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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.186 / 3.346

WAMU en el pais de las maravillas

Acabo de llegar de ver la impresionante obra maestra de Tim Burton y que os puedo decir... nuestras WAMU estan sufriendo una transformación porque nada es lo que parece y no queda mucho para que empiecen a destaparse las verdades que llevan 18 meses escondidas.

Los reguladores la jodieron, eso está claro porque es lo que la prensa dice. FDIC y OTS se echan la culpa y eso habrá despertado a nuestra juez que también habrá leido el lamento de los accionistas. La Juez está para defender al pueblo y no a Wall Street ni Washington.

Os recomiendo que vayais a verla en 3D y os dejeis llevar y olvidaros de vuestras WAMU por un rato (la peli lo consigue...pero tras acabar vuelta a la vida real :)


Resumen de una gran Semana (aunque no lo creais viendo el precio de las acciones)

This was an eventful week for Washington Mutual, with two important things happening:

(1) Kerry Killengers interview with the Senate committee, where he defended WAMU's liquidity, and the fact that the FDIC acted pre-maturely in seizing the bank. Killenger stated the factual reasons for his position:
(a). TARP was released, and should have applied to the nations largest thrift, that is what TARP was for Gods sake, not investment banks
(b). The FDIC raised the limit of insured deposits to $250K
(c). WAMU was paying down its debt with the $2B in interest income, as well as cutting back on expenses. The progress was making real improvement in the bottom line and management saw no reason to sell the bank even before TARP, thus Killengers decline of DImon's $8 a share offer

(2) Senate showed that this investigation into mortgage banking was clearly focused on Washington Mutual. How convenient that this hearing is held at the same time an ongoing case in US Bankruptcy court is ongoing and gaining traction with the court already ruling against lying JPM regarding the $4B deposit which belongs to WMI.

(3) Bair defends her seizure, for obvious reasons and claims nothing else could have been done. This is an outright false statement considering the FDIC violated its confidentiality agreement with Washington Mutual by disclosing a seizure to JPM weeks before. This breach eliminated any reason for JPM to bid, and also opened up the opportunity to short the stock.

(4) The stocks that were part of the "clubby few," were extended special considerations like TARP funds and protection from short selling. Those that were not part of the "clubby few," got crushed, i.e. Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual.


The summarization of this weeks events clearly show the US Government, led by secretary Paulson, created a special club that intended to consolidate the banking sector and used the financial crisis as a tool to make it possible. The lawsuit brought on by WMI has exposed the truth of what really happened and the court will continue to award favorable rulings to Washington Mutual.

The corruption by private sector appointed politicians is already exposed, and JPM will loose this one in the end. Now that Kerry Killenger has emerged as a voice of not only the EC, but his legacy WM, good things will happen, and quickly in my opinion. The fact that GS was just brought up on corruption / ethical charges adds further fuel to the theory that Goldman may have hurt WM more than it helped it find a buyer. Killenger said in his testimony before the senate, he never trusted GS.

Its all out now, now all longs need to pound the concept of the club to the senate, and how we will never vote for the corrupt politicians who signed off on this.


Re: WAMU en el pais de las maravillas

Tomate una tila Mr. Simpson, seguro que te has bebido 3 cubatas en el bar del cine y estas alucinando.
Las WAMUQ aun estan a 0.17, no a 8 USD y aun planea la sombra de Rosen por el juzgado queriendo cancelarlas.
No habras visto "Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas" que tambien la proyectan.


Re: WAMU en el pais de las maravillas

Venerando no me he tomado ninguno y la peli era la de Alicia y menuda pasada de peli por cierto :)
A mi no me quita el sueño el precio de las acciones.

Rosen va a intentar por todos lados cancelarlas... la pena para el y alegria para nosotros es que no se lo van a permitir

Dice un refran... "cuando las barbas de tu vecino veas pelar (GS) pon las tuyas a remojar (JPM)"

Lo de la SEC de hoy es el disparo de salida para lo que se avecina la semana que viene.


Re: Insiders JPM venden $4 Millones en acciones

Desde mi punto de vista, el hachazo de la SEC al todopoderoso Goldman Sachs es algo que quizás hoy nos parece irrelevante, pero que puede ayedarnos en un futuro. Aquí no hay nadie que se salve o este protegido al 100%. En cuanto JPM se despiste,... ZAS en toda la boca!!!

Buen finde!!! Go WaMu!!!



Al señor Reich de la ots lo vamos a tener que contratar para el EC, este si ha dado caña de la buena a la fdic y todos sus complices, leer el exhibit que acaba de salir en el senado a partir de la pagina 258. Claro que de todo esto por el show televisivo no leyeron nada, ahora entiendo la cara de cabreao que tenia el señor Reich.


Nuestro rayito de luz en los medios usa

Esperemos que Killinger y Reich puedan servir como testigos para el EC, porque son los únicos que parecen dispuestos a plantar cara.
