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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
530 / 3.346

¿Ha pasado algo hoy?

He estado bastante desconectado, pero al principio apenas había volumen y al final por lo que veo ha cerrado con el doble de volúmen que la media... ¿ha pasado algo?


Re: ¿ha pasado algo hoy?

No ha pasado nada, Dimon sigue sin aflojar la billetera.


Traspasando de preferentes a comunes.

Este se llama perdedor, esperemos que esta vez cambie a ganador.

Although it puzzles most investors, becoming a multi-millionaire or billionaire is really very simple. The reason is because the ones who become truly rich manage risk very well. They know the odds are with them when they make the bet.

The odds for many of us becoming truly rich by investing in WMI stock has greatly improved since September of 2008. Thanks to Bop, VIV, Mary and Ghost et al, all of my pre-seizure losses have been recovered and has changed to a very real profit because of my post-seizure purchases.

I recently sold all of my WAHUQ.PK, WAKMQ.PK, and 500 of my WAMPQ.PK and converted them to WAMUQ.PK (common stock). Why? Because the 3 classes have identified dollar limits in what they can produce but the commons go where fortune takes them and I think Bop's hunches (based on experience and bankruptcy knowledge)are going to come true-commons will be worth a bundle. Is it risky? Yes, but I think the odds are on my side.

WaMu has already made me a millionaire again and now I'm going to become a multi-millionaire if the commons pay a decent price at settlement or a court mandate. It is worth the risk.

However, I'm a big chicken. I saved enough WAMPQ.PK's (preferreds) to add up to over three million dollars at face value. I've lost 2 fortunes in my life and I don't want to lose this one. I consider the preferreds at this point to be of very little risk and at 78 years old I've become a conservative. I can't afford to lose it all again.

I hope all of you, especially the pre's, the best. Let's keep after JPMC and the FDIC with our EC. GLTA and have a nice trip to Vegas which you are destined to have.

I have no doubts the above paragraphs closely describe what many of you are going through and all I can say to you is to keep the faith and hang onto your shares.

78HombreDenton, TX


A por las comunes !!!!

Sobre el comentario Loser: Ya me querría yo ver con 78 años en Bolsa, no solo por la presion que eso pueda acarrear sino por los interrogantes ¿no ha tenido suficiente este hombre en su vida para aun andar enganchado a la Bolsa? Kostolany tb lo estaba igual nos vemos en un asilo algun día con los portatiles tradeando :), honestamente espero que NO.

Bromas aparte este hombre tiene su mano asegurada al llevar P´s y se la juega con las comunes al igual que uno que yo me conozco hará hoy.

Para desayunar :) os dejo un regalito de un forero USA (Tomti) que suele estar bastante acertado en sus comentarios.

It is virtually impossible at this time for commons to get canceled if the ec and their law firm plays this correctly. weil fckd up their end game and there is no turning back for weil. more than likely, the weil reorg will be shot down cold and the ec will put together their own reorg that includes payment to all equity classes. the lawsuits sit on the asset side of the bk balance sheet and those lawsuits are so valuable the courts can not and will not allow the abandonment of such suits. bopfan said it best, wamu is close to solvency now and that does not include many of the claims filed against the fdic and jpm or additional wmi assets stolen by jpm. jpm is fked image wise when all the illegal activities become more visible, that does not mean jpm will be footing the bill, it means the government needs to have this all go away quietly for jpm. for example, could you imagine this getting to the next level of discovery and it comes out that jpm had meetings with the rating agencies about wamu or that jpm and or goldman were shorting wamu stock, or that jpm used confidential info to play down wamus value to suitors. none of this can gain traction. can you imagine if dimon makes one slip up regarding valuation of wamu,etc, jpm stock would be cut in half and the market would tank, how many hundreds of billions or low trillions in overall market cap is that worth. one slip up, just one and all hell breaks lose. a good ec will some how some way convey all this to walrath.

last but not least for those who tend to forget who said what, early last your i was also classified as a basher because i knew settlement was not possible in the time frames some were talking and the reason was the country was to raw to except any more dirt, now that the country is stable, settlement is much more likely, but don't expect commons to make a killing, expect a range that is rational to the american public and that is between $4-$12 a share and i continue to always come back to $8 because that is where the table has been set.


Record guinness mundial de Posts en un Foro !!! (¿quien sabe en cuanto esta? :)

Si no lo hemos batido poco nos queda ya.


Re: Record guinness mundial de Posts en un Foro !!! (¿quien sabe en cuanto esta? :)

Pues justo hoy pensaba pillarme unas 'K's para asegurarme algo de beneficio por si vienen mal dadas. Ya lo dice ese usuario "It is virtually impossible" pero siempre te pueden dar el palo.

Sin compromiso, ¿compraríais Ks o más WAMUQs?



Por favor, es siempre conveniente y aconsejable citar al autor del artículo y la fuente sobre la procedencia de la información, pues es de mal ver hacer acopio de algo que no es propio.

El autor del artículo es nuestro querido y admirado Enrique Gallego
La fuente:

Saludos cordiales,

"Be great at what you do"...Talmud