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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.698 / 3.346

Re: Estos parece que también Compran

Lo de la verdad absoluta y Maximunae es como un anillo al dedo... van juntos siempre. Solo cuando ocurra lo contrario a lo que el cree que va a ocurrir dirá no ya si yo lo sabía...


Re: Ed Sargent & Ilene

Pero en que te basas para tener alguna prespectiva positiva, dime un hecho real, empírico, una prueba en algún documento presentado en la corte, algo... no hay nada si has estado leyendo los pumpers usa y a mrsimpson y después has escuchado la parodia de hearings, verás las mentiras que sueltan día tras día durante ya mucho tiempo y se quedan tan panchos, nadie sabe la verdad absoluta yo sólo me dedico a analizar la realidad, lo que aparece en el pacer, y las opiniones de la juez, y eso no dice nada bueno.



Re: Estos parece que también Compran

Simpson que hables de verdad absoluta tu que dices una mentira tras otra con tal de mantener la esperanza. Sabes perfectamente que el hearing confirmation no se ha discutido ninguna cifra relevante al margen de tratar las diferencias muy poco sustanciales que practicamente no favorecen a la equidad, atras quedan los supuestos numeros que no han podido demostrarse porque no tienen pruebas y todo son mentiras de pumpers ambiciosos porque suban las acciones para ganar algo en la subida. Lo cierto es que la Juez tiene datos mas que suficientes para con el GSA unico, justo y razonable como ella ha descrito CONFIRME EL POR ACTUAL Y ELIMINE TODAS LAS ACCIONES. Tengo ganas de ver tu salida por la puerta trasera en cuanto esto ocurra, sin saber como justificarte ante los atrapados que esperan el milagro que no puede producirse porque no hay dinero posible para los accionistas mas que cifras inventadas para bombear las acciones. Una verguenza que arrastres a tantos desinformados a comprar y jugarse el dinero de una forma tan deleznable solamente para satisfacer tus bolsillos.


Post Mordicai (Ihub)

Monday, July 25, 2011 7:25:17 PM
Re: wamuvoodoo post# 324645
Post # of 324652

EC exhibit 217 prepared by Quinn 5/6/2009 titled Washington Mutal Claims Analysis Slides ... exhibit copy only provided to debtors.

Wow. This is part of the evidence. This most probably was what prompted Walrath to turn 180 degrees on the examiner when Susman appeared and the hearing took place in chambers. I don't remember it being admitted into evidence at the last confirmation hearing.

This plus the PSI hearing report being admitted (or at least a ten page summary highlighting the important points by TPS) should be enough for her to vacate her fair and reasonable ruling on the gsa, together with the evidence showing it was all done in bad faith.

As to values in the liquidation trust, we have two $250 million insurance claims, they admitted boli at 88 million, our expert added 150 million for value of reorganized company, we did not get to see the value of the trust of the reinsurance company reserves but I think berg placed a value of 400 million, auditor suit, a and m suit, weil suit, and according to the tps lawyer gs apparently packaged and sold 14 billion in bad loans mortgages that wmi has a claim against. And of course the claims against JPM and FDIC when the current gsa is set aside.

Respuesta Germanosteve

I think its a waiting game now. The defense knows that the judge will likely make an opinion or rule after the oral arguments are heard in August. Until then, they will milk the time and when the case makes a hard left favoring WMI, they will engage their last ditch contingency plan which I will assure everyone with out doubt and 100% certainty is being discussed right now as we speak.

The likelihood of the contingency plan happening for the defense is very high in my honest opinion only because of the overwhelming evidence and objections presented during confirmation. Thats good news for longs because it means we will likely get paid in the next 3-5 weeks if not sooner.

Patience is key, ignoring the one day wonder bashers is also important.


Impresiones de la Corte (de alguien que estuvo presente)

My personal feelings are; just posting on a public board is a bit of a trial.
Standing up and speaking in court raised my BP to headache levels.
I imagine bet and j berg are very much involved with refining their defense of the 2019 motion

By the end of the hearing EC and TPS attorneys were more jubilant than the attorneys for SNH/JPMC/Debtors.The rapport between shareholders and EC attorneys, while somewhat formal, was cordial. The interaction between the Debtors attorneys and their client was cool. The WGM group was barely receptive to the SNH witnesses.

Each of the SNH representatives had "tells" which indicated they were being evasive. I'd like to keep them concealed but Groppers' frequent, bordering on constant when in cross by E Sargent, concealment of his lips/mouth with his handkerchief between answers will be remembered by anyone who was there. His facial perspiration seems confined to the lower half of his mug.

Bearing in mind that after a plausible case (prima facie) is brought against them the SNH have the burden to disprove charges of insider trading I'd say they have quite a bit to be concerned about.

Some here declared a jurisdiction decision was paramount to the point that the hearing could not progress until that issue was settled.

Her Honor neatly postponed that issue. It may come about that not all of the jurisdictional matters were presented in open court and more will be opened in closing arguments. The judge was quite correct to wait to rule until all the jurisdictional facets have been presented to her.

One last point. I spoke with a handful of attorneys(not SG) who were present as observers on behalf of their various clients.Every one of them mentioned the extraordinary leniency of Judge Walrath in dealing with the shareholders when compared to the stringency which is more the rule in bankruptcy court. Several examples of the 'sit down,shut up and let the professionals work' attitude prevalent in jurisdictions from NYC to LA were provided as illustrations.


Confirmation Day 7 (Marymbobh)

I have been very busy on another matter and have only just now been able to listen to the later days of the confirmation hearings. During the confirmation hearings on Day 7 the EC did a good job of establishing some of their biggest assertions in their objection to the POR. On his direct examination, Kosturos finished up by asserting that the debtors were in complete control of the negotiations that led to the GSA. However, on cross-examination (approx 5:80 on the mp3) , Kosturos appeared completely unfamiliar with billion-dollar concessions being offered by JPM Chase Bank. Generally, Kosturos simply is not credible as the leader of the debtor negotiations but more as the figurehead for the debtors while the settlement noteholders were the driving force. In his first questions (approx 5:28) Sargent was able to establish that lawyers representing some of the SNs were present at the meeting with JPM Chase Bank in which a settlement offer was presented while on direct examination, Kosturos claimed that the SNs were not told of the upcoming meeting with JPM Chase bank and thereby suggested that the SNs were 'in the dark.' The earlier testimony of the SN rep (for Centerbridge I think) regarding their direct negotiations with JPM Chase Bank was very significant because it clearly established that as early as July, 2009 at least some of the SNs (Centerbridge and Appaloosa) believed that they possessed the authority to negotiate a settlement for billions of dollars with JPM Chase Bank. Even more significantly, the testimony established that JPM Chase Bank responded back to the SNs which showed that JPM Chase Bank took the settlement offer seriously and also believed that the SNs were effectively in control of the debtors.

It's impossible to predict what Judge Walrath will decide but the EC has laid out the issues very well and supported their claims very well.


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¿Que vamos a seguir bajando? es probable pero yo no quiero estar fuera cuando la musica deje de sonar porque entonces no me lo perdonaria.