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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.157 / 3.346

Escrows... Septiembre 2014

Large Green Saturday, 03/08/14 05:57:01 PM
Re: None
Post # of 396024
Here are my thoughts on the finale of this travesty being in September 2014. Remember when Walrath and Rosie were discussing fencing the employee claims and Walrath waffled saying that she needed to get FDIC approval. Why may I ask-is she not THE JUDGE? I will get back to this is a while.

They were discussing employee claims and Walrath finally said she had to get FDIC approval as to whether these claims were balloon payment, special type of payments or other not covered under the FDIC. Susman wrote a beauty of a filing using the FDIC own material as to why these should not be paid.

IMHO, Walrath has used these claims for years by introducing claims past the bar date, amended claims and now claiming she needs FDIC approval to make a decision when SHE IS the Judge. Well, ok then, we all know this has been decided years ago which explains Susman appearance at doing very little as his hardest job for us is waiting for the agreed upon timeline. The only people who do not know for sure is us.

This also explains many, many actions in this case referencing escrow shares. Delay after delay to allow the Criminals to hold on to our money until the third week in September 2014. So, this is the way I see this playing out now.

• California tax agreement by late May early June
• Piers/RONs claims drug out, settled, sold and then finally paid in the June to late August timeline
• After Piers MARTA will rear its ugly head immediately following Piers
• Walrath will hear MARTA only to send them packing with zilch in late August to mid Sept
• FDIC will FINALLY file their response to employee claims around Aug/Sept
• FDIC will NOT approve any of these claims/settlements for reason
• This decision sends the rest of the money to equity
• Equity paid Disputed Claims 20.6 billion plus 4.5 billion in interest for a total of 25 billion of course IMHO
• Escrow share owners totally ecstatic and partying like 1999
• P&A closed out around the third week September 2014


Breakout Total $3.49 +5.76%

Up up and away...


Re: Breakout Total $3.49 +5.76%

Puedes resumir que quiere decir el articulo anterior sobre los scrows.
Un saludo


Re: La nueva oleada de OPV´s para abrir boca para otro gran día...

Si, la verdad Manzana que esto es impresionante....el tiempo que llevamos esperando y ya estamos ahí en los $3,50 y el baúl aún no se ha abierto...que siga la fiesta.

También seguimos esperando noticias de los scrows y a ver cuando cobran las H´s que gracias a nuestro amigo Besugo también llevaba unas cuantas. Alguien tiene alguna idea de a cómo las pagaran?

Felicidades a todos los que seguimos en el barco

Simpson, también te sigo por el Facebook...te mandaré un mensaje privado para que me pongas cara


Re: La nueva oleada de OPV´s para abrir boca para otro gran día...

Satinfotec: Agrégame a tus amigos que me gusta poner cara a la gente buena y constante :)

Me alegro mucho por todos... ahora que estamos en la ola los detractores como era de esperar han desaparecido y la negatividad ya no impera sino todo lo contrario... la cordura y la lógica aplastante de saber:

1. Quienes son nuestros Socios "KKR" "Blackstone"...
2. Que hay $6.000 Millones que descontar y lo que eso significa
3. Que la fecha para que eso empiece a materializarse se acerca Post 19 marzo
4. Que tenemos a los Hedge Funds cachondos... y muchos esperando que pasemos de $5 para entrar.
5. Que daremos el salto al NYSE o NASDAQ... más fondos entraran.
6. Que muy pronto tendremos una Capitalización de $1 está mal para un valor Zombi :) :) :)

Que siga la Fiesta!!!!