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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
714 / 3.346

Re: Relax lo mas coherente; y disculpa si te a molestado


Re: Relax

Let's face it, as human beings, we're all a little too impatient at times. As for WAMUQ's current share price, I sense that impatience and accompanying frustration when I read the postings on this board; which, by the way, is by far the most active and passionate board I've ever been a part of.

It must be frustrating for some to read about all the "goods" we have on Dimon, JPM and the FDIC and yet, we see no one in that group squirming; little action in the courts and, all the while our stock price stays around 20 cents. Yes, that's frustrating.

WAMUQ shares are only going go move on impactful news. To wit, the nice climb we had when the BK trustee originally installed the EC.

After that, and I suspect impatience was at play, our stock backed off a bit. Then came the Jan. 28 ruling that the EC would stand and their expenses would not be capped at $250,000.00. A clear victory for we equity holders and the stock hit (I believe) .25 briefly.

Business Week's story was great from a national coverage standpoint, but the article itself didn't tell us (the investors) anything that we haven't known for a long time.

The silver in our cloud's lining is this. The EC is funded and here to stay until this case is resolved.
If there wasn't going to be any money to pay equity, it would have been obvious by now and it would have negated the need to give the EC standing in the first place.

I think all the news that comes out in the future will be in our favor. Can't think of anything negative that would come out that would make our investment worthless, short of disbanding the EC. But that horse ( debt motion) has already left the barn.

In short, use your Common Sense and be patient. If nothing significant happens in March, then it may happen in April or later.

Either way, don't panic. Be patient. We'll get paid evenually. It just might not be as quickly as many of you would like. Hey, I'd like to see a settlement offer come today, but I don't think that is going to happen.

The guys who wear the white hats usually win in the long run. Rememeber, in this case, no one wears whiter hats than we do.


Mi apuesta para hoy:

Nos vamos a 0.185 (-5% para no llamar mucho la atención)

Edito: y para mañana 0.176


Re: Mi apuesta para hoy:

Si aciertas justo en esos rangos te regalo mis acciones.
Ademas te doy un margen de error de 0.001 arriba o abajo para que veas que te doy chance.


Re: Mi apuesta para hoy:

¿Las acciones de WaMu o todas en general? :-)

Con lo de meterte monje de clausura y regalar las acciones corres el riesgo de volverte un ermitaño gruñón... Ya verás qué risas si acierto, jeje.


Re: Mi apuesta para hoy:

Las preferentes se van a los infiernos