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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.753 / 3.346

Re: Resumen de Hearing 6 Sept (semana que viene más)

En USA los bolsillos profundos suelen llevarse el gato al agua casi siempre.
Gracias a Dios que esto es España para lo bueno y para lo malo.


Otra posible salida

According to Spot, "I am worried now that she will make all of equity go the litigation trust fund route after her approval at some point, letting the rest of the Criminals including Rosie off the hook."

This would be just too easy for the Judge. Stick equity in the litigation trust to seek some retribution through possible disallowance of claims from hedgies and possible Tort claims against JPM and other third party claims. With this, she would approve the rest of the POR giving NEWCO to the Piers with potentially billions in NOLs. Say what???. Give NEWCO to Piers holders that are mostly made up of the very hedgies that are (presumed) guilty of the insider trading!

I cannot see this as a possibility. It is almost as if the Judge needs to see the outcome of claims disallowance to determine the fate of NEWCO. If she implements FJR at the lowest rate, we know that money will likely flow to preferreds, but there may not be enough cash to pay off Piers potentially forcing NEWCO to be shared by both. However, if any claims disallowance reduces the Piers claims and/or brings in enough cash to pay Piers in full, then equity would get 100% of NEWCO with full control of any litigating and liquidating trust.


Re: Otra posible salida

why would she take so long....because its not a easy thing to confirm people, there are too many loose ends here. Art said let me just remind everybody the plan proponents lost at confirmation in December.
They proffered a plan that was patently unconfirmable on its face..

This one is also unconfirmable IMHO....and why?

Debtor for the 7th time trying to do wholesale here..a BUNDLE deal and again its not going to work , there cant be one ruling across the board for these issues...the plan has too much stuff in it, like Mr Stark said at the confirmation because the cover page reads PLAN..doesnt mean you the judge can confirm or have jurisdiction on everything in it....Third party releases, TPS securities,DIMEQ,IT....These are all MAJOR issues crammed into one plan....its never going to work ...hold tight people. judge is going to deny the POR , and will ask HOSEN to modify it and maybe even tell him m how to do it...IMHO


Preferentes vs Comunes

Esa es la guerra que se está lidiando junto con la de la Aprobación/rechazo del POR.
Dependiendo de lo que dictamine la Juez el hueso para Preferentes va a ser más grande o más pequeño pero creo que la batalla se llama CONTROL y si Susman lo consigue entonces estaremos en buenas manos para ir por el menu completo.


Re: Preferentes vs Comunes

Creo, creo, creo, tambien creias que JPM y FDIC irian al banquillo y han quedado intocables, todas tus previsiones se han ido al traste, hasta el punto de esperar solo resultados del IT y de los restos que quedan en WMI. Deja de decir sandeces y panochadas, no se esta lidiando nada porque no hay negociaciones de ningun tipo, solo se esta tratando el tema del POR, a partir de esa sentencia se retomaran nuevos planteamientos donde sigue sin haber dinero para la equidad a menos que la FDIC y JPM cedan dinero de su bolsillo tema harto dificil dado que no tienen ningun tipo de presion. Lo cierto es que el proceso esta en un callejon sin salida donde el tiempo seguirá haciendo la labor que procuran los poderosos, eso sin contar que la Juez acabe de un plumazo dando a los debtors el control definitivo sin TPS ni equidad.


Re: Preferentes vs Comunes

es cierto que esta en un callejón sin salida para Rosen y los SNH dale tiempo a la Juez para que haga lo correcto tras las pruebas que se han aportado.


Esperando a la Juez Walrath

my current mindset is that one of the major reasons for THJMW taking time before publishing the bankruptcy court decision/ruling..... in reviewing closely all aspects of the ramifications of the Stern/Marshall case precedent and speaking with the bankruptcy Chief Justice before proceeding and having to retrace the missteps from the previous Jan 2011 OPINION....

I would think THJMW has easily already came to a decision ref the SNHs/HFs issues after review of the written submissions.... It is probably the Stern case and ANICO issues that are causing some serious contemplating over before her written Opinion comes forward....(and will gain much MEDIA attention one way or the other) and could mark a very unique milestone in THJMW's career....

Debtors/WGM moving along with business as mentioned by another poster in another thread...because they have no choice...and it's business that needs to be completed one way or the other... I am sure SNHs/HFs, K/debtors-WGM are not sitting so worry free in their offices or while at for FDIC/JPM they are just sitting biding their time....until such events lead the EC to focus on pursuit of legal remedy and they (FDIC/JPM) know well what is in store for them...once the bankruptcy court DENIES the pos/PORv6 and deals a death blow to the current GSA....

good luck WaMuers as we await....the good news.!!