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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.970 / 3.346

Re: Volumen Récord 7.4 millones... Cierre 0.545

Esperemos que esto continue y no haya sido un espejismo...

Volumen Record

Volumen Record


Re: Volumen Récord 7.4 millones... Cierre 0.545

Lots of speculation about the big volume seemingly mostly at the ask, and yet limited rise in pps. Also there is the question of who would be selling and where the shares are coming from. My thoughts are that there wasn't any real selling or buying going on. I think the following is a realistic explanation for most of today's action. A large institutional investor controls a number of HF's. He has a lot of WMIH shares in one of his controlled HF's. The HF's are actually owned by the people who invest in them as far as tax accounting goes. The base price for the WMIH shares may be in the $1.50 to $2 per share range. The Institutional owner decides to take advantage of of tax loss selling by selling shares from one HF he controls to another HF he controls. He does this by selling large lots of 500,000 shares at a time. By doing this he creates a new basis at a lower cost in the different HF while creating a tax loss for the owners of the HF the shares are sold from. It is also possible that the HF basis on the WMIH shares was very low. Maybe 10 cents a share. In that case, selling them to another controlled HF for 55 cents creates a LTCG which is likely taxed at a lower rate this year than it will be next year. Either scenario explains how a lot of shares can move with no real change in pps. Yes we did get up to 54.5 cents a share but we traded around 55 cents for quite awhile and it would only take a couple of hundred thousand shares bought at the ask to push the pps back up there. Retail who were not on the inside could easily have bought that today. This kind of trading could go on for awhile, or we could easily go back to the low volume with pps being brought back below 50 cents on 100 share trades. Without real news, I just don't see a sustained share price rise.

I thought exactly the same yesterday but I tend to believe:

1. Someone knows something before it happens (December news around the corner)
2. GS Scare and some major funds are deploying and dont want to be caught in this scandal. (naked shorts)

I dont think this has anything to do with a Pump & Dump.
I hope the fireworks continue today.


Re: Volumen Récord 7.4 millones... Cierre 0.545

Ayer se ha vuelto a la normalidad, sesión con poco volumen y sin movimientos. Lo del miercoles parece que ha sido un calenton esporadico. :(


Re: Volumen Récord 7.4 millones... Cierre 0.545

Sympson el certificado scraw solo es para acciones preferenciales o tambien para las comunes.aqui me dicen que solo es para las preferentes, yo tengo entendido que son tambien para las comunes, espero tu confirmacion


Re: Volumen Récord 7.4 millones... Cierre 0.545

Para comunes también


Re: Antonio los NOL´s podrian ser muy superiores... estamos viendo posiblemente la punta del Iceberg

suena familiar...

El documento menciona un plazo de 75 días:

"WITHIN 75 DAYS OF THE DATE ON THIS LETTER, Parent must amend its return for
its taxable year that ended Date A to claim the worthless stock loss, and to include the
statements described in section 1.337(d)-2(c). Parent must also attach a copy of this
letter to the return and any other relevant return. Alternatively, in lieu of attaching a
copy of this letter to the returns, taxpayers filing their returns electronically may attach a
statement to the return that provides the date and control number of the letter ruling.."

Por que los 75 días? (parecen demasiados pues nos iriamos al 2013...)

Saludos Cordiales



Antonio desconozco las normativas del IRS al detalle
Hay muchas lecturas de nuestro caso...

1. Posible uso de NOL antes finales año vía Merger
2. Demanda de Discovery de Susman para favorecer Escrow
3. Uso de NOL en 2013, 2014...

Nadie sabe nada más que los insiders... Hay mucho en juego y
Los actores no quieren que se conozca la trama pues Equity sale beneficiada
Mientras más info salga a la luz.

A ver si nos traen algún buen regalito antes de Reyes.
Hearing Goldman 27 diciembre ante la Juez Walrath