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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
165 suscriptores
Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
15.190 / 38.210

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

¿Tendrá que ver la fracasada opa de Walgreen sobre Rite Aid? Habrá tenido que la de Monsanto vaya a seguir el mismo camino


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Noticia de hace unos minutos 

 Bayer AG announced the company will be adjusting full-year forecasts for sales and earnings in the Crop Science and Consumer Health divisions. This will also result in adjustments to the forecasts for Group sales and earnings indicators. The outlook will be adjusted during preparation of the interim report for the second quarter and announced with its publication.

Bayer's Crop Science Division will have to adjust its business forecast for fiscal 2017. At the end of the harvest season in Brazil, regular stocktaking revealed an unexpectedly high channel inventory level of crop protection products. Bayer said it will be working with customers to initiate measures aimed at normalizing the situation. This will have a one-time effect of 300 million to 400 million euros on earnings (EBITDA before special items) for the full year 2017. Appropriate accounting measures are already being taken in the second quarter.

Bayer is also expecting earnings to be additionally impacted by unfavorable currency developments. Business performance by the Consumer Health Division is weaker than previously expected.


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Bayer comunica un profit warning a la CNMV:

Leverkusen, June 30, 2017 – Despite an encouraging start to the year and continued good growth momentum, Bayer’s Crop Science Division will have to adjust its business forecast for fiscal 2017.

At the end of the harvest season in Brazil, regular stocktaking revealed an unexpectedly high channel inventory level of crop protection products.

For this reason, Bayer will be working with its customers to initiate measures aimed at normalizing the situation. This will have a one-time effect of EUR 300 million to EUR 400 million on earnings (EBITDA before special items) for the full year 2017.

Appropriate accounting measures are already being taken in the second quarter.
Bayer is also expecting earnings to be additionally impacted by unfavorable currency developments. Business performance by the Consumer Health Division is weaker than previously expected.

Against this background, Bayer will be adjusting its full-year forecasts for sales and earnings in the Crop Science and Consumer Health divisions. This will also result in adjustments to the forecasts for Group sales and earnings indicators.

By contrast, the Pharmaceuticals Division and Covestro continue to perform strongly. The Animal Health business unit is performing in line with expectations. The outlook will be adjusted during preparation of the interim report for the second
quarter and announced with its publication. 



Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

El efecto Trump en el cambio dólar/peso mejicano ha desaparecido, como el 90% de sus planes..... Parece que se confirma de nuevo que los presidentes son las herramientas de los grandes mega millonarios americanos, que son los que realmente deciden que se hace y que no, Trump debería entenderlo mejor que nadie, se está bajando del caballo ya.


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Que razón tienes,ni va a hacer mega plan de infraestructuras ni muro ni gran cambio de la reforma sanitaria ni nada de nada,los poderes económicos mandan y el solo es un títere


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Sigue soñando, incluso con los mensajes del Bce y la Fed para que no se caiga el castillo de naipes, alguna fuga habrá.

Es sano que los valores de bolsa se acerquen a niveles prudentes de descuento de flujos de caja, sobre todo en USA, siempre pienso lo mismo, más competencia, márgenes más pequeños aunque el gasto total sea el mismo, si compro unas zapatillas en Amazon, no las voy a comprar en Wallmart, no pueden descontar las dos esa venta...


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Hoy debutaba Unicaja no? Es que no lo veo. Que tal?


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Comienza a cotizar a las 12:00