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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.915 / 3.346

Re: New Shares fairly soon... (Edgar Sargent)

En el mismo caso suponiendo que sea cierto esta muy lejos de los 80 P´s - Pillados y Cia.

Tambien Sargent hizo mencion al valor de la Compañia en 75 millones como algo que los accionistas deberian valorar dadas las circunstacias, queriendo decir que la situacion estaba para eliminar a la equidad o aceptar las migajas. Esto difiere mucho de tus informaciones FALSAS que han conducido a cometer muchos errores a los que creyeron tus posts comprando a precios que en vez de multiplicar x10 han dividido por dicho multiplo su inversion.


Re: New Shares fairly soon... (Edgar Sargent)

Lo mejor en este momento es que las acciones no cotizen hasta que se define el Plan de Negocio de la New Co y se vaya avanzando desde la Junta Directiva y Litigation trust.

Las acciones han empezado a llegar a los Brokers:
Etrade. Per my Etrade transaction history for one of my accounts:
"03/23/12 Reorganization 3168 WMI HLDGS CORP SHARES RECEIVED FROM... 0.00"

Also, if you click on the transaction is shows:
"Type: Reorganization
Questions about this transaction?
Contact Customer Service
Account: Brokerage - xxxx
Date posted: 03/23/2012
Amount: $0.00

So, it looks like the New Co shares will not have any type of monetary value assigned to them, at least initially.

I think that this is probably for the best (any value assigned at this point would not reflect any type of true market value) and I hope that the shares do not resume trading until enough info is known to provide a proper valuation. This could take six months or more, I suppose, but should mitigate the threat of share price manipulation while the company is getting on its feet.

Regardless, nice to see the new Co shares in the account at the proper conversion ratios (Riaz- the P ratio implementd was the stated 1=19.80


Más respuestas clarificadoras del abogado EC

Good morning ! Yesterday you said ask away so last night I could not help but thinking about what you said,(please understand in no way do I look for investment advice or take any position from any information you share about the New co), these questions I am grappling with

A. Why do you think the company has a lot of potential ?
B. What are the assets (if any) that go beyond $200 million? I.E intellectual patents etc.
C. Does the FDIC C have any assets left in the receivership that could be re-matched with the Newco.
D. Is S&G’s job done or is it to be understood you will be representing us in third party claims.

Any clarity on these issues would be appreciated. Some of the shareholders feel we really got screwed over and this was the biggest heist & cover-up in the history of the U.S. financial system and others like myself feel there is a un spoken reason why dime, tps, and others agreed for so little in the end.

From: Edgar G. Sargent [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 11:35 AM
To: barry
Subject: RE: WAMU

A. Because it has cash and access to more cash, no debt, and a large tax NOL.
B. I'm not aware of any.
C. I'm not sure I know what you mean by "re-matched with the Newco". Given back to the company? I'm not aware of any and don't understand why the FDIC would do that.
D. We are done with respect to the Equity Committee. We have not been retained to conduct any post-emergence legal work but I think it is always possible.

I don't think there are any "unspoken" reasons for any of these settlements. I think experienced investors and lawyers saw these settlements as the best possible outcome for the investors and that continued litigation was likely to be detrimental to all parties, certainly including equity investors. Please don't take anything I've said either in an email to you or in court to be any kind of suggestion that there are secret aspects to this deal that have not been disclosed. There just aren't.

Edgar Sargent


Valor de una acción vs valor de la Empresa

If I tell you that company X has $100m -- and 1,000,000 shares, what is the stock price? $100 a share?

WRONG answer. It's whatever the market says. Buyer meet Seller. Frequently it trades in multiples of price/earnings and I haven't stated any earnings or whatever. The $100 is a "liquidation" value. Not a trading one.

We *DO* know things like the $75m in cash in NewCo hands, and the "guarantee" of loans for M&A, and the NOLs {estimated value} -- and the number of stocks issued, etc.

But that cannot be used to determine a STOCK value. Only a COMPANY value.


CUSIP de las nuevas acciones WMIHC

"CUSIP 92936P100."

Thanks for the info and new CUSIP so that the rest of us can track with this number.....and you have answered my question in my mind if we would even see the new shares of WMI Holdings Corp in our brokerage accounts since to date WMIHC

Espero que la próxima semana llegue a nuestros brokers en España


Re: CUSIP de las nuevas acciones WMIHC

Tus seguidores que compraron P´s a 80 esperan ansiosos la recuperacion de su dinero que de momento esta bloqueado.
Cuando comience el bombeo dependiendo del precio de salida abriré largos o cortos, tu sigue bombeando informacion que ya la usaré a conveniencia. Jeje


Re: CUSIP de las nuevas acciones WMIHC

Me da a mi que la acción va a estar congelada un buen tiempo de lo cual me alegraría mucho.
Yo estoy dando datos de las cosas ... los que compraron a 80 podian haber comprado a $3 y promediar a la baja así que no me cuentes milongas mañaneras.


Reinvindicando a las unidades bombeo

Estimado Besugo:

Hablas en forma despectiva de algo tan noble como el bombeo.

No eres consciente de la utilidad suprema de esos solitarios aparatos (bombas de cigüeñas, bombas de varilla o de viga) que sin descanso, levantan mecánicamente fluido de los pozos de petróleo o de las aguas de las minas de carbón, cuando los yacimientos no tienen suficiente presión. Principalmente cuando comienza a agotarse el hidrocarburo del yacimiento.

El movimiento del motor se convierte en un movimiento vertical y de cabeceo incesante. Los dioses de África piden que de inmediato se reinvindique a las unidades bombeo. Ya basta de hablar mal del bombeo. : )