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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
274 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

A ver que pasa mañana con el NYSE y Dubai, y como nos afecta..


NOL´s : Net Operating Losses otro Salvavidas para las cuentas de WAMU

No se si muchos de vosotros sabeis sobre este importantisimo tema.
Puede ser parte de la piedra angular para que los activos sean mayores que los pasivos debido a la nueva ley que ha sido aprobada y que acarrea 5 años de perdidas al Plan contable de WAMU. esto podría suponer entre $4 a $7B adicionales para WAMU que podrian ser devueltos por el IRS en las próximas semanas.

La estrategia de WAMU es bastante clara, no desean que los activos sea mayor que los pasivos de momento para que el caso avance rapidamente en la Corte de la Juez Walrath.

Aquí teneis comentarios del Foro GhostofWAMU:

I wholeheartedly agree. As it stands I believe WMB is entitled to the NOLs (and any future refunds) from operating losses it incurred as a subsidiary, just as the tax sharing agreement states.

Of course, this means WMI is entitled to any NOLs (and any future refunds) from operating losses it incurred. I spoke with a tax accountant recently (who has no direct knowledge of the WMI case) and he told me that in principle Holding Companies don't really have operating income, but I'm not sure where this could be verified in the case of WMI.

If Weil et al. can poke holes in the tax sharing agreement and allow WMI to keep all NOLs (and future refunds), there would be additional value to the estate.


Mi resumen de la Semana: Negociaciones activas por llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial

Como dicen en USA "The cat is out of the bag" ya no son suposiciones y hay indicios muy claros que las partes estan hablando para llegar a un acuerdo.
Este es el principal motivo por el cual la Juez Walrath aun no ha sacado el martillo en temas que estan muy claros como son los $4 Billones que pertenecen a WAMU.

Creo que ella misma ha impuesto la fecha 18 de Diciembre como fecha determinante para que el proceso se acelere. Espero que los indicios que apuntan a esta teoría sean correctos y que antes de Marzo todo esto se haya acabado.


Re: Mi resumen de la Semana: Negociaciones activas por llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial

Esperemos que si Jesús. Aunque no entendí muy bien tu nota anterior.
Gracias :)


Re: Mi resumen de la Semana: Negociaciones activas por llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial

Pues yo opino que si se estaria negociando un acuerdo extrajudicial y este acuerdo fuese en buen camino, ahora mismo las preferentes y las comunes SEGURO que estaria la cotizcion MUCHIIIIIIIIIIISIMO MAS ALTA.
saludos y buen fin de semana


Re: Mi resumen de la Semana: Negociaciones activas por llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial

Los acuerdos solo van en buen camino cuando llegan al final es decir a su conclusión. Cuando eso ocurra se hará notar en el precio de la acción
ahora mismo no hay nada sellado por lo cual no hay ningun motivo más que lo que se sabe.


Facturas Octubre 2009: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld

Mirad la de menciones que hay de la palabra
"settlement", "settlement discussions", "negotiations", and nearby entries that seem related. These are pulled from various categories (but mainly 0022) and put in chronological order. Here are the relevant billing codes:
0017 = General Adversary Proceedings
0018 = Tax Issues
0022 = Plan, Disclosure Statement and Plan Related Documentation

There are some very suggestive entries on this billing, including some that list most or all of the major players. For example:
10/25/09 "Conference call FTI and Akin re settlement issues and discussions among Bondholders group, FDIC, and JPM."
10/30/09 "meet and confer with JPMC, FDIC, WMI, WMB bondholders"

Here is the complete list:

10/05/09 PJG 0022
Conference call... re FDIC and WMB Bondholder discussions.

10/08/09 RAJ 0022
Analyze possible settlement scenarios.

10/09/09 HBJ 0018
Review proposed waterfall and taxes ... re impact of interposing WMB Bonds in waterfall analysis

10/13/09 FSH 0022
Work on issues raised by senior creditors.

10/13/09 PJG 0022
Review FTI presentations in preparation for Professionals meeting on settlement issues.

10/14109 FSH 0022
Preparation for meeting w/ FTI to analyze settlement concepts (.5). Attend same (3.0). Calls w/ numerous parties re concepts, rumors (.6).

10/14/09 RAJ 0022
Analyze settlement scenarios (0.7); meeting with FTI re settlement scenarios (2.8); emails re follow-up issues (0.3).

10/15/09 DPS 0017
Participate in conferences regarding potential settlement proposal with bondholders and internal team (1.0); correspondence regarding same

10/15/09 RAJ 0022 Participate in call re settlement discussions

10/15109 PJG 0022 Email F. Hodara memo re settlement discussions

10/16/09 FSH 0022
Work on concepts raised by JPM and new bond group (.5). Confer w/ Advisors re: same (.8). Memo to Committee (.4). Numerous communications wl Committee and advisors re developments (.2)

10/16/09 RAJ 0022
Confer with Akin, FTI, Pepper teams re settlement proposal negotiations (1.0); review and comment on draft NDA [non-disclosure agreement] (0.7); analyze possible settlement issues (0.8); call with Debtors' professionals re developments and strategy (0.9); follow-up call with Akin/FTI/Pepper re strategy (0.3).

10/16/09 DPS 0022
Professionals call (.9); follow up with committee professionals (.5); internal meeting regarding settlement (.3); work on confidentiality agreement (.2); conference with F. Hodara regarding same (.1).

10/16/09 PJG 0022
Conference call with Akin, FTI re settlement proposal and related issues and response.

10/16/09 PJG 0022
Professionals call FTI, Pepper, Akin, A&M, Quinn, Weil (.9); follow up Akin and FTI (.5).

10/16/09 RJB 0022
Call re: negotiations between WMI/WMB bondholders and FDIC.

10/16/09 SLN 0022
Conference with H. Jacobson, F. Hodara, and R. Johnson re: settlement.

10/17/09 RAJ 0022
Review and comment on new version of draft NDA [non-disclosure agreement].

10/20/09 DPS 0022
Review recovery analysis and related materials (.3); coordinate meetings
regarding settlement discussions (.2).

10/20/09 PJG 0022
Review FTI deck re settlement proposals.

10/21/09 FSH 0022
TC subordinated bondholder re developments (.1)

10/22/09 DPS 0022
Conference with FTI and Akin teams regarding settlement scenarios (1.5); review FTI analysis (.1); correspondence regarding same (.1).

10/23/09 RJB 0022
Email correspondence re: call with Debtor's counsel, equity committee, taxes (0.2, 0.2, 0.3).

10/23/09 DPS 0017
Correspondence regarding proposed settlement issues

10/24/09 DPS 0017
Correspondence regarding settlement issues (.2); discussion with Akin and FTI teams regarding same (.9).

10/24/09 RAJ 0022
conference call AkiniFTI re strategy and settlement discussions (0.9).

10/24/09 FSH 002
Confer w/FTI, Akin team re settlement negotiations, WMI bond position.

10/24/09 PJG 0022
Emails among FTI and Akin re settlement proposals and negotiation strategies (.6); conference call FTI and Akin team re negotiations and settlement issues (1.1).

10/25/09 RAJ 0022
Emails re strategy and status of settlement discussions with various
interested constituencies.

10/25/09 PJG 0022
Conference call FTI and Akin re settlement issues and discussions among Bondholders group, FDIC, and JPM.

10/25109 RJB 0017
review summaries of proposed settlement of claims for Senior Notes and Senior Subordinated Notes claims

10/25/09 HBJ 0018
Email discussion re follow-up on meeting with various groups re settlement discussions.

10/26/09 RAJ 0022
Emails re developments in negotiations with all parties (0.7); review confidentiality issues (0.5).

10/26/09 PJG 0022
Review settlement topics raised by [redacted] (.7); emails F. Hodara re [redacted]

10/27/09 RAJ 0022
Analyze confidentiality issues with respect to settlement discussions (0.6); meeting with bondholders re status and strategy (2.3); confer with Debtors re case strategy (0.3).

10/28/09 DPS 0017
Conference with F. Hodara regarding settlement issues (.1); correspondence regarding litigation and mediation (.1).

10/30/09 RAJ 0017
meet and confer with JPMC, FDIC, WMI, WMB bondholders


Para los incredulos y los faltos de fe :)

He aqui el resumen de la gente que mejor opinion puede dar sobre el caso WAMU.
Teneis jueces, abogados, expertos en impuestos USA...

Olvidaos del precio actual o más bien aprovechad esta oportunidad a partir del 18 de Diciembre las cosas deberian de cambiar bastante.

Hay otro deadline date que es 19 Enero 2010 así que con fecha límite 10 de marzo 2010 desde ahora hasta entonces esto caso debería entrar en una fase de avances progresivos y POSITIVOS.