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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
570 / 3.346

Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

No te preocupes que las comunes no se van a eliminar. Conociendo las carteras de Joyce y Tyson se que van a luchar a muerte por el máximo valor de las comunes.

Yo preveo que WAMPQ llegará a $300-$600 y entonces si que será momento de valorar como estan las comunes para hacer el trueque final y esperar los fuegos artificiales.


Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

Supongo que meterán alguna noticia de aqui al jueves, si no aqui hay poco fuelle para que ascienda.
O se nos queda en 0.17 hasta buenas nuevas.


Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

Y tan poco fuelle Venerando, en Alemania se ha girado y ahora cotiza en negativo.


Re: Valoración diferentes escenarios de WMI

Ya comentaba ayer que con estos volumenes hacen lo que quieren con la cotización. Espero no baje hoy de 0.16, aunque tengo la caña a punto por si llega, porque el que espere verla a 0.12 mejor se traslade con la máquina del tiempo unos meses atras.


¿50 Bill Reclamaciones pasivos?

Weil isn't even arguing that there's 50 billion in legit claims. They're just saying if you want to assume we're getting back 20 billion from the lawsuits then we're going to say we've got 50 billion in claims.

From where they stand, neither is right to do. But since the V-Team is citing the best case scenario, Weil will cite the worst case scenario.

They're condescending, but I do think the tone is different than most of us are picking up. I don't see this being the biggest piece of their argument and it can't be with the bonds up over 90. With the bonds near par, obviously "the market" believes that 50 billion in claims is a joke and as such, expects recovery.

See my other post. This doesn't mean squat. THJMW knows they'll be working to get rid of these claims. They have to. She's seen the filings to bring Quinn in to handle litigation so Weil can focus on getting rid of those claims.

It's too late in the game for THJMW to tell the UST to hold off on the EC until the claims are widdled down or until more assets end up in WMI's hands. Weil already argued it's going to take time for the EC to get caught up to speed.

To err on the side of caution alone, the EC will stand.

But Weil didn't do anything substantial towards showing the UST acted out of insanity in bringing the EC in. They just said, look... don't expect 20 billion.

It doesn't matter if we expect 10 or 20 or 30. The end result is the same. The company is NOT hopelessly insolvent and the EC will stand.

Whew.. just my warped opinion. I think we're all blowing the 50 billion out of proportion.

The bond price negates that statement no matter what.

"The economics of these cases are more complex than the Equity Committee intimates. If one wants to wave the $20 billion number in front of this Court, one needs to keep in mind the more than $50 billion in unsecured claims filed against the Debtors' chapter 11 estates, plus unknown amounts of unliquidated claims. Thus, even using the Equity Committee's math, the Debtors are insolvent by many billions of dollars. So, while the Debtors
would be ecstatic to provide a recovery for equity security holders, any such distribution is extremely remote, if that."

"From where they stand, neither is right to do. But since the V-Team is citing the best case scenario, Weil will cite the worst case scenario."

Actually the 20.55B of assets doesn't account for the adequate compensation claim as well as the 6.5B IP claim and other claims. So its not even best cast scenario for equity. The 50B in claims (Liabilities) include a frivolous suit from a Pension group for 30B who had filed against WMB and recently amended their claim to include WMI. Another 10B is the IRS claim which will probably be withdrawn when WMI receives its tax refunds (5.5B total) listed in the past MOR's. So 40B looks to be frivolous by all accounts.


Re: ¿50 Bill Reclamaciones pasivos?

Hola un saludo del otro lado del continente. alguien sabe como empezo la cotizacion