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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
785 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Las personas estan aqui , para ganar unos dolares mas , algunos por conviccion y otros por conduccion, el pensar , las opiniones miden la inteligencia y la cultura, aqui no hay lugar para la vanidad, el desprecio para el dinero,estamos aqui para aprovechar la coyuntura que se presento, leemos varios foros internacionales, analizamos , nos arriesgamos, mas aun es doble riesgo para uds los españoles, ya que la crisis que esta a portas sera terrible, parece que tiene que intervenir el fondo monetario internacional y vaya paquetazo van a tener que aguantar, aqui en latinoamerica ya pasamos por eso, deflacion inflacion , paquetazos, una mañana muy cercana al amanecer veran que todo cambio, la gasolina 5 veces mas , los alimentios con 40% mas, gobierno rebaja los salarios a trabajadores de la salud , profesores, sindicatos a un lado, hago recordar


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

El Euro estaba en 1,51 dolar por euro ahora esta en 1.357 dolares por euro se ha revaluado el depreciado dolar y se ira mas abajo,bajar el oro y la inflacion es tarea y especialidad de BERNAKE, pero esta represando, el deficit fiscal de usa es gigante y trata de exportarlo, prestando dinero a paises que no van a pagar, cuando se produzaca un default en los paises con prestamos es ahi donde el dolar se revalua, los americanos no son bobos, hjacen de las finanzas una trabajo de relojeria fina, quiza esta crisis fue planificada y ejecutada por ellos, hago recordar que estar en wuamuq no es una pachanga gratis, ni el dinero va a venir facil estamos aqui ya mas de 18 meses, el enemigo a quien vencer es la JPM y los entes reguladores de el estado, para mi opinion esto esta ya cerca de el arreglo, el valor que ofrecera no lo se ni makuito lo sabria, pero si me dan dos dolares quedare conforme y ese dinero que muy probable se consiga sera para amortiguar las crisis en domino que habra en el futuro , en España en usa la desocupacion es alta, si la gente no trabaja no hay consumo, si no hay consumo todo baja en especial los valores


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

A las 8 40 hora de España, se ´produjo un terremoto en varias regiones de CHILE , de 8.4 grados ritcher, son varias ciudades afectadas, edificios casas , puentes , carreteras destruidas, este sismo ha causado muchisimo daño es 6 veces mas grabnde de el hubo en el mes de enero en Haiti, es asi que uno de los paises mas calificados en cuestion de economia y finanzas sufrira una perdida grande en su producto bruto interno no por farrearse el dinero, es por la naturaleza, pero al final eso no unteresa, en sudamerica el fenomeno de el niño esta causando estragos en las economias de ecuador peru y colombia, grandes perdidas esa es una de las causas el poruqe estos paises no avancen mas , esto significa un retoceso


Re: El rival es muy peligroso

Buena tu comparativa Venerando, en esta vida todo es ciclico, solo cambia el tiempo , el espacio, EN ESTE MUNDO TODO CAMBIA LO UNICO QUE NO CAMBIA ES QUE TODO CAMBIA,,, definicion literaria de la ley fisica Eisnteniana, todo es relativo nada es absoluto, la mitologia es algo que se hara realidad, la medusa, el minotauro,sirenas, centauro por que no con esto de el manejo ovulos de dioferentes especies fecundados artificialmente en las plantas ya se han logrado los injertos


Re: El rival es muy peligroso

Creo que lo que quieres decir es QUE LO UNICO QUE NO CAMBIA ES EL CAMBIO, deben ser matizaciones diferentes por el Pais.
Como lo que escribes es una entelequia que solo pueden descifrar en este foro, Ruben o Shylock, solo puedo definirte lo que mi conocimiento alcanza:

Es que cambiar el cambio,vamos a ver, como se cambia el cambio,pues a lo mejor, cambiando de estilo de cambio, o quizás cambiando de sentido, o sea un cambio al revés, o un descambio,pero si descambiamos,qué nos da el cambio? un nuevo cambio, u otro cambio, o un cambio que ya no pasa de velocidad.
Cambiar, todo cambia, creo que hasta el cambio,que le vamos hacer, pues intentar seguir la marcha, o sea cambiar con el cambio, para no perder el rumbo.

Concretando que quiero que las acciones de WAMUQ pasen a cambiarse de 0.26 a 4 USD., entonces podre hacer algunos cambios sobre todo de USD a EUROS.


Re: El rival es muy peligroso

Eso es metafisica y lo demás tonterias.

Hoy estamos granados, nos falta la aportación de Shylock y ya cerramos.



Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Estamos sembrados sí, pero... anda Oscar, decir que ciertos países sudamericanos no avanzan más por las catástrofes naturales es, bajo mi modesta opinión, mear fuera del tiesto. Quizás hay que ser más autocríticos y pensar que algunos de estos países no avanzan más por su clase política populista y corrupta, no crees???


JPMC Form 10-K - SEC 24/02/2010

Pag.14 - Legal Prodeedings (WMI)
Washington Mutual Litigations. Subsequent to JPMorgan Chase’s acquisition from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) of substantially all of the assets and certain specified liabilities of Washington Mutual Bank, Henderson Nevada (“Washington Mutual Bank”), on September 26, 2008, Washington Mutual Bank’s parent holding company, Washington Mutual, Inc. (“WMI”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, WMI Investment Corp. (together, the “Debtors”) both commenced voluntary cases under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Case”). In the Bankruptcy Case, the Debtors have asserted rights and interests in certain assets. The assets in dispute include principally the following: (a) approximately $4 billion in securities contributed by WMI to Washington Mutual Bank; (b) the right to tax refunds arising from overpayments attributable to operations of Washington Mutual Bank and its subsidiaries; (c) ownership of and other rights in approximately $4 billion that WMI contends are deposit accounts at Washington Mutual Bank and one of its subsidiaries; and (d) ownership of and rights in various other contracts and other assets (collectively, the “Disputed Assets”).
JPMorgan Chase commenced an adversary proceeding in the Bankruptcy Case against the Debtors and (for interpleader purposes only) the FDIC seeking a declaratory judgment and other relief determining JPMorgan Chase’s legal title to and beneficial interest in the Disputed Assets. Discovery is underway in the JPMorgan Chase adversary proceeding.
The Debtors commenced a separate adversary proceeding in the Bankruptcy Case against JPMorgan Chase, seeking turnover of the same $4 billion in purported deposit funds and recovery for alleged unjust enrichment for failure to turn over the funds. The Debtors have moved for summary judgment in the turnover proceeding. Discovery is under way in the turnover proceeding.
In both JPMorgan Chase’s adversary proceeding and the Debtors’ turnover proceeding, JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC have argued that the Bankruptcy Court lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate certain claims. JPMorgan Chase moved to have the adversary proceedings transferred to United States District Court for the District of Columbia and to withdraw jurisdiction from the Bankruptcy Court to the District Court. That motion is fully briefed. In addition, JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC filed papers with the United States District Court for the District of Delaware appealing the Bankruptcy Court’s rulings rejecting the jurisdictional arguments, and that appeal is fully briefed. JPMorgan Chase is also appealing a separate Bankruptcy Court decision holding, in part, that the Bankruptcy Court could proceed with certain matters while the first appeal is pending. Briefing on that appeal is under way.
The Debtors submitted claims substantially similar to those submitted in the Bankruptcy Court in the FDIC receivership for, among other things, ownership of certain Disputed Assets, as well as claims challenging the terms of the agreement pursuant to which substantially all of the assets of Washington Mutual Bank were sold by the FDIC to JPMorgan Chase. The FDIC, as receiver, disallowed the Debtors’ claims and the Debtors filed an action against the FDIC in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the FDIC’s disallowance of the Debtors’ claims, claiming ownership of the Disputed Assets, and seeking money damages from the FDIC. JPMorgan Chase has intervened in the action. On January 7, 2010, the District Court stayed the action pending developments in the Bankruptcy Court and ordered the parties to submit a joint status report every 120 days. In connection with the stay, the District Court denied WMI’s and the FDIC’s motions to dismiss without prejudice.
In addition, the Debtors moved in the Bankruptcy Court to take discovery from JPMorgan Chase purportedly related to a litigation originally filed in the 122nd State District Court of Galveston County, Texas (the “Texas Action”). JPMorgan Chase opposed the motion, but the Bankruptcy Court ordered that the discovery proceed. Debtors are also seeking related discovery from various third parties, including several government agencies. Plaintiffs in the Texas Action are certain holders of WMI common stock and the debt of WMI and Washington Mutual Bank who have sued JPMorgan Chase for unspecified damages alleging that JPMorgan Chase acquired substantially all of the assets of Washington Mutual Bank from the FDIC at an allegedly too low price. The FDIC intervened in the Texas Action, had it removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, and then the FDIC and JPMorgan Chase moved to have the Texas Action dismissed or transferred. The Court transferred the Texas Action to the District of Columbia. Plaintiffs have moved to have the FDIC dismissed as a party and to remand the action to the state court, or, in the alternative, dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC have moved to have the entire action dismissed. The motions to dismiss are fully briefed.
Other proceedings related to Washington Mutual’s failure also pending before the United States District Court for the District of Columbia include a lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company against the FDIC alleging breach of various mortgage securitization agreements and alleged violation of certain representations and warranties given by certain WMI subsidiaries in connection with those securitization agreements. JPMorgan Chase has not been named a party to the Deutsche Bank litigation, but the complaint includes assertions that JPMorgan Chase may have assumed certain liabilities.

Pag. 16 - Legal Proceedings
JPMorgan Chase believes, based upon its current knowledge, after consultation with counsel and after taking into account its current litigation reserves, that the outcome of the legal actions, proceedings and investigations currently pending against it should not have a material adverse effect on the Firm’s consolidated financial condition. However, in light of the uncertainties involved in such proceedings, actions and investigations, there is no assurance that the ultimate resolution of these matters will not significantly exceed the reserves currently accrued by the Firm; as a result, the outcome of a particular matter may be material to JPMorgan Chase’s operating results for a particular period, depending on, among other factors, the size of the loss or liability imposed and the level of JPMorgan Chase’s income for that period.

Pag. 9 - Legal Risks:
We face significant legal risks, both from regulatory investigations and proceedings and from private actions brought against us.
We are named as a defendant or are otherwise involved in various legal proceedings, including class actions and other litigation or disputes with third parties, as well as investigations or proceedings brought by regulatory agencies. Actions brought against us may result in judgments, settlements, fines, penalties or other results adverse to us, which could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operation, or cause us serious reputational harm. As a participant in the financial services industry, it is likely we will continue to experience a high level of litigation and regulatory scrutiny and investigations related to our businesses and operations.