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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.096 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

No me cuadran los datos entonces FutureCyborg, la verdad es que estoy hablando de memoria, pero juraria que en el MOR de Enero, la diferencia entre A y L era menor de 4 billones con lo que si ahora los tenemos apuntado como Assets, entonces las cuentas no me salen, deberiamos estar en A=L o muy cerca. No se, habría que mirar los dos MOR y ver cuales son las cifras que bailan.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Pues segun el MOR de Febrero esos son los numeros,tal como posteo Mr Simpson

Washington Mutual Inc
- Assets $6,928,030,786
- Debts $8,296,819,086
- Short ($1,368,788,300)

WMI Investment Corp
- Assets $921,852,736
- Debts $25,375
- Over $921,827,005

So according to this A


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Ahora mismo estamos $450Millions "out of the money" y una vez que se llegue a un acuerdo en el reparto del NOL y figure en el proximo MOR,estaremos aproximadamente $850-900M "in the money",dinero que se repartiran preferentes (P's,K's y Cayman Reit) Devolucion NOL $1,8B menos $475M que ya aparecen reflejados en el MOR bajo el epigrafe "income tax recevaible" nos deja $1,3B a sumar a los activos saludos


Mas negocios turbios de JPM;topicseen

If I'm reading this right JPM made off with a cool $ 914.7 million in stock owned by Washington Mutual Bank, FSB.

I'm beginning to see why Paulson pulled the Federal Home Loan Bank and Freddie Mac Accounts from WAMU as described by dmac5_4. This was quite an orchastration by Paulson and JPM......transfer the accounts, cause the run on the bank, take over WAMU and hide the stock transfer to JPM.

Hell of a deal, don't you think?

Three other smaller member institutions were also placed into receivership or liquidation during the
third quarter of 2008. Two of these institutions had advances outstanding at the time they were placed into
receivership. All of these advances have since been repaid, and no losses were incurred by the FHLBank
of San Francisco. The remaining institution did not have any advances outstanding at the time it was
placed into liquidation. In addition, three member institutions were placed into receivership in November
2008. These institutions had advances outstanding totaling $3,843 million at the time they were placed
into receivership. As of December 2, 2008, one of these institutions had repaid its advances outstanding,
while the other two institutions had advances outstanding totaling $2,625 million. No losses were
incurred by the FHLBank of San Francisco.
FHLBank of San Francisco’s Member Washington Mutual Bank Acquired by JPMorgan Chase.
On September 25, 2008, the FDIC was appointed receiver for Washington Mutual Bank. In connection
with the receivership, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, a nonmember, assumedWashington
Mutual Bank’s outstanding FHLBank of San Francisco advances and acquired the associated FHLBank
of San Francisco’s capital stock, which became mandatorily redeemable. As of the receivership date,
Washington Mutual Bank was the FHLBank of San Francisco’s second largest borrower and stockholder,
and JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, is the FHLBank of San Francisco’s second largest
borrower and stockholder. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, remains obligated for all of
Washington Mutual Bank’s outstanding advances and continues to hold the FHLBank of San Francisco’s
capital stock it acquired from the FDIC as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank. On October 24, 2008,
JPMorgan Bank and Trust Company, National Association, as affiliate of JPMorgan Chase Bank,
National Association, became a member of the FHLBank of San Francisco.
FHLBank of Seattle’s Member Washington Mutual Bank, FSB Acquired by JPMorgan Chase. On
September 25, 2008, in a transaction facilitated by the FDIC, Washington Mutual Bank, FSB was
acquired by JPMorgan Chase, a non-member. In early October 2008, JPMorgan Chase notified the
FHLBank of Seattle that it had merged Washington Mutual Bank, FSB into a non-member entity,
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. that assumed the fully collateralized, related advances and capital stock of
the FHLBank of Seattle. Effective October 7, 2008, the FHLBank of Seattle reclassified Washington
Mutual Bank, FSB’s membership to that of non-member shareholder that is no longer able to enter into
new borrowing arrangements with the FHLBank of Seattle and transferred its $163.9 million in Class A
stock and $750.8 million in Class B stock to mandatorily redeemable capital stock on the Statement of

I think what we found is that JPM walked with $4 Bil. in WMB FSNB stock ......and may have cashed it in?

IMO Paulson and JPM schemed to move the funds to JPM and new damn well that the stock owned by WAMU FNSB might not be discovered.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that no one else is chiming in. To me this is a major find that to my knowledge has not been discussed before.

Just to sum up, it appears (on PDF page 129) that on June 30, 2008 WMI owned $2.822 Billion of the FHLB while JPM owned nothing:

Then, on September 30, 2008 (PDF page 151) WMI owned nothing yet JPM owned
$4.097 Billion of the FHLB.

Now, as of September 30, 2009 (PDF page 204) JPM owned $3.467 Billion of the FHLB.
Maybe I’m a little slow about this but could this be one of the transferred assets which have yet to be disclosed?


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Future estas diciendo que el MOR de febrero ya trae reflejados 1.8B del NOL????? Es que si es asi, mucho han cambiado las cuentas desde hace un mes. Cuando llegue a casa tengo que mirar el MOR de Enero, pero vamos de lo que estoy seguro es que 4Billones + 1.8B NOL =5.8 Billones y con esos billones en Enero ya hubieramos podido pagar el valor total de las preferentes.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

No,solo estan reflejados los $4B de la devolucion de JPM a WMI,el NOL aun no esta asentado en el MOR de Febrero,pero aparece una partida de $475M en "income tax recevaible" que nadie sabe a que pertenece y dan por supuesto que pudiese ser parte del NOL,aunque en realidad el total del NOL a recibir
por WMI seria del orden de $1.8B,una vez asentado el NOL en el proximo MOR
ya los activos superarian con creces al pasivo


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Y mientras en Frankfurt,...

0,1330 € -0,0030 (-2,21%)

Es decir, para variar están a la pesca. :-D


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Hola sabeis porque en la cnbc ahora lleva mas de 20 minutos de retraso??? gracias