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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.057 / 3.346

Re: Los Cofres de JPM ardiendo en New York

Entonces destruyeron las evidencias?


Compra de 520.000 acciones WMIH a $0.88

Compra 520.000 acciones WMIH

Compra 520.000 acciones WMIH


Re: Compra de 520.000 acciones WMIH a $0.88

Y venta : ). Saludos


Re: Compra de 520.000 acciones WMIH a $0.88

Aqui seguiremos hasta que liquidemos los Claims y sepamos que ocurre después :)

Al fin y al cabo también tenemos nuestros Escrows


SAC Capital: Los hedge funds estan que tiemblan

Estas noticias llegan cuando aun seguimos negociando los terminos y aplazamientos de un Discovery contra Goldman Sachs... lo digo hoy y lo repetiré los Escrows de Washington Mutual se van a llevar una gran alegría cuando todo esto llegue a su fin.

Próximas fechas a tener en cuenta...

Aug 6 possible notification of escrow of payment distribuion, 1st tuesday of month of second month of quarter

Aug 15 GS extension of Interrogatories

Aug 22 Omnibus Wamu Claims

Sep 23 Last day to file claims of claim objectives


Re: SAC Capital: Los hedge funds estan que tiemblan

Ojalá que esa alegría llegue a los Escrows de comunes.


El volcán y los Piers

I received an email over the weekend asking why I thought WMIH stock might move higher when PIERS (WAHUQ) holders get paid from the WMILT.

Here's my thought process, and a basis when I can provide one:

IMPORTANT: I am only referring to retail shareholders here, who owned only a portion of the PIERS shares. I have no idea what institutional investors are doing, if anything, with payouts from the WMILT when they come.

1. I believe a large proportion of retail PIERS shares were held in retirement accounts.

Basis: a. Personal experience and interviews with other holders.
b. The very small amount of outrage over the 2012 Tax issues regarding PIERS. I think that if more shares were held in taxable accounts there would have been a lot more discussion of this.
c. PIERS were 'touted' as the SAFE investment in a WAMU portfolio. Many of us bought WAHUQ + WAMPQ + WAMUQ in some proportion. Since the WAMUQ was the riskiest and most likely to lose money, I believe many people created a portfolio plan that put WAMUQ into regular taxable accounts and the PIERS (WAHUQ) into safer non-taxable accounts (IRA's , ROTH's, etc).

2. If (1) is correct, then any payout from the PIERS will simply return to the retirement account (or, be returned to the shareholder directly, who must quickly return the money to his retirement account to avoid penalties and taxes for withdrawals).

3. Cash money in retirement accounts is not working optimally - retirement planners will want to buy stocks, bonds, metals, anything else, rather than leave the money uninvested.

4. The general stock market is at all time high. Real estate appears to be near another 'bubble' high. Interest rates are low but probably headed higher, meaning bonds are a poor investment. New money will be looking for undervalued situations in the marketplace.

5. Finally, when we made our investment commitment to WAMU many years ago, we committed an amount of money we were comfortable with. If you had $30,000 and spent $10,000 each on WAHUQ , WAMPQ and WAMUQ the money has not been working as it should. The WAHUQ money has been locked away and not earning anything; the WAMUQ money largely disintegrated, leaving you with a small investment in WMIH; and the WAMPQ money has become WMIH.

6. I think people who thought WAMU (H,P,Q) was a valid speculation in 2009 - 2011 (and this includes people who were scared and sold out of WMIH in 2012) will take a new look at WMIH when their PIERS money begins to return to them. I believe the general feeling here is that WMIH is a less risky investment in 2013 than WAMU was in 2009-2011. Also, WMIH can be bought in more accounts (since it is not in bankruptcy) and is approaching a $1.00 share price, where some institutional accounts may be able to buy and sell shares for the first time.

WMIH shares seem to be harder to buy today then at any other time since the company went public. Just for discussion, let's speculate that the PIERS receive a payout in 2013 of $100,000,000 total, which is a portion of what they are owed. Let's say $20,000,000 of that goes to retail shareholders, and let's say 2/3 of that money, or $13.5 million goes into retirement acounts. Let's say that 1/2 of that money wants to be reinvested into WMIH shares.

That would mean $6.75MM of retail money chasing shares of WMIH in a very illiquid market. If shares are trading at .90 that means retail has over 7,000,000 shares to buy.


WMIH recupera terreno