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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
4.483 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

Menos mal paisano que has recapacitao, antes de esta trifulca, ya se te echaba de menos por estos lares (como a Proctor, Prometeo, Semestor, etc..., y Enola, que a saber cómo le va).- Hombre no nos abandonéis, si no cómo carajo vamos a aprender los neófitos como yo.- De lo que has explicado, NPI, porque a ver si entiendo cómo funcionan las acciones, para después saber el tema de las opciones..., bueno, ya llegaré.
Hablando de AMRN, estoy dentro con el 80% de mi pequeña carga y estoy seguro que triunfaremos sólo por AF, porque no hay en el mercado nada parecido y con tanto campo de mercado.
Bueno, no nos olvides y ven mas por aquí, chiquillo, que todavía queda buena gente.


Re: Farmas USA


Diario , por si sirve de algo la referencia

Velas de 15 minutos, fijaros el RSI en las bajadas hasta sobreventa junto con la entrada/salida de pasta.
Fijaros la diferencia de las demas ocasiones con respecto a hoy.
Ojo! que esto es fiarse de los indicadores, eh? Pero es lo que dicen si lo interpreto correctamente.


Re: Farmas USA

Nota de Canaccord

""We expect AdComm discussion to focus on how recent NON-Omega 3
outcomes studies showing equivocal outcomes benefit relate to
Vascepa’s ANCHOR indication, and if REDUCE-IT outcomes data is
needed pre-approval. The ACCORD, FIELD (Tricor) and AIM-HIGH
(Niaspan) outcomes studies, showed no CV benefit related to TG
lowering in patients with TG’s around the ANCHOR range. We think
FDA will ask the panel if TG lowering in this population may improve
heart health. We note, however, Vascepa is also associated with
modest but stat sig LDL reductions, widely recognized as beneficial.
Even if the panel decides TG is not important, they may find Vascepa’s
total of benefit (e.g. on ApoB, CRP, Lp(a), etc.) meaningful."

"We see 5% chance AdComm will demand REDUCE-IT data preapproval,
95% AdComm is fine with it as a Phase 4 commitment.
REDUCE-IT will not yield data until 2016-2017
"What’s next: what if the AdComm greenlights approval Wednesday? If the AdComm
supports approval before final REDUCE-IT data, we see a relatively clear path to FDA
approval for Vascepa. As we have repeatedly stated, efficacy, as defined by the ANCHOR
SPA, is strong, and the drug has proven to have an incredibly positive safety profile. As
long as the efficacy is deemed meaningful, we see no way approval can be denied. Recall,
the mixed dyslipidemia market is 10x larger than Vascepa’s current indication of TGs of
500+ mg/ml. However, we think there is significant skepticism in the market of AMRN’s
ability to effectively promote to this market segment given the importance of primary care
prescribers and AMRN’s steady but slow launch in the 500+ mg/dL segment. We do
anticipate some overhang and modest strength in the stock if FDA briefing documents due
Monday morning look benign and Wednesday’s proceedings go well."

Nota de JP Morgan

JP Morgan note."Upside/Downside". With an upcoming FDA AdCom meeting on V to treat TG fast approaching....we wanted to share our thoughts on the risk/reward on AMRN shares into the event. Overall, we believe a positive panel is highly likely and view the ANCHOR indication for high TG as the primary value driver of the stock, targeting a potential market 10X the size of V's current label.

While we see fairly equal upside/downside cases for the stock ($2-3),we believe the probability of a positive recommendation (>80%) far ouweighs that of a negative one (<20%). Amarin is operating under a SPA with the FDA and has highly positive data from its ANCHOR and MARINE studies as well as a very clean safety profile with V. While we believe the commercial potential of V will remain a source of controversy in the story, a positive panel woudl help de-risk the pathway to aproval for an indication that accounts for 70%+ of our DCF. Although we see the prob of a neg panel as low we believe the possibility exists for the FDA to ask AMRN to finish its REDUCE IT outcomes studies (expected by 2018) before approving its label expansion. While the 4+ year delay would clearly negatively impact our DCF we believe the label expansion would ultimately be approved and we see clear value in AMRN's Irish corporate structure which we think would help set a floor on the stock ."



Re: Farmas USA

HOla angelpm1

En igualdad de condiciones, así es como se deberia de operar, siempre dentro de tendencias alcistas (a corto o a largo).
Sin embargo, me decidí por ZLCS porque el catalizador que tiene este mes de Octubre (resultados de dos fases 2) va a menear la cotización y mucho (todavia no se en qué dirección) y como me va la marcha, pues allá que fui.

THLD lo unico que tiene es la conferencia que se ha mencionado ya en el hilo, que salvo que suelten alguna noticia bomba, no deberia presentar ningún cambio importante.



Re: Farmas USA

Menuda hostia,
Estoy buscando precio de entrada alguna recomendación x aquí?