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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.089 / 3.346

Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

Gracias, pero no se muestra esa compra,yo consulte con mi broker y me confirma que se dio una venta a 42.55 pero parecia una locura, que con toda seguridad se revierta esa situacion


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

Ahh! Bueno pues alguna novedad la comentas si?


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

No sabía yo que pudieras dar 'marcha atrás' a una operación de mercado...

¿y que le dirán al infeliz que creía haber vendido 3800 WAMUQs a 42$?


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

LE DIRAN: Usted disculpe! ja! Y eso si le dicen algo.!


Posible Plan de Ataque de VENABLE (Ideas de Larry888

And if I was a fly on the wall, this is what I would have heard;

Attack the POR as a failure with no real foundation, nor supporters as deviously "foistered" on the court.

Highlight the POR for leaving out the important financials.

Comment on Rosen's "sanctionable" practices of false statements to the court on the various parties "support" for the POR and manipulating previous displayed financials.

Question why Rosen (Weil) did not pursue the taking of the $4 billion "deposit" when they had the right to.

Question the laxity in disposing of the largest unsecured creditors who are not acceptable for claims submitted.

Display to the court "reality numbers" that show A>L, in contrast to Rosen's manipulated numbers.

Question the POR giveaway of assets to balance the books to L>A.

Admonish the WMI Board puppets for their disregard of the equity and common shareholder, whose rights and value are being hi-jacked and not being independent.

Questioning the complete retreat of WMI in prosecuting their complaint in light of the substantial actions that were lodged day one and the successive progress that was made till the POR was presented.

Question the clandestine plan to deprieve equity of the rightful value they are entitled too, till the last moment of exclusivity.

Question why Rosen never upped the complaint to a "tort" when advised by Walrath, that they could.

Highlight the machinations of JPM to show the court the devious behind the scenes collusion with the FDIC, persuading them with false information to take over WMB.

Boldly recap the original complaint in its entirety to highlight the power of the complaint to retrieve "stolen and misplaced assets".

Emphasize how the current board is no longer able to perform their duties and must be replaced.

Show the "true asset value" of WMI according to Soloman's estimate and pro-forma, excluding and including unliquidated actions.

Ask for a SJ on the $4 billion.

Ask for the denial of the POR on "defective information and misleading information".

Ask for Weil / Rosen to be removed on grounds of "false and misleading information and misrepresentation"

Ask for the temporary appointment of a Trustee till a shareholder vote.

Ask for a shareholder vote.

And last but not least, I see them putting all this into a powerful series of motions, with elegant legalize, that will rock the opponents and make headline news for exposing all the skanks, gluttons, thieves, turncoats, crooks, malfeaseants and scumbags involved with the bondholders, Boardmembers, JPM and especially Jamie Dimon. All coming to your screen possibly by Monday on.....


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

Segun mi broker tiene un plazo de 3 dias para modificar una operacion, son casos muy aislados pero si se da no podes decir nada, aguantate catalina jejeje

Generalmente hay 1 en 1000000 pero puede pasar, algo paso tambien en wamuq que alguien puso una orden a 0.018 y saltaron todo los stops, y despues se desarmo la operacion.


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

U$S 0,183 y U$S 45, aunque estamos lejos, estamos más cerca...


Re: alguien ha comprado WAMUQ a 6,5535

Subidon!!! :-P

Por hoy no está nada mal. Menudo chicharro es WaMu. Go WaMu!!!