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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.012 / 3.346

Re: Datos sobre WMIH...tras 8 meses post BK

on the clock for 8 months. Further, Blackstone has been involved with WMI for almost 4 years now and, surely, MW, the EC, and SG must have had SOME idea as to what they were getting (fighting for) in the settlement with the SNs. But, still, nothing except the BOD got their shares. Are they waiting for some special date/timing to announce a deal? These things really take a year plus to get done? Something is either very wrong or our expectations/timing for something to happen are out of whack. I don't recall anything form the Q&A stating this could take a year plus.

I tend to see things as you do, but figured there are a few obstacles to cause this type of delay:
1. Capitalization issues. Can money be raised that even makes a deal possible and can it avoid causing problems with NOL usage.
2. IRS confirmation of the NOLs and their usage.
3. Acquisition target that is both willing, profitable, and meets necessary requirements of a deal.

To me, these are all huge. Even one of these could take months to work through. Having all three could mean that we end up waiting several more months to put it all together. In the meantime, Blackstone bleeds WMIH and the company sits in a state of limbo. Personally, if the two year anniversary date is important and it takes a few more months on top of that and we end up capitalizing WMIH and an acquisition occurs that puts PPS somewhere above $4 or $5 initially. Well, I can handle that. If it means a PPS of $1.25 to 1.50, then I will not be a happy camper.


Dinerito en camino para las H

Expect a statement in the mail anytime for those who have PIERS. I expect the payment amount to be a little bit higher than in the last statement since PIERS should start to collect interest payment.


Goldman Sachs .... Susman te ha cazado

6. Currently available evidence is overwhelming that WMI's stock was subjected to
a large amount of naked short selling in the months leading up the bankruptcy. There is also
good reason to conclude that a substantial share of the decline in the stock's value during those months is attributable to shorting and naked shorting of WMI's stock, not to any inherent weakness in WMI. This potentially unlawful trading activity created a classic death spiral for the bank.

7. W M IL T seeks discovery to determine whether Goldman Sachs participated in or
facilitated the shorting and naked shorting of WMI's stock. Such activity, if it occurred, would be the basis for a breach of contract claim against Goldman and also potentially claims for market manipulation and other securities-related causes of action.

8. T h e trading records necessary to determine Goldman's involvement with shorting
and naked shorting of WMI's stock are solely within Goldman's possession. Even without
seeing these trading records there is good reason to suspect that Goldman participated in this
activity. Goldman Sachs' involvement in bear raids and naked shorting of other stocks,
including stocks of other financial institutions like Lehman Brothers, has been widely reported in the press. Goldman has also been named as a defendant in several cases alleging naked short selling. Discovery in at least one of those cases has turned up evidence that Goldman had a practice of facilitating naked short sales for favored investor clients, and even that Goldman was the "go to" firm for hedge fund managers who wanted to short a stock that could not be obtained elsewhere.


Re: Dinerito en camino para las H

Of course, easily baby, easily, PIERS win it´s written.


Listado accionistas WMIH son buenas noticias !!! Hedge Funds nuestros aliados

Quote from: jaysenese on February 14, 2013, 04:40:22 PM
It's got to be good news for the stock price, especially if this crosses a newswire somewhere or gets a quick mention on CNBC. Tepper remains an extremely well respected player in hedge funds. If you want to have a hedge fund partner you could argue he is among the very best.

He also was buying Hartford Financial stock last year, as I recall....

(a) Amount beneficially owned: 4,439,185
(b) Percent of class: 2.21%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 4,439,185
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 4,439,185


(a) Amount beneficially owned: 6,662,182
(b) Percent of class: 3.31%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 6,662,182
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 6,662,182


(a) Amount beneficially owned: 2,946,035
(b) Percent of class: 1.47%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 2,946,035
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 2,946,035


(a) Amount beneficially owned: 2,982,592
(b) Percent of class: 1.48%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 2,982,592
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 2,982,592


(a) Amount beneficially owned: 17,029,994
(b) Percent of class: 8.47%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 17,029,994
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 17,029,994


(a) Amount beneficially owned: 17,029,994
(b) Percent of class: 8.47%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 17,029,994
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 17,029,994

Mr. Tepper:

(a) Amount beneficially owned: 17,029,994
(b) Percent of class: 8.47%
(c) Number of shares as to which such person has:
(i) Sole power to vote or to direct the vote: -0-
(ii) Shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 17,029,994
(iii) Sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition: -0-
(iv) Shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition: 17,029,994

I added AILP 4,439185 + Palamino 6,662182+ TFLP 2,946035 + TML 2982590 =17,029,992. I stand corrected I added the 17.029,992 couple of times. Appaloosa owns 8.47%.


Re: Listado accionistas WMIH son buenas noticias !!! Hedge Funds nuestros aliados

Vaya socios que tienes Mr Simpson, el bombeo esta servido en cuanto se pongan manos a la obra.


El 70% de las acciones de WMIH están en manos de Hedge Funds

El 30% en manos de retail así que les acompañamos para los planes que tengan para revalorizar sus acciones y generar grandes ingresos que es su especialidad.


Próximas noticias en el Horizonte: 21 febrero al 20 marzo

I'm satisfied that we will get a return but the when and how much alludes me. I understand the "it is what it is" reference, and I'm not looking to argue this point, only to state that this phrase is based on a reference point, and I think the reference point is when we were going into the Mediation and not 10 months earlier before the court's interest in alleged Insider Trading brought-forward first by WGM and then by Nate the Great.

My second point has just recently been reinforced by the recent SEC filings by Greywolf and Appalloosa. This confirms HF interest in WMHI and the non-trivial value of the NOLs. These guys are not in this for incremental growth over the life of the NOLs.

At this point, I'm confident that we will have some kind of changes before 3/19/13. It's in the POR and WMIH bylaws that incorporation in Delaware and merging with a Delaware company may happen without sharholder vote if done before 3/19/13. I think this is plan "A". If plan A is not implemented, it must be because there is a plan "B" that is better. I do not accept that MW & Blackstone could not make plan A work.

I think it is clear that WMIH and WMLTI are both potential recovery paths for WMI Equiy holders.

With regard to WMLTI...

Since WMLTI is tied to the owners that emerged from bankruptcy it is the only path that the POR planners could guarantee a recovery for owners regardless of what happened to WMIH. A return from WMIH may happen but it requires participation and cooperation with the HF unlike WMLTI. I admit there is not enough cash in the WMLTI to get much of a recovery back to Equity however that are many unanswered questions about accounts and Rosen consistently did everything he could to give-away and hide assets to avoid A>L during the bankruptcy.