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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
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Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones
911 / 1.539

Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

De momento no tengo ninguna posicion ni en THLD ni ARNA,pero las tengo en el radar.

PD:No es la misma figura,pero es una falsa subida con similar patron,aunque no sea el mismo color.Pero falta por confirmar la figura los proximos dias.



Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

yo me espero a los 4.40, si me subo bien y sino ya pasara otro autobus. De todas formas no hay nada seguro excepto una cosa.


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Pues yo creo que basta que la peña piense que se va a los 4.40, le meterán un viaje hasta los 5 dolores y rápidamente la subirán a los 7 $ y de ahí en adelante distribuiran todas las acciones que han estado acumulando a estos precios.
Sólo son suposiciones, pero como siempre modifican su comportamiento y no siguen un patrón establecido ni respetan el técnico, sólo cuando los demás esperamos que no lo respeten, pienso que mi análisis es tan bueno como el mejor y además me hace sufrir menos, porquae si la veo por debajo de 5 me entrará tanto una diarrea física como mental.

Saludos, daminificados por este peñazo poned una vela a San Pascual porque os van a joder igual.


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Oleeeee Sernestor!!!! Dios te oiga!!!!

Espero funcione bien tu bola de cristal (como lo suele hacer).

No suelo escribir demasiado, pero os sigo diariamente: Sernestor, Framus, Emilio, Solrac, ... y los demás...


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Desde que estamos con farmas a cuantas habeis visto que la FDA le haya dado un SPA?
Fast tracks a unas cuantas, pero SPA? Yo a ninguna, pero claro, farmas a centenares y uno sigue solo unas pocas.
Eso lo ha conseguido la influencia de la asociada Merck que algo bueno tiene que tener liarse con una Big Pharma.
Que la FDA comunique cuales son los objetivos minimos a cumplir para una aprobacion es muy muy muy diferente a que alcances unos hitos y que la FDA luego evalue si son suficientes para una aprobacion.

Otra cosa, el acuerdo de pago de milestones por parte de Merck tambien nos lleva a pensar que THLD no tiene que buscar pasta para seguir con los trials y el resto de su pipeline. Eso descarta las puñeteras diluciones para auto-financiarse. Y como inversor es algo a tener muy en cuenta porque yo no se vosotros pero un servidor esta hasta los co.... de las pu.... diluciones.


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

19:47 5,11. ¿donde para?....TENDREMOS QUE ESTAR ATENTOS TODA LA SESIÓN....


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Sangre fria señores.

Si mañana baja otro poco comprare calls stk5. Si no baja, también ;)


Re: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc (THLD): Opiniones

Este post usano, ademas de coincidir buena parte con lo que llevo diciendo estos dias atras, plantea muy bien la situacion actual y la que esta por llegar. En mi opinion no tiene desperdicio.;_ylt=AlsoxFCz7w.QqubfuvjIl.zeAohG;_ylu=X3oDMTFpc2ozZThwBG1pdANNZXNzYWdlIEJvYXJkcyB3aWRnZXQEcG9zAzYEc2VjA01lZGlhTXNnQm9hcmRz;_ylg=X3oDMTFlamZvM2ZlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3?&bn=07fc49d4-64ac-3c48-9fc1-a262fecf8023&tid=1350517124262-c875c12f-8ece-4cde-b206-e58693985eaf&tls=la%2Cd%2C0

"Threshold now holds about $66 million in cash. They are entitled to at least another $35 million From Merck KGaA and will end the year with $100 million in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, Merck KGaA is footing the bill for 70% of ongoing trial and development cost related to TH-302 which is THLD's drug being tested in 9 trials. This cost share arrangement means Threshold will lower their operating cost between 40-50 % over last year.

Thld has no debt, nada, not $1 dollar, and they are entitled to another $210 million in MILESTONES payments from Merck KGaA as they proceed with TH-302 trials. This is not like most other small cap bio-techs who live through constant stock issuances. DILUTION IS NOT AN ISSUE FOR THLD.

TH-302 is effective and safe. Read the trial data! This drug is LESS TOXIC than the other drugs it is being combined with and has been tested in over 700 patients. Check the likes of Abraxane and Folfirinox. The toxicity of these drugs is very severe, and if they do extend a patients life the cost in terms of pain sickness and suffering is very high.

Abraxane is touted to be the next great treatment for pancreas cancer and it may well be on the market two years ahead of TH-302, but that doesn't mean it will have a large market share. First, it has to be approved. The clinical trials for this drug have been a lot smaller in patient numbers than TH-302, so statistical significance is still in question. Second, if the the toxicity is such that patients have no quality of life, will doctors want to precribe it? Finally, and most importantly, when TH-302 is approved it will takeover the market share of abraxane and folfirinox because as the clinical trials so far indicate the length of patients survial on Th-302 is about as long as these drugs and it is lot more tolerable to take.

Further consideration must be given that THLD with its drug Th-302 has so many more applications for cancer treatments than any other drug in oncology clinical trials that I know about. It is not a one trick pony.

The decline of the price of the stock over the past month has been a reaction to the decision Threshold made not to seek FDA approval right out of the pancreas phase 2b clinical trials. Investors, are strategizing that they'll sell their stock holdings now, make another investment somewhere else, and return to THLD later. The problem is when they comeback the stock will be priced a lot higher.

Four research houses have THLD with price targets of about $13-$16. After the company's decision not to pursue FDA approval from the pancreatic trial phas 2b, the analyst following the stock did not change their price targets. Why? Because their future price did not factor a new drug application upon finishing the pancreas 2b trials. They do factor in though the financial strength of the company, earnings of FUTURE MILESTONES PAYMENTS, controlled and manageable operating costs, and a progressive pipeline of many TH-302 clinical trials, and the speed at which Merck KGaA can get through clinical trials relative to Threshold.

As Threshold moves through their clinical trials, there will be more evidence TH-302 works, more probability of getting a FDA approval first for one then for multiple types of cancer treatment applications, stronger financials due to milestone payments, greater clarity of revenue potential, less risk associated with stock ownership, and ultimately a higher price than the current price targets.

Soon, Threshold will announce their 3Q earnings. The key will not be earnings per share because that is a product of bottomline income and income can be managed to save taxes. The keys will be the increase in cash and cash equivalents, current quarter operating expenses minus receivables due from Merck KGaA, and achievement of milestones. These three things will tell you how the company is progressing.

Shortly after earnings release, Threshold will start a series of trial progress announcements, investor presentations, and scientific presentations. Coupled with these events will be milestone payments though they probably won't be announced. These activities should help bring attention and focus back to the company and push up the stock price.

The more you know about this company the more you can see how extremely undervalued it is at the current stock price.

Be a smart investor, buy low, build a good positon and hold for the future.