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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.832 / 3.346

Re: Muy Importante - Petición para Remover a Michael Willigham del EC y añadir a 4 nuevos miembros

Ahora es cuando OS dice manzana, vais a ser desplumados estais a tiempo de recuperar Lo poco que OS queda, ja,ja,ja
FELIZ NAVIDAD de parte de Rosen.


Re: Muy Importante - Petición para Remover a Michael Willigham del EC y añadir a 4 nuevos miembros

Los que ganan son los debtors y SNH que junto con JPM han conseguido corromper a todos los actores de este circo, ahora ademas se quedan las acciones a precio de saldo y ganan por las 2 vertientes con recuperacion de deuda y con acciones de los que abandonan el barco. Te has lucido Simpson con tus recomendaciones.


Re: Muy Importante - Petición para Remover a Michael Willigham del EC y añadir a 4 nuevos miembros

No te enfades con Jesús, que igual tiene razón y los pillados recuperan Su inversión con la nueva empresa, en un plazo de 20 o 30 años.
El Ec tiene toda la pinta de estar más corrupto que Julián Muñoz.


Re: Muy Importante - Petición para Remover a Michael Willigham del EC y añadir a 4 nuevos miembros

Yo no me enfado, ya que no soy un afectado, solo denuncio actos viles como los de las recomendaciones de Simpson para desplumar a inversores, promocionados por los que compran barato para hacer luego subir las acciones y dejar a pillados a los que solo les cuentan posteriorimente cuentos chinos para que mantengan sus acciones hasta el final.
La ultima de Bopfan para evitar que venda hasta el apuntador:

The best thing for WMI shareholders would be if, BEFORE confirmation, PJS shopped and found a buyer from among solicited competing bids.

In that case a merger partner or acquirer would exchange our securities for their own. I could envision preferreds taking a haircut, but who wouldn't want immediate liquidity through the securities of a financially solid company? If such a partner were to offer 40% to preferreds (e.g., reduction of face to $400 for Ps and $10 for Ks in the acquirer's preferred or a commensurate amount in common (say, $600 in common for 1 P or 40 Ks)) most shareholders would be satisfied. It's a compromise, but we wouldn't have the uncertainty associated with a new enterprise, and would emerge from Chapter 11 not as a reorganized entity, but would be merged immediately into the stronger partner/acquirer.

We have not discussed this possibility on the boards, but should, because competing offers are the best thing for equity. It is not too late for such a sale/merger to occur, it would just require reworking of the plan, and would include enough money from our new partner/owner to satisfy the deficiencies of the creditor classes so they'd be crammed down. The court wouldn't care and the creditors wouldn't care since they'd be paid and voiceless.

We haven't discussed WMI's new patent for seamless transferring of banking accounts from one bank to another, but I think it is probably worth a fortune in licensing fees from banks and credit unions all over the globe. Combine that hard assets with the tax benefits and equity has things that would make it attractive to a buyer. If I had my druthers I would prefer a choice among competing bids that would guarantee all equity classes an acceptable recovery. Nothing would undo the harm caused by Weil/Quinn, the SNs, etc. but such a recovery would provide great relief to a majority of shareholders


Mrsimpson el resentido v2

jaja increible mrsimpson, ahora firmas tu y tu wife, la carta para desbancar a todo el EC de su silla? sigo flipando de tus cambios de opinión pumperiana. Antes de hablar y criticar la opiníon de alguien deberías leerte bien las cosas que luego te pasa lo que te pasa, te llueven "críticas" por todos los lados.



Re: Mrsimpson el resentido v2

Esto mismo pienso, cambiar a todo el EC a estas alturas denota no saber por donde van ya que supondría tener que cambiar de abogado tambien. Los accionistas minoritarios ya pueden rezar para que es actual EC/Susman hagan algo por la equidad aunque tal como esta la situacion solo la aparicion de un caballero blanco podrian compensarles porque no hay tiempo para mas. Simpson has perdido los papeles, espero que el dinero no vaya detras.


Re: Mrsimpson el resentido v2

No seais tan pesimistas, que a lo mejor sale un caballero blanco al rescateeeeeee, Ya hablaré con la familia Ruiz Mateos para si les interesa la nueva WaMu
La imagen de mi barco más cerca que nunca.


Re: Mrsimpson el resentido v2

El abuelete Myadad contra Simpson

We as equity were dead and buried and Rosen was piling manure on our grave. The HF's and the Wall Street bankers had created a corrupt system that allowed them to steal from retail equity holders with the blessings of a corrupt bought and paid for congress. They could naked short a legit company into bankruptcy and then pick up it's assets thus transferring the wealth of it's rightful owners into the pockets of our economic elite. The top 1% didn't get there by hard work, but instead by manipulating a legal system for their benefit and our expense.

Joyce arrived and threw a monkey wrench into their plans by getting us organized in demanding an EC. Mike Willingham was one of the few who had any experience on the workings of an EC. He signed on for a thankless job. EC members don't get paid. He has spent countless hours working to salvage something and he gets nothing while surrounded by lawyers who are milking the estate. (talking about Rosen here and not Susman) Rosen had managed to give our assets away and we were basically dead. Still the message boards were filled with people who believed that justice would prevail and there were folks predicting a return based on law and not on the reality of the corrupt system.

The mediation allowed us to stay alive. Even commons were kept alive, probably because Willingham stood up for them. Now we don't have a cash settlement, but we have a chance through owning a shell company that controls NOL's and has some opportunity to get some additional funds from litigation against the likes of Goldman and the rating agencies, of eventually getting a return higher than where we are now. I don't know what we will end up with but I am cautiously optimistic we can see a 5 or 10 times increase from the present pps. Will I be happy with that and think we got justice? Absolutely not. But that is what I think the future holds.

People who are throwing bombs at MW are the anarchists who blame him unfairly for the situation we are in. He may not be perfect but without him, we would have nothing. He deserves congratulations for his efforts and not the constant barrage of insults thrown by people whose only real contribution is a steady stream of complaints. Removing MW from the EC because a few people on a message board are disgruntled isn't going to happen. This deal is getting done because JMW wants it out of her court. Further delay just means more for the corrupt lawyers and less for us.