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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
738 / 3.346

Re: A ver si luego a las 12:00 (USA) caen los 5 billones del NOL...

Si una señora con este aspecto da esta información, en principio hay que creerlo.




Re: A ver si luego a las 12:00 (USA) caen los 5 billones del NOL...

Si esta información fuera cierta, hoy no estariamos con estos volúmenes minimos y las preferentes las tendriamos disparadas. Si de verdad bopfan dijo que hoy era el día con exactitud, esperemos que tenga razón pero me parece que otra gamba a su lista.




Starting now, the NEW "Hold The Line" value is: $52.2B. Here's why...

We all know the power of organizing over the internet - this was even noted before the court during the arguments for the EC. I think that we need to redouble our efforts to have a coordinated "hold the line" front as we face our powerful foes in powerful places. We need to send a signal that we want Justice - either a fair settlement or a jury trial.

Last week bbanbob had his infamous "May I Make a Suggestion?" posting. You can view this posting at:

His #1 point in that message was "Settlement figures "START" AT the $52 billion mark NOTHING LESS and up from there." As last week progressed, there was a sort of rallying cry around this figure. This is a reasonable valuation that is comparable to independent valuations done around the time of seizure. We also have a few of our own valuations, most notable is the one recently done by much.faster - see "a minimum number for a settlement" (by much.faster) at:

As I was driving home last evening, I realized that JPM has, and continues to profit from what was taken from WMI. I realized that we not only need to "Hold The Line" on the $52B, but we need to MOVE the line (up of course) every week. I suggest that we move the line up by 0.2B every week, so starting this next week, we rally around the $52.2B line and then $52.4 the following week. If they want to delay 5 weeks, then the line moves up by $1B over that period of delay. I know that $0.2B/week sounds like a lot, but if you do the math, this increase is less than 1% per week. Compare that to what they profit per week (now and over the last year+).

IF JPM wants to delay, delay, delay, it should cost them as they continue to profit from the goods they took. We want this thing settled ASAP.

Think of all the things that have caused our blood to boil over the last 15-16 months. You folks can make a much better list but the few I have are:
--> The missing section from the P&A(3.1A)
--> All those fine WAMU branches scattered across the West that were taken
--> The fire sale of the WAMU Tower in Seattle
--> Dimon's comment about "we could have bought WM for $1" (because it was not a true auction)
--> The twisted truth
--> Delay, delay, delay

We know that our distracters and opponents read this board. We need to send them a strong message to get serious about settlement or we are going to trial for JUSTICE. They need to know that not only do we understand the true value of WM, but that there is a significant number of people that had their lives destroyed and that they are organized through the power of the internet. To do that I propose that we:
--> Start a new thread every week with the new number that we consider "The Line" - Starting this Today with $52.2B
--> Everybody that agrees with the new line should 5-star and reply to the message to keep it near the top.

Oh, and one more thing, If you just read this forum and you don't have an ID to reply and/or rate messages, I encourage you to figure it out now and start rating if you agree with the message and want to show your support.

Thanks for listening.


Pues estan pidiendo demasiado.

Si estos son los números que va a manejar el Comite de accionistas para negociar lo tenemos claro para que se baje del burro JP Morgan.
Los 52 bill ya representan una tercera parte del valor de JPM

El 26 de septiembre de 2008 el mercado valoraba la accion de JPM con la compra de Wamu en 47 USD (solo subio 5 dolares al adquirirla) y ahora esta a 40 USD.

Si el mercado hubiese valorado la compra de Wamu en esa cifra sería mas que reclamable, pero no es asi, nadie tiene en cuenta las hipotecas subprime que han cogido en el paquete de compra.

Estan demasiado cegados solo viendo los activos que interesa reclamar.

Con este criterio vamos a juicio, mí opinion.

Y ya lo dije es mejor un mal acuerdo que un largo juicio.


Re: El Comité coincide con los acreedores Weil ... Ahora Es una sorpresa

Yo leo otra cosa pero bueno...


Re: El Comité coincide con los acreedores Weil ... Ahora Es una sorpresa

Por cierto, taponazo en los 0.21...