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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.564 / 3.346

Re: Wall Street Journal encima del Insider Trading

Jajaja Simpson no te preocupes si las acciones vuelven a caer en relacion al POR 6, no el 7 que ves tu, el hilo se fundirá solo, no digas que no habra POR 6 ¿En que te basas? Los acontecimientos barajan que a la juez se lo van a poner en bandeja para que lo apruebe. Tus vaticinios han vuelto a fallar, que si Rosen estaba de farol, lo de siempre, que no das una.


La que se avecina...

The EC has already established that they need to finish discovery before they submit their objection to POR V6. We will likely see the confirmation date change accordingly if the debtors continue with this charade.

I suspect this time SG has smoking gun evidence of wrongdoing and will force Walrath to compel document turnover.

Por cierto el Hearing 13 de Julio hay un nuevo Juez que lo preside... mmmmmmmmmmm


Re: Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Its Motion for an Order Compel

Jaja Simpson! Ojala! De lo que estoy segura es que si me lo pierdo no va a ser por haberme ido antes ;)
Pd: y tranquilo q si sale mal, no voy a reclamar nada porq me hayas dicho q no me voy a quedar sin premio ;)


La sinfonía de Susman

symphony composed by Susman?

I have been thinking about how I would bait the big fish for a while....

Here is what I came up with.

Since we know the path to the GSA was tainted - JPM even knew it.

How do you draw JPM into the frey?

By attempting to settle with the Hedgies, knowing that JPM will let them burn.

Do this settlement without TPS - to let them scuttle the deal.

Have TPS Kill this new settlement and force the depositions - something WEIL/A&M and Co, JPM, FDIC and the hedgies cannot let happen.

If JPM forces the hedgies into a position of being deposed - give the hedgies immunity to give up Weil/A&M and Co.

Once cornered, Weil/A&M and Co will give up JPM - and all their actions in this event - to save their asses.

And JPM will turn on FDIC to try to eliminate their overall liability.... using the ol' "we just did what you asked" lie.

This will cause the FDIC to turn on JPM and expose the foundation of this illegal seizure and theft.

This may become a cascade event - where it ALL comes out - Susman by having the rats in such tight restraint that all they can do is to start to eat their own.

I never believed that we would see any thing from this particular set of negotiations - after IT depositions were threatened and then called off.... The hedgies pockets were not deep enough to sustain a settlement. It is all just a tactic to pull larger fish into the net.

I never through JPM or FDIC - due to their hubris - would allow any equity to get anything from this POR... cause it would threaten the whole premise of the GSA. These events would kill any settlement proposed by the DIP, JPM and put EC fully in charge.

I think that TPS volunteered to torpedo the "settlement" to open up the depo's again... and start the WEIL/A&M and Co/JPM/FDIC thinking about loosening their wallets to keep a lid on their illegal activities....

In the end - GSA dead, Depositions may occur, but EC in control


Re: La sinfonía de Susman

Ya, vamos a esperar a la sinfonia de Rosen, tambien decian que el DS no se aprobaria con tropecientas objeciones en su contra, ahora solo se habla de los Hedges y Depositions, lo cierto es que el POR 6 sigue adelante y es la juez la que debe aprobarlo y normalmente despues de un DS confirmado aparece el POR para llevarlo adelante con la nueva empresa. Susman solo ha ganado tiempo con la objecion de Nate pero las cartas ya estan todas jugadas y Rosen con los debtors son La Banca.


Re: La sinfonía de Susman

te recuerdo que el POR 6 fue rechazado...


Re: La sinfonía de Susman

El POR 6 esta en stand-by, si no dime el hearing del 5 de julio ¿Que se va a tratar en audiencia A PARTE de que se confirme?


Re: La sinfonía de Susman

No se va a confirmar un pimiento.
Cuenta con ello me lo ha dicho la Bruja Lolaila.

Se ha ganado tiempo POR 6 está RIP !!!!!

POR 6 ... y Rosen al saber que los Depositions han vuelto

POR 6 ... y Rosen al saber que los Depositions han vuelto