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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.940 / 3.346

Re: Spread, Opciones, Verticales, Cóndores de Hierro, Coberturas...

Si algo he aprendido en el mundo virtual es que lo regalado no se aprecia.


Confidence, Patience, Foundation, History = Success!

First of all, the people we are involved with are professionals who are connected to powerful, wealthy and intelligent people whether we want to admit it or not. These people are not little people in how they transact business. All one has to do is look at any of their history.

Now for the very simplistic explanation as to why this organization has to be huge to be successful. in order to use our largest asset whether it is now or in the future, we have to be huge, generating profits from hundreds of millions annually into billions over the next three, five, ten and twenty years. Otherwise, anywhere from fifteen to fifty billion dollars of various tax attributes will go to waste. There is only one way that can happen and one has to get huge very quickly and that my friend is through a large capital raise and mergers.

Think of it this way, we have a wonderful once in a lifetime foundation with the opportunity to make untold money which is almost better than a money printing machine. If one does not have an organization generating the profits to make use of the very sought after platform called WMIH, then the platform is basically worthless. Now with the type of people we are involved with, do you think these people are going to waste and destroy this golden opportunity through a onetime sellout or not large enough to utilize? The answer is no, they will not behead this Golden Goose through a onetime kill.

Think of it this way, if you have a brand new truck ready to pull your boat to the lake; on the surface this all looks great but if there is not an engine in the truck then that is all it is, nice looks and no action. The same applies to out platform called WMIH. If it is only capitalized with 75 million dollars, this company does not stand one chance of utilizing the tax attributes, very little chance of any success and virtually no point in going forward. This does not sound like the kind of people we are dealing with now does it? So now how does the kind of five billion dollar capital raise sound now?

They can buy a three to seven billion dollar company now and be fifteen to twenty billion dollar organization in a very short period of time generating profits to fully utilize the tax attributes over time. We are the Golden Goose that will not be beheaded for a one time kill. Sit back, relax and watch, as these money people turn this into a huge conglomerate in a few short years and yes this does take time. I will give WMIH till the end of the year, but more than likely we will hear something between 9/15/2012 and 12/31/2012.


Re: Spread, Opciones, Verticales, Cóndores de Hierro, Coberturas...

¿Por qué lo dices campeón?


Re: Confidence, Patience, Foundation, History = Success!

Las acciones ya estan a 53 céntimos y sigues con tus posts basura, hay que ser sinverguenza y cantamañanas para seguir en el hilo posteando sin rubor alguno.


Y siguen bajando... ya estan a 0.44 ñam ñam.... Paciencia es la virtud que hay que tener en Bolsa

Hasta que todos los creditors/debtors no se les pague y eso será en Junio no se podrá considerar que hemos terminado/salido de BK.

Entonces conoceremos los planes que los Big Boys tienen para este valor.


Re: Y siguen bajando... ya estan a 0.44 ñam ñam.... Paciencia es la virtud que hay que tener en Bolsa

Hay que tener rostro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!