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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
174 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
264 / 11.512

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Me cago en la puta, +41%, hoy tienen que haber news al cierre por cojones.

Me puede el ansia ya con las jodidas news, joer.

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Joer, que sorpresa con las DMPI...
Ha llegado el dólar hoy mismo al cierre....
Y esta vez, la subida está apoyada por 4 conferencias en noviembre, 1 en diciembre, y probablemente, presentación de resultados cl´nicos preliminares de la Fase II de VAL-083 para GBM antes de final de año....
A ver qué sucede mañana....
El volumen de hoy también ha estado bien...
Y algo muy interesante es que nadie se fija en esta acción, ni AF, ni nadie en SA....



Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

A título de curiosidad, una carta que han recibido todos los que están suscritos a la lista de envíos de CTIX, en la cual se utiliza el descalabro en el precio de las acciones para criticar al actual Gobierno y para pedir el soporte para Joe Biden, como Vice-Presidente....El político utiliza la reciente muerte de su hijo Beau de cáncer, para criticar el sistema y exigir que se pidan explicaciones al Gobierno, sobre donde va a parar el dinero que se destina a la investigación...

La política americana es la selva...


I was requested by a caring CTIX investor to have the following call to action shared with our mailing list. I agree that it is appropriate that we, not only as Cellceutix shareholders, but as members of the broad investment community, advocate for change. Capitol Hill needs to be aware of the dangers companies and investors face with blatant market manipulation, such as what Cellceutix has recently faced, and the subsequent negative effects it creates on resources to meet VP Biden’s initiative to develop new drugs to cure cancer.

Take Action Now!
Demand investigation of stock manipulation that is hurting cancer research

I’m certain you are as disgusted as I am about the recent lies and market manipulation to target Cellceutix. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, we must galvanize every resource available to educate Vice President Joe Biden and others in Washington about the tremendous potential there already exists to fight cancer. It’s imperative that you act now to help put a stop to this illegal market manipulation.

Tell the Vice President money for cancer research is being taken away from right under his nose.

Vice President Joe Biden has spearheaded efforts on many critical issues during his more than four decades in Washington and we need to call upon him. In his recent statement in the White House Rose Garden, Biden made a point to speak of his son, Beau, who passed in May from cancer at the age of 46, and the importance of a “moon shot” to find a cure for cancer. Biden said that he and President Obama have been working to increase funding for cancer research and development “because there are so many breakthroughs just on the horizon” and that he will be spending the rest of his term to push as hard as possible to make it happen as there is bipartisan support to silence the deadly disease.

Biden is looking to increase funding for research, which is fantastic, but as Congress works the budget on that front, they are overlooking that money is being taken away from research by the greed of organizations that use illegal market manipulations to maliciously attack biotechnology companies for their own profit and ruin the confidence of people investing in the stock market.

Tell the Vice President where the money is going.

The letter below explains how these unethical characters strip money from investors for their own profit, while simultaneously damaging the reputation of biotechnology companies and crumbling their market valuations. This causes the slowing of drug development for people in great need.

The VP will surely be interested to know that money is being taken from the government as well. In fact, it costs the government and taxpayers more than one may first think because the reasons can be two-fold. One, every company that receives federal grant money for research that suffers damages resulting from an unsubstantiated attack inevitably costs the government money. Two, if a lawsuit ensues predicated upon the attack, which often happens, it is a drain on the legal system and more costs are incurred by the government. This is money that can be used for cancer research.

Tell the Vice President the Justice Department must look into this.

We are at a point where many major pharmas are cutting R&D expenses to meet market expectations and looking to smaller companies for innovative new cancer drugs. While large firms are not immune to fraudulent attacks, it is the small companies that are the lifeblood of drug development that are often the most easily manipulated and targeted. Such recently was the case with Cellceutix Corp., who has seen its valuation chopped by more than a quarter of a billion dollars following a fraudulent and manipulative article published on the financial website Seeking Alpha by an author with the pseudonym “Mako Research” and a subsequent lawsuit by the Rosen Law Firm. Cellceutix is but one of many companies targeted by this illegal market activity and allowance of this to go unchecked will have a detrimental impact on medical research.

The following is a letter that I urge all shareholders to send to Vice President Biden. Show your support for your company and cancer research by demanding the Justice Department investigate this situation. Please be involved. Have your family and friends involved as well. I urge you to send your message using both the electronic (copy and paste) and first class mail.

CTIX Shareholder


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

DMPI, cerrada la posición a 1,04, +25%....
No me quiero arriesgar más, ya que, una de dos, o peta a saco o es un amago y se mete otra vez en el lateral....



Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Vamos a intentar con CTIX, pero nada de mantener.....o sube, o corto por lo sano....



Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Joer, solo tres valores, antes llevabas más ¿eh?

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Serretazo limpio Solofarmas, sin miramientos y esperanzas , o sube o baja ,no hay mas.........


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Recuerda, Solofarmas: ...."solo quiero en mi cartera acciones en verde"


"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"