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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.495 / 3.346

Re: Buenas a todos, uno que se larga

Yo tengo una orden de venta de las h's para mañana a 32$ por si la cosa sale bien, que ya les sacaré +50% desde que las pille de nuevo a 20$ y con eso ya me doy con un canto en los dientes. Aunque sigo dentro con las 100mil comunes de bonoloto.



¿Y el rally de las preferentes a última hora a qué ha sido debido?

Pues eso, que me conecto ahora y veo que a última hora ha subido desde 25 a 27 (+8%)

¿a qué ha sido debido?


Re: ¿Y el rally de las preferentes a última hora a qué ha sido debido?

A una compra a mercado de uno que quería posicionarse en preferentes, desesperadamente antes de mañana.



Re: ¿Y el rally de las preferentes a última hora a qué ha sido debido?

Para mi se ha debido al post 11946 con la aprobación de la Juez.
Las comunes quedaron casi sin pérdidas.


Re: ¿Y el rally de las preferentes a última hora a qué ha sido debido?

Las Ks han subido a ultima hora solo por 300 acciones, mañana probablemente vuelvan a 0.70
Las Ps por una 2200.
Faltan noticias favorable para subidas reales.


Re: Buenas a todos, uno que se larga

Como iba peña aqui esta muyyyy perdida...


Judge must rule for equity

The equity committee and its representative, Susman, have not really been able to do anything to this point as far as making a case to the court in regards to its own valuation of the WMI estate by providing critical financial information. Of course, we still have not even see this from the debtor's side.

Judge Walrath did not even give the EC the right to intervene until the last possible moment in the first eighteen months leading up to the last day to file a POR by the debtors.

We have now gone through this two month window of exclusivity and the EC and Susman still have been unable to get anything accomplished as far as competitive valuations. This is not to say that they have not been working very hard. So far, their greatest victory has been to be allowed access to information by the Judge even though she turned down the examiner. Well, that did not work out since the other parties are not complying with the Judge's request.

So, here we are. If the Judge really believes that the estate has enough money to trickle down to equity (at least preferreds) then she must give the EC and Susman its opportunity to present its case. According to EC and Susman, they need to get at many pertinent documents and other important information to properly make its own case. Thus, the Judge must give them what they need and this means true discovery and potentially an examiner to get at the details.

The Judge must allow the EC make its case. Otherwise, there would have been no reason to allow the EC to form in the first place. Based on what Susman has already entered before the court, it is clear that many issues still need to be resolved in this case including a more complete understanding of the assets involved. The Judge knows this and will come through for equity tomorrow by allowing them the discovery they will need to proceed AND the time it will take to get this done.

It is now time for the EC to have its turn to produce its own case which could result in its own POR or even take this thing to trial


Re: Judge must rule for equity

Y si después de tantas fechas claves donde esperamos ansiosos subidas y terminabamos con la cara larga, AHORA que no estamos muy pendientes y varios se bajaron de la nave, WAMU nos da una alegría !!!

