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Recomendación libro

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Recomendación libro
Recomendación libro
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Recomendación libro

Permitidme que os recomiende el libro que estoy terminando, creo que es de obligada lectura para todo inversor.


Re: Recomendación libro

me lo apunto como pendiente!;)


Re: Recomendación libro

Buenos dias,me gustaria leerlo pero si es en ingles,no lo podre leer.


Re: Recomendación libro

Imagino que solo estará en inglés, así que lo añado a la lista de libros por leer... pero al final... jaja

Una pequeña reseña del libro seria mucho pedir?



Re: Recomendación libro

US$49,46 en amazon.

os copio la reseña, in english, of course.

Understanding how to use behavioral finance theory in investing is a hot topic these days. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has described financial advising as a prescriptive activity whose main objective should be to guide investors to make decisions that serve their best interests. The reality? That's easier said than done. In the Second Edition of Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management, Michael Pompian takes a practical approach to the growing science of behavioral finance, and puts it to use for real investors. He applies knowledge of 20 of the most prominent individual investor biases into "behaviorally-modified" asset allocation decisions. Offering investors and financial advisors a "self-help" book, Pompian shows how to create investment strategies that leverage the latest cutting edge research into behavioral biases of individual investors. This book:

Shows investors and financial advisors how to either moderate or adapt to behavioral biases, in order to improve investment results and identifies "the best practical allocation" for investment portfolios. Using these two sound approaches for guiding investment decision-making, behavioral biases are incorporated into the portfolio management process
Uses updated cases studies to show investors and financial advisors how an investor's behavior can be modified to improve investment decision-making
Provides useable methods for creating behaviorally modified investment portfolios, which may help investors to reach their long term financial goals
Heightens awareness of biases so that financial decisions and resulting economic outcomes are improved
Offers advice on managing the effects of each bias in order to improve investment results

This Second Edition illustrates investors' behavioral biases in detail and offers financial advisors and their clients practical advice about how to apply the science of behavioral finance to improve overall investment decision making.


Re: Recomendación libro

Hola, creo que sólo está en inglés. Si tu inglés es al menos intermedio, con un Kindle y un diccionario Inglés-español incorporado se pueden leer este tipo de libros sin mucho problema. Slds


Re: Recomendación libro

Hola, es libro físico, si lo tuviera en Kindle podría subir los "subrayados". De todas formas en Amazon se pueden leer bastantes páginas pinchando en la foto del libro. Un saludo


Re: Recomendación libro

Buenas tardes,aun asi creo que no lo podre leer no tengo ni idea de ingles y me cuesta muchisimo gracias.Un saludo

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