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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.715 / 3.346

Re: Todo ha terminado (Its all over) - Mensaje positivo ayer de Susman

Vamos a ver, Ptolomeo. Lo que dice el articulo, en rasgos generales, es que es en las cotizaciones de las acciones de los bonistas donde se ve la realidad de lo que está pasando con Wamu. Dice también que cuanto más se está alargando el juicio sin acuerdo, que las pérdidas están ascendiendo. Hace una comparativa de que mientras algunas acciones de Wamu han bajado (como las comunes), otras han subido, y dice que no es lógico (sobre el papel). No te vayas por las ramas en tus comentarios, anda...


Re: Todo ha terminado (Its all over) - Mensaje positivo ayer de Susman

Esto es una broma o ¿ que pasa? Estan comentado que si hay un acuerdo, ya no saben que decir para hacer subir las acciones, si hubiese un rumor con un mínimo fundamento las acciones se irian bien arriba. Ya nadie se cree a los pumpers de siempre calentando las acciones para sacar unos dolares.


El juego de los Cortos

We all saw the $200,000 purchase on the P's Wednesday and the 30,000 share buy on the K's, and now we see this?

Sho To. Vol.
26-Jul 1714643 4520534 37.93%
27-Jul 909627 3219631 28.25%
28-Jul 1565635 4734500 33.07%
29-Jul 2754907 6691561 41.17%

3630 8982 40.41%
3671 7881 46.58%
5020 9373 53.56%
9841 12499 78.73%

2215 14514 15.26%
15610 22460 69.50%
19763 79243 24.94%
18409 29269 62.90%

Thanks BenB -- Shorting 78% on P's and 69% on K's, and we wonder why the PPS is dropping. They are trying to get us to sell, imho because they know the end is near, and they want the shares.


Re: El juego de los Cortos



Matt cierra la polémica..nadie ha hablado con Steve Susman and this is far from over

I will never call again. I was trying the approach I have used with WG and QE- calling the main partners number (because they never answer) and try to get someone much lower on the case to answer a couple of questions. I called the number and it went to voicemail and then I hung up. As soon as I hung up someone from the same area code called me back and it was none other than Steve Susman himself. I cannot tell you how stupid I felt. He was gracious but very direct and you can tell he was not expecting to hear from a shareholder. Please, NO ONE EVER CALL HIM.
I asked him if McMahon leaving would hurt our case. He stated it would not and the UST did what we needed them to do in getting an examiner appointed.
I then about the rumor that a shareholder called him and that he stated it was over. He stated, “No, no, no. I have not talked to any shareholders. This is a long way from over.”

I then thanked him and we hung up. I stuttered through the whole conversation and was extremely embarrassed that I bothered him. As I mentioned before, I am never calling again. I thought I would try to help the board like I had in the past but I will never do that again. Man that guy is intimidating even over the phone.


Por fin Vacaciones !!!! Creo que os abandono hasta el 10 de agosto

Mucha suerte a todos, yo me piro a desconectar ahora que estamos en muy buenas manos.
Que lo paseis bien y a los expertos en paella... no os pongais tibios :)


Re: Por fin Vacaciones !!!! Creo que os abandono hasta el 10 de agosto

Felices vacaciones!!
Espero que al regreso estemos mucho mejor que ahora.