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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.596 / 3.346

Re: EC solicita documentos a los Hedges para 29 junio

Ni se los van a dar, que pensaba Susman que le iban a dar la prueba del delito, les ofrecieron un acuerdo y la posibilidad de salir de esta corte pero Susman en su soberbia como en la decisión del Examiner la cagó, espero equivocarme, pero lo mejor hubiera sido salir con el litigation trust fuera de la corte corrupta de bk.



El inversor sosegado

"Sell when everyone is buying, buy when there is blood on the street"

Cuando WAMU estaba en US$ 0.17 era una buena oportunidad para vender. Ahora los dioses te recomiendan (si vendiste) pacientemente esperes la próxima bajada para volver entrar (cuando WAMU esté a no menos de 100% por debajo de ese US$ 0.17), haciendo una cartera de "Wamu-Benefits" poco a poco si en el futuro vas a seguir largo. Aparentemente este juicio va para rato a menos que le den un golpe de estado mundial a JPM.

Hace poco el espíritu del Barón Nathan Rothschild, tuvo una entrevista con los dioses de Kinshasa, obsesivamente el Barón repetía y recomendaba aplicar su famosa frase en inglés mencionada anteriormente. Los dioses escuchaban atentos por respeto pero sin sorprenderse por las palabras de este señor británico dado que ya conocían esa milenaria regla.


Re: El inversor sosegado

Te lo dicen repetidamente... probablemente las WAMU las van eliminar.
WAMU es una empresa en quiebra.
Hay varios damnificados en WAMU.
Que después de meterte en WAMU y estar en pérdidas, los que te recomendaron a WAMU, por encima, se reirán de ti...

Pero nada... tú quieres WAMU, te estás perdiendo algo si no está contigo WAMU, necesitas estar dentro de WAMU como el macho dentro de la hembra.

Pues bien, hazlo por lo menos con unas reglas, compra en mínimo, vende en máximo, en sus periódicas fluctuaciones. Nunca pienses en el cohete que está a punto de despegar (podría salir disparado pero sería un "cisne negro", un evento altamente improbable -aunque teóricamente posible- y que no ha estado dentro de la media durante estos largos tres años). Especula si acaso con un pequeño-moderado capital en WAMU.

Ve apartando poco a poco ese capital inicial. Aísla los beneficios, reduce a la mínima expresión el capital inicial, no te expongas por encima de los beneficios si los has logrado meticulosamente (este proceso judicial, aparentemente llevará mucho tiempo). Las comunes tienen la mayor probabilidad de que sean eliminadas y sin embargo son las mejores que se pueden negociar con estas reglas.

Aparte de eso piensa en los eslóganes de la vieja Coca Cola, haz la asociación con WAMU. Mr. Simpson-Belleza apasionado de "El Secreto", recomienda aplicar los viejos eslóganes y cantarlos como un mantra:

Deliciosa y refrescante, WAMU-Coca Cola, buena hasta la última gota, disfruta de la vida... siempre WAMU.

Quieres a WAMU-Coca Cola... WAMU da vida, enjoy WAMU-Coca Cola, destapa la felicidad! no se puede abandonar la sensación, necesitas a WAMU, WAMU smile, : )

Todo lo que deseo se hará realidad, disfruta Coca Cola, digo WAMU jejeje


¿Porque permitio Walrath que las alegaciones de Nate Thoma siguieran adelante?

Now, I know I will get much flack (except from Gibson) from posters wanting to think if this post is from an imposter, and the answer is no. I am one who looks at both sides of the coin without my head stuck in the sand and searching for the correct outcome or what form of the truth the end will bring to enhance my potential profits. With that said, I cannot get through my mind why this Judge would even consider Thoma’s objections when he stood in court and discussed the potential insider trading of the Horsies with the court. If the Judge was/is as corrupt as (sometimes) I and many other have made her out to be, then why, why would she let Thoma’s objections carry on to the point the Judge discussed them several times in her denial of the original POR? She knew the Horsies traded (or should have) when JPM accused them of it and demanded the 2019 of which the Judge never followed through on. This Judge could have VERY easily listened to Thoma and took it”under advisement” only to never be heard from again. With a Judge doing this for seventeen years, she had to know that Susman would not only seize on this opportunity but also prove if given the proper tools and so far he has been given the tools.

I have been around a very large corporation for a long time and I know many other people involved here probably have been also. With that said, then many know what the term “team player” truly means and the bottom line means you do not disrupt the process by being a opinionated and argumentative with whatever the process or discussion is. I always thought if Judge Walrath wanted to be a team player with her higher authorities, then she too would have to be less argumentative, understanding behind closed doors and to the point of whatever these higher authorities were wanting her to do at least she had to pretend she agreed with them and give rulings to show that end. I would think by now the Judge would rally have to be extremely angry (inside-not showing it) with her so called higher authorities for not taking some of the stolen loot and settling this travesty. Instead these sick, greedy, corrupt and out of control higher authorities expect the Judge to fix all of these criminals corruption to the extent of possibly destroying herself. Maybe, she let Thoma’s inside trading accusation in for one reason and that with a crime being proven, this ultimate corruption could never be approved without a settlement including Equity. I still keep going back to why the Judge let this huge piece in when she could have easily ignored this as “hearsay” and quickly moved on to other issues and this would have been totally forgotten and now look at where we are…just saying…fair and balanced-maybe!


Re: El inversor sosegado

Inmigrante: Gracias por tus consejos. Creeme que cuando yo tenga claro que no hay más que arrascar sere el primero en cortar la posición... a dia de hoy de aquí al 13 de Julio hay mucha leña que cortar.


Opinion sobre la actitud de la Juez

Walrath-Did she EVER really plan to sign a POR without Equity?

Now, I know I will get much flack (except from Gibson) from posters wanting to think if this post is from an imposter, and the answer is no. I am one who looks at both sides of the coin without my head stuck in the sand and searching for the correct outcome or what form of the truth the end will bring to enhance my potential profits. With that said, I cannot get through my mind why this Judge would even consider Thoma’s objections when he stood in court and discussed the potential insider trading of the Horsies with the court. If the Judge was/is as corrupt as (sometimes) I and many other have made her out to be, then why, why would she let Thoma’s objections carry on to the point the Judge discussed them several times in her denial of the original POR? She knew the Horsies traded (or should have) when JPM accused them of it and demanded the 2019 of which the Judge never followed through on. This Judge could have VERY easily listened to Thoma and took it”under advisement” only to never be heard from again. With a Judge doing this for seventeen years, she had to know that Susman would not only seize on this opportunity but also prove if given the proper tools and so far he has been given the tools.

I have been around a very large corporation for a long time and I know many other people involved here probably have been also. With that said, then many know what the term “team player” truly means and the bottom line means you do not disrupt the process by being a opinionated and argumentative with whatever the process or discussion is. I always thought if Judge Walrath wanted to be a team player with her higher authorities, then she too would have to be less argumentative, understanding behind closed doors and to the point of whatever these higher authorities were wanting her to do at least she had to pretend she agreed with them and give rulings to show that end. I would think by now the Judge would rally have to be extremely angry (inside-not showing it) with her so called higher authorities for not taking some of the stolen loot and settling this travesty. Instead these sick, greedy, corrupt and out of control higher authorities expect the Judge to fix all of these criminals corruption to the extent of possibly destroying herself. Maybe, she let Thoma’s inside trading accusation in for one reason and that with a crime being proven, this ultimate corruption could never be approved without a settlement including Equity. I still keep going back to why the Judge let this huge piece in when she could have easily ignored this as “hearsay” and quickly moved on to other issues and this would have been totally forgotten and now look at where we are…just saying…fair and balanced-maybe!


La gran chapuza de Susman & EC

Lo que está claro es que Susman o el EC no se muy bien la ha vuelto a cagar pero bien, todavía anda con mociones para que le den documentos como un "loco" después de perder el tiempo en las negociaciones y no hacer los deberes previamente. Recordemos que mañana tiene la moción de emergencia, ni en el mejor de los casos aunque los hedge fueran buenos y le dieran toda la documentación les daría tiempo físico en revisarles hasta el 1 de julio de fecha límite para las objeciones al plan, lo dicho Dios nos pille confesados. Los hedge han visto una puerta abierta para escaparse las deposiciones no les importan un carajo ya han sido todos depuestos sin miedo a ninguna persecución criminal por la SEC, y sin papeles no hay nada incriminatorio. Recordemos para el que no lo sepa que el acusadio tiene derecho en una declración a guardar silencio, no declarar contra si mismo, mentir, ... el que acusa sólo puede decir la verdad, y como no la demuestre se fastidió el invento.

Ahora a seguir pumpeando... ñam ñam
