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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.616 / 3.346

Re: Resumen de Ilene del Hearing 29 Junio

Sympson, hay que ser honesto, ayer la juez se dio a conocer tal como es , una Juez coimeada, practicamente lo arraso a el Abogado de Aurelio, luego escucho con atencion a los abogados de los Fondos y su engreido Rossen, a Sargent lo trato con desplicencia, Susman brilla por su ausencia, ya ha pasado mucho tiempo y este apremia, lo que solicito la CE en forma debil fue mas informacion por intermedio de Sargent abogado de la CE ,luego respondio el abogado de la TPS quie le alcanzar la informacion que tiene la CE,respuesta que indica el poco respeto a la Juez coimeada, al final Sargent dio a conocer que tenia muchas pruebas para probar la informacion privilegiada que obtuvieron los FondoS ,lo dijo publicamente, que carajo importa eso , debe probarlo ante la Juez, que con su actitud ha demostrado que nada o poco tiene que ofrecer a la CE, tal vez la proxima levantada saldre, no hay peso en la corte, el lenguaje de los abogados de la CE es muy limitado, sin pruebas objetivas que la juez ha reiterado que ya las vio y no tienen relavancia, a esto Rossen aprobvecho y acuso que la CE solo quiere ganar tiempo y sacar dinero a los fondos, con ese cuento de la informacion privilegiada y aprovechamiento para adquirir bonos, recuerdo que cuando cai wamu lo hacia de a pocos, todos sabiamos que iva a donde termino Lehmann,Sympson cuando escribas trata de ser neutral, no hay que ser aulico cuando las cosas van mal, solo hay que ser objetivo y analizar lo que ocurre en las audiencias, pedidos , solicitudes, denegaciones, actitudes en las palabra de la la Juez , los abogados, lenguajes corporales, que demuestran enojo, sorpresa,colera, risa normal , risa cachacienta, maquiavelica etc etc LA JUEZ hace meses solicito que entregaran informacion a la CE Y Weil no lo hizo, entego en forma limitada este hecho es agravante que va contra la admnistracion de justicia y hace caso omiso a esta Juez parcializada y no hay energia para incidir en este aspecto muy imoportante, solo dieron la informacion que a ellos les convenia, papeles de un laberinto creado por ellos mismos


Thoughts on 6/29 Hearing (por Patience 360)

There are many theories on 6/29 hearing. Most are negative (not surprisingly). I tend to agree with oilman that "… the agenda today was basically straighten up Aurelius only to make them a team player.” Here is why.

In my view, there is not much difference among four hedgies. By their own admission, AOC said the charges against them in motion to compel are about the same as those against Aurelius. It really doesn’t make much sense for the Judge to spare AOC while singling out Aurelius for further discovery, unless the Judge wants to put pressure on Aurelius to be cooperative.

It’s well known now that AOC were the SNHs negotiating with EC while Aurelius not.
This Aurelius party, who (1) refused to sit down with EC and was against settlement negotiations (by their own admission). I can now understand why EC spent unusually large amount of time researching their files (see my post Recent Susman Billing Statements, item #2, or Susman March Billing Statement). The timeline goes like this: 2/11, Order of IT investigation; 2/25, submission of bulk of documents by SNHs; 3/20, EC received “settlement offer” (according to Billing statement). Then on 3/23 (post 3/21 hearing) and 3/25, Ard spent nearly 10 hours focusing on Aurelius files. It was clear that EC knew at that time the “offer” did not include Aurelius, and wanted to know more about the fund and see why it failed to come forward. Remember, Aurelius was the only SNH got deposed (on 5/5) when the settlement talks were still going on. It is even clearer now than before that that was designed to bring some pressure on Aurelius as well as searching for answers. (2) Aurelius is also the only SNHs that has made a dramatic U-turn to openly oppose the approval of GSA/POR6 recently. It seems Aurelius’ position is at odds with almost everyone else. It refused to sit down with and make concessions to EC. It opposes GSA/POR6 confirmation and put itself up against the interests of other SNHs and the debtors. It also demanded JPM for the full amount of accrued interests (on $4B deposits). Even though Aurelius’ sudden U-turn is good for us in some way (full payment of accrued interests and opposition to GSA/POR6), it pretty much isolated itself from all other major parties, especially if those players are still considering or conducting negotiations behind the closed door. As oilman said “the court probably has more knowledge about settlement negotiations and hold ups…” so she “fired a warning shot to Aurelius”.

After the Judge’s decision on Motion to Compel yesterday, I was focusing on the change of temper in the court room and the decision. An idea came across my mind that during the break that the Judge might have asked the hudgies, do you still want to work with EC on the settlement? 3 hedgies said yes but Aurelius no. Back to the room, 3 hedgies were calmer and EC turned softer. The Judge hammered out her decision. This scenario seemed too romantic to be believed. Even though it’s more likely the break is just the break, it’s still possible, at a critical moment, the fact that the Judge stopped the clock by itself could be a signal to parties to collect yourself or you may go to he!! (long delays). No matter what happened, the above analysis has some valid grounds. Of course, the analysis has holes in it too. One of them is, if Aurelius was the focus, why bother to bring others hedgies into the Compel Motion?

oilman’s posts: ; .


Re: EC Order and Motion (under seal)

De aquí se va a extraer el resto de pruebas para probar Insider Trading para empezar por parte de Aurelius y por lo que le toca al resto.

Tengo ya ganas de leer las objeciones que Susman va a presentar para tumbar el POR y probablemente el GSA.

¿habrá Kosturos hoy dado una clase magistral de mimo en la Deposition?

Hasta mañana


Re: EC Order and Motion (under seal)

Se le acaba el tiempo al EC, el I.T. quedara en el olvido, la Juez ya demostró en el ultimo hearing no estar por la labor de destapar nada. El dia 13 se acerca y el EC esta inoperante para salvar a la equidad. Se acaba el tiempo y todas las acciones seran eliminadas en breve valiendo CERO, Simpson sigue bombeando informacion absurda de los foros USA para hacer ver que no pasa nada, la verdad es que se va a bajar el telon pronto. ¿Simpson de quien eres empleado? ¿Quien te paga para decir verdades a medias o mentiras encubiertas?


Re: Transcript from the 6/29/2011 Hearing.

Conclusion que la equidad lo tiene bastante crudo con esta Juez manipulada por el poder y carente de caracter para imponer disciplina y un discovery en condiciones, ante esta situacion y despues de haber demostrado su corrupcion al haber aprobado un DS que acumulaba 600 objeciones solo queda esperar a que el POR PRESENTADO POR LOS DEBTORS SEA CONFIRMADO Y TODAS LAS ACCIONES COMUNES Y PREFERENTES SEAN ELIMINADAS EN BREVE. No hay mas ciego que el que no quiere ver.


Re: Transcript from the 6/29/2011 Hearing.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz...