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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.543 / 3.346

Ya sabemos porque bajamos


Han sido rápido ya tenían anticipada la jugada del EC sobre el examinador.


Re: Ya sabemos porque bajamos

Mañana seguiremos bajando, se perdio el trading esta vez.

Espero equivocarme, saludos.


Re: Ya sabemos porque bajamos

Ojala sea ese el suelo y que los daytraders ya se hayan sacado su cacho y empecemos a subir de modo consistente


Re: Ya sabemos porque bajamos

Hola maximunae,pues buena señal parece que los nuestros tienen un arbol de decisiones bien armando,en el que contemplan las putadas que nos puedan ir haciendo y ya tienen prevista la forma de menos parece que curran los nuestros

a ver si llega el dia que pasamos a la via de los hechos y la juez hace justicia porque tanta mocion y recontramocion es una cahondeo,todo por no haber aprobado el discovery o examinador como debia.

bona nit


Re: Ya sabemos porque bajamos

Ah te queria preguntar antes de sobar que valoracion haces de la oferta del santander de los 80 billones????aun abrira la caja de los truenos el bueno del principe gitano botin


Re: Ya sabemos porque bajamos


Queeeeeé crees? que no me deja ver el documento me marca Forbbiden!

Me ayudas o me comentas que dice?



Maximunae: Fijate lo preocupado que estan que nada más poner Susman la mocion ya habian contestado. Susman ya tiene preparada la estrategia así que ahora hasta el 17 de juno no preveo goteos más bien lo contrario. La Juez no se puede haber tomado estas molestias si no es para aprobarlo. Soy un pesado pero estos vaivenes son para hacerse con el control de las acciones.

NO PIENSO VENDER... esto debería ir a más.

About Motion for the Examiner.

A read through shows Susman's take on the entire matter from A to Z, naming names, naming associates, naming problems, all point to potential criminal behavior...and are not subtley said.

Rosen must be having a sh!t fit, because it's the truth and it's being blasted to every participant and / or Agency onlooker (SEC, etc). When a lawyer of Susman's standing is bold enough to smartly take Weil's (also respected in the field till now)original complaint and improve upon it, and then stick it into Weil's eye, then you know that other peers are now watching this case and the Judge.

A ruling by Judge Walrath in support of an Examiner will have great consequences to the perps of this sham, like an introduction to the DOJ, as this case could merit it. IMHO, she will peel Rosen slimy hand off her sleeve and opt for a "neutral" Examiner and in essence, that gives her the skinny on all the areas she wishes to find fact. If she truly wants to find fact, then she has to also include Susman's basic complaint about the FDIC/JPM collusion, as there are litigation claims for undervaluation of assets, misplaced assets, as well as damages.

Rosen is in convulsions, as he realizes that Susman knows how to play the game well and since Rosen already blew his wad on the POR/DS he is caught in a terrible dilema..he is about to put all his clients in extreme jeopardy, ie., Damage awards, Shareholder (former holders) Class Action, WMB bondholder lawsuit, Third party civil complaints, Criminal complaints..and whatever the cat drags home.

Rosen is seriously worried, he is desperate (deposing the EC)and must be living with a paper bag to control his hyperventilations. This guy is so close to being fuk'd, it's unbelievable. Maybe 10 days away, maybe 30 days, maybe more, but just around the corner is ole Weil & Gotshal discussing who gets to be the bagholder on this one (funny how many times Rosen's name comes up)and do you know how it feels when you can sense them taking negatively behind your back and you can see your life sliding down a sewer...

Bye, bye Rosen, the fuk'n rat !