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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.198 / 3.346

Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Me voy a gastar 57.000 euritos porque como esto va a ir a pique? (modo irónico ON)

30.000 acciones a $2.93

Por llevarle la contraria al Vidente

Por llevarle la contraria al Vidente


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Como se pica Simpson cuando la realidad va en contra de sus deseos. Jajaja


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Eres muy cortoplacista. Ni que estuviera uno comprando y vendiendo todos los días en este valor.
Hablamos en el Cuarto trimestre ¿te parece?


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Si, claro.
Cuando baje a 0´50 USD empezare a estudiar la compra de estas acciones, mientras tanto dejo que bombees a placer.


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Sigue soñando :) :) :) 0.50! jajajajajajajaja

Vas a tener tu mejores condiciones que KKR! que metio $10.55 Millones a $1.10...
enmarco tu mensaje como el post estrella de 2014.

KKR: Warrants

30.7 Millones acciones a $1.32
30.7 millones acciones a $1.43

Subject to the completion of definitive documentation, due diligence and the terms and conditions of the Commitment Letter, KKR has agreed (i) to purchase approximately $10.55 million face amount of convertible preferred stock of the Company at a price per share of $1.10 convertible on a one-for-one basis into shares of common stock of the Company (the "Convertible Preferred Stock"), and (ii) commit to purchase up to $150 million aggregate principal amount of subordinated 7.5% PIK notes, which may be issued in one or more tranches over a three year period, each with a seven year term from the date of initial issuance (the "Subordinated Notes"), subject to certain terms and conditions. Substantially all of the proceeds from the Subordinated Notes, if and when issued, would be used by the Company to fund future acquisitions. Upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Commitment Letter, KKR would receive five-year warrants to purchase approximately 61.4 million shares of the Company's common stock, 30.7 million of which would have an exercise price of $1.32 per share and 30.7 million of which would have an exercise price of $1.43 per share. KKR would also have the right for three years to participate up to 50% in equity offerings up to an aggregate of $1 Billion by the Company subject to certain limitations, including a cap in ownership by KKR (and its affiliates) of 42.5% of the Company's common equity.


Re: Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Si vete riendo cuando se produzca un desplome del mercado, en fecha impredecible, estas acciones se irán a su valor libros, los acuerdos quedaran en papel mojado, entonces te vas a reir de verdad. Jajaja