now because I am trying to think out side of the box and answer the following questions:

1. Would Weil jeopardize their firm’s reputation by dismissing Equity while an EC is on board?
2. Why did the ‘chambers’ event of March 4th take 90 minutes?
3. How did the MM know that this news would be disadvantageous to equity before it was announced? (they sure wouldn’t have dropped it if Rosen said “and 52 Billion in cash to WMI”)
4. Why wasn’t Gregory Cross in the courtroom?
5. Why has the EC not put out a press release?
6. Why did the Judge not further discuss why EC was not involved?

It is very possible that I am still being overly optimistic regarding the overall scenario, however, this appalling ‘event’ leads me to believe that it is clearly TOO MUCH WOOL to really try to pull over the eyes of THJMW, EC, UST, ETC.

This did a few things:
-It delayed ruling on SJ
-Set the Groundwork for a real settlement
-Lowered Expectations for Shareholders (as a whole, not you or me)
-Freed up some shares for JPM Cronies who may have been shorting
-Put shares into specific hands
-Showed the World that this is ‘settled’ or over with no implications of JPMC or FDIC’s actions

Again, I know my post may piss some off because it is not smashing Weil as the rat he may very possibly be; however, I am not yet sold on Weil thinking they can just ignore the Judge, the EC and the UST. In my opinion there has to be something else transpiring. It was clear when Weil submitted a request to disband the EC that he was aligned with JPMC and FDIC to a ‘certain’ extent. The question is how much? Remember, why would the FDIC and JPMC just settle? There isn’t a chance in hell they would, not even if urged by legal counsel to do so. The only time they will do so is after they have made an offer, the offer is rejected and some negotiating takes place. I think many of the equity holders who read or heard Rosen’s words were in disbelief only because they forgot how negotiations take place.

Say… the EC was told there would be further delay to avoid ruling on SJ (but not given the specifics) but that a settlement that involved equity on the horizon. If that is the case and Venable filed their request to have a Shareholder meeting imagine the implications of such a move.

“You say a settlement is on the horizon, fine, if not we are going to remove the BOD”

Everyone is pissed at WMI and ready to rip the BOD out of their seats. If Weil agreed to further delay the proceedings due to an ‘internal understanding’ he may have just made a move that reflects very poorly on the current BOD and jeopardizes their positions. Most importantly if Ven did make such a move it will ensure all parties (including WMI) feel pressured to make a real offer .

I still think this settles sooner rather than later.