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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
271 / 3.346

Re: juicio

Lo cierto de todo es que Maximunae ha acertado sobradamente con su observación. Preveer posibles bajadas acentuadas en la fecha de corte si no había noticias. También la de plantear una estrategia de compra por paquetes para el que quiera seguir en el valor.

Ha sido un aporte valioso y objetivo, después de analizar el comportamiento de la acción en todo este tiempo. Sin caer en posturas pesimistas que a veces pretenden desmoralizar ni en el optimismo intocable.

Sin limitar a nadie como debe opinar, creo que esa es la actitud adecuada y útil.


Re: juicio

SEATTLE (AP) - A judge has refused to dismiss a multibillion dollar securities fraud case against former officers, directors, accountants and underwriters of Washington Mutual Bank, which collapsed last year in the biggest bank failure in U.S. history.
The complaint cites four securities offerings in which WaMu raised about $4.8 billion:

_ About $900 million worth of notes on Aug. 24, 2006, including $500 million in three-year floating rate notes and $400 million in five-year 5.5 percent notes.

_ An offering of 20 million depositary shares on Sept. 18, 2006, that raised $495.2 million before expenses.

_ An offering of 7.25 percent subordinated notes issued on Oct. 25, 2007, and due on Nov. 1, 2017, that raised $494.4 million before expenses.

_ An offering of 3 million shares of 7.75 percent convertible preferred stock on Dec. 17, 2007, for a maximum aggregate value of $3 billion.

Pechman removed the $400 million in 5.5 percent notes from the case because none of the plaintiffs had bought any of those notes. It was unclear whether additional plaintiffs who had purchased some of those notes could be added to the case.

Trial is set for May 2, 2011.




Re:cotizacion en t.r.

WAMUQ 0.116 CON 90.000 mierda de titulos


Re: Re:cotizacion en t.r.

Buaf, no pierdo hoy ni un minuto mas en mirar esto.


Prueba de que se está trabajando en un acuerdo Extrajudicial

Leed los apartados "Description" que dicen en lo que trabajan nuestros abogados.

SA: Settlement Agreement

También se puede analizar que se está avanzando mucho en el Discovery. Vamos que nuestros chicos no se estan rascando la cabeza vaya!

Page 6

1.) Continued reviewing and editing recovery analysis; weekly call with FTI/Akin; call to discuss rumored settlement proposal;

2.) Meeting with Vllhite & Case and Zolfo Cooper; meeting with subordinated noteholders; meeting with FTI/Akin; call to discuss tax issues

3.)Analyzed potential settlement scenarios; prepared a revised recovery analysis;

Page 10

1.)Discussions with advisors and stakeholders; meeting preparation; summarize next step~(BTW who represents stakeholders?)

Page 13

1.) Work with USAO on production issues related to investigation. Work with counsel on status of
production issues related to DOJ investigation. Work on status update related to forensic activities.
Work on collection strategy related to JPMC discovery requests

Page 35

1.) Participate in weekly WMI creditors call. Participate in fonow-up call with litigation team concerning potentials-year carryback provision. Participate in call regarding second partner review of basis
study. (Finally seeing 5 year carry back provision discussions) MUY IMPORTANTE !!!

Page 40

1.) Review Form 10301 \0 be filed with the IRS to obtain encrypted data and coordinate response for the notice for potentially inaccurate 1099 filings. Coordinate review and confirmation of 2004 and 2005 IRS exam adjustments
to accurately depict adjustments by subgroup. Coordinate information gathering exerCise to develop a response
\0 a tax levy received by 1031 Exchange.Review basis study methodology with respect to the allocation of taxes and the intercompany settlement of such taxes. Reviewthe organiza~onal structure presentation as a component of stock basis study documentation to enSure
completeness of notes and workpapers.

Page 51

1.) Review of 2005 amended return (amended for capital loss carryback). Discussions with staff and
management regarding additional changes to tax returns and associated follow up.

2.) Discussions with management regarding additional work to be performed associated with amended returns.
Follow up with staff and review of additional information received by client.

Page 52

1.) Review changes to 2007 amended tax return for foreign tax credits and 2006 amended return tax
return for general business credits. Review and note required updates needed for 2007 and 2006
amended tax returns for NOL carryback.

2.) Review additional changes to 2006 amended tax return (general business credits). Update 2006
amended tax returns for NOL carryback. Conference call to discuss amended return progress and
open items.

3.)Finalize amended 2006 & 2007 tax returns for net operating loss carryback to reflect adjustments for changes in 2006 & 2007 foreign tax credit and general business tax credits.
Conference call to discuss amended return progress and open items and follow-up on 2008
amendment changes.


Al final por mucho que os quejeis y maldigais todo se sabe. Estan trabajando en buscar una gran solución, sed pacientes no os queda otra... bueno si VENDER o COMPRAR MAS!!! :)


Re: Preferentes

El nominal de las preferentes es 1000 dolares y cotizan al 23% ¿Es correcto? ¿A cuánto comprásteis vosotros las acciones preferentes?


Re: Preferentes

Yo compré a $3.50 las preferentes.
$23 es 0.023 de $1000 si estuvieran al 23% estarian cotizando a $230!!!!
Ya llegará ese día.


Re: Preferentes

Pues esta mierda es lo que me dicen en el banco... Gracias Jesus!!!

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