Re: Almirall (ALM): seguimiento de la acción
Sell Statement - Negative Bias
"-5/10%... PROFIT WARNING due to its US operations given destocking, problem with PAP allocation and recent launch of the acticlate generic 3 weeks ago. Co expects low double digit drop in sales and net income drop vs a low single digit growth estimated and an EBITDA between €140-170m. CC today at 10.00 CET ..impact in US franchise of the 3 elements is >€100 m according to our calculations which implies practically a 60% drop. We also showed strange the impact in EBITDA, which theoretically, in our opinion, means losses at EBITDA level in US. We expect the share to drop significantly today due to those impact and the lack of clarity from the co. "
Puede bajar bastante más (incluso 30%). Muchísimo cuidado para lo que queda de año.