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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.040 / 3.346

Re: Repasando mensajes................

En efecto Vene que jodida es a veces!


EC: Depositions... por fin !!!!

11/10/2010 5837 Joinder in Notice of Deposition of William Koturos as Designee of Washington Mutual Inc. Filed by Official Committee of Equity Holders. (Taylor, Gregory) (Entered: 11/10/2010)

11/10/2010 5842 Joinder in Notice of Deposition of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. by Rule 30(b)(6) Representative Filed by Official Committee of Equity Holders. (Taylor, Gregory) (Entered: 11/10/2010)

On Pacer


Re: EC: Depositions... por fin !!!!

Hola Mr,

En tu opinión podria ser que la subida de hoy tenga relación a estos requerimientos?

Otro tema: Ahora que tenemos 3 dias más para la votación, valdrá la pena asegurarnos donde tenemos que votar. A través del broker o bién directamente.


Re: EC: Depositions... por fin !!!!

No lo se, pienso que si y el retraso de las votaciones puede significar que igual no tienen los votos suficientes... al menos algo es algo. Si mañana continua la subida respiraremos mejor.

A ver si empapelan a Kosturos que es la celula durmiente en el BOD y se lo dejan al Texano Susman para que le de un poco de plomo y le meta el miedo en el cuerpo.


Re: EC: Depositions... por fin !!!!

hola, aunque no participo los he seguido a diario desde hace un tiempo, recibí este mail de [email protected] que os copio:

Urgent, Please respond..


for those of you who sent emails you will get receiving the following:

As you are aware, we have gathered your information so we can become a cohesive group with the goal of addressing the needs of all shareholders of WMI in recovering as much possible for all equity classes. We have been in communication with United, a group based out of Cologne, Germany. They have been organizing for quite some time and now have over 950 members with whom we share this common goal. United has pooled member and financial resources, and they are much more organized than we are. United has retained counsel who is well versed with how the current players and CEO's of the companies involved in this case are going to act and react.

You will recognize his name and firm once he has entered into the case. His firm is internationally known. The United group leader, Stefan, is in current contact with the attorney and is working with him to plan out our case for the future. At this time the following is requested of us.

Cat and I have already collected your name and share counts. The Attorney has told Stefan we need to gather as many members information as possible to facilitate the representation in "Numbers" and "Strength", which we are in need of at this time. The greater the number of shareholders and numbers, the better our chances will be with Judge Walrath.

You originally wrote to us in an email detailing you information. Currently the attorney is not requesting home addresses, but there may come a time where he might, and we can address this if the request is made.

What we need:

1. Reply back to this email with authorization to release your information to the Attorney, so it can be put on the record. We will forward your information to United.


2. You may go ahead and send an email to [email protected] and give Stefan your information. Stefan and the Group United have become very active in our search for justice in this case. We will fight as hard as possible.

We need to have all responses to release information, and any additional requests to be added sent to [email protected] by Thursday Nov 11, 2010 9:00 pm EST.
Cat and I will be the USA liaisons and Stefan will be the European liaison for our case. We have the Equity Committee fighting on our side, but it never hurts to use alternate routes if necessary. You originally sent in your information to us to be recorded to Support the Hoffman Request for unsealing the documents. We will also be supporting the new Hoffman request to Stop the GSA on the basis of Rule 554.

It is a very interesting document. If you have not read it, we urge you to do so.

We will be joining together to work with United, and Now Us to Become "United International."

I assure you we will do everything we can to fight this POR and the BK confirmation.

Thank You,

Don (fsshon) Ihub
Cat (luv2shop) Ihub


Re: EC: Depositions... por fin !!!!

Dear WaMu Shareholder:

While we have attained the goal of getting an Equity Committee, there have been
some important new developments.

I have been made aware of a couple of groups that are taking this fight to a
new level. One of these groups is out of Germany, and has garnered huge support.

This EMail will introduce 'Cat' and Don, and this new group.

They are gathering letters in support of the 'Hoffman Papers':

These papers have recently been filed with the court and ask that certain
documents be 'un-sealed' for public viewing, and also that the current
litigation against the FDIC be continued, and not be dropped.

Their legal team is also taking other steps to increase any recovery for WaMu

So without further ado...

Welcome and Information message from Cat and Don:

As you may or not be aware, Don (Fsson) and Cat (luv2shop) from IHub ( ) have been
gathering names and share counts for support of the Hoffman Papers. You may
have already sent an email to us at [email protected] . I’d like to take a
moment to share with you what we are doing.

We have gathered information so we can become a cohesive group with the goal of
addressing the needs of all shareholders of WMI in recovering as much as
possible for all equity classes.

We have been in communication with United, a group based out of Cologne,
Germany. They have been organizing for quite some time and now have over 950
members with whom we share this common goal.

We will be joining together to work with United and to
become "United International".

Our goal is to continue to support requests and objections filed by Hoffman as
well as legal actions that may be filed by an attorney retained by the United

Any proposed legal action would NOT be in conflict with the Equity Committee,
but rather pursuing options that may not be available to them.

If you agree with this effort, and you have not already done so we are asking
that you send an EMail to [email protected] . This EMail should contain your
name, email address, the state or country you live in if not the US and the
number of shares you own.

By sending the above EMail to [email protected] , you will be giving consent
to share this information with legal counsel. This list is being maintained by

Please take a few moments to send this EMail, and help our cause.

Thank you to everyone who has thus far provided the requested information and
consent, and I look forward to hearing from many more of my fellow

Cat (luv2shop)
Don (Fsshon)

Best Regards, Hans


URGENTE ayuda con Selftrade

Me acaban de responder de Selftrade:

"Estimado Cliente,

Desde el departamento de Operaciones nos comunican que esta información es la que nos remite Merrill Lynch, no podemos confirmar nada más lo que nos remite Merrill Lynch.

Deberá de indicarnos que opción toma la 1 o la opción 2, si no informa al respecto se dará por sentado que adopta por la opción 1, le recordamos que debe de informarlo por escrito, respondiendo este email."

Os recuerdo las opciones que venían en el PDF adjunto:
Option 1:

Holders may choose the opt-out election and elect to not grant the releases contained in Section 43.60 of the plan.

Option 2:


Holders may elect to receive reorganized common stock, creditor cash or liquidating trust interests or a combination thereof
for each USD 1000 Principal Amount held.

Option Default:

Default Option:



Es decir, por el mail nos dicen que 'por defecto' nos activan la opción 1, es decir, POR DEFECTO SI NO HACEMOS NADA ESTAMOS ACTIVANDO LA CASILLA DE OPT OUT, que es lo que se supone que no hay que hacer.

He denunciado esta votación a Nelson (el abogado de Susman) pero mientras tanto, ¿qué debería de hacer?

Entiendo que votar y marcar la opción 1, ¿no?