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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.632 / 3.346


Este tipo de situaciones es una oportunidad para descubrirse y para descubrir los verdaderos elementos de la personalidad de cada quien. Muy pocas personas se autocalificarían a sí mismas de envidiosas o mentirosas. Reconocemos solo defectos de personalidad que no destruyen nuestra autoestima como por ejemplo, "obsesivos" por el trabajo, por la perfección, "exigentes" para justificar crueldad, etc.

La soledad y la presión a que te somete un trading o una especulación dineraria es tan alta que se descubren virtudes y miserias que nadie se imagina de sí mismo. Por eso se dice que en este tipo de actividades el peso psicológico es lo más complicado de manejar, más que el propio aspecto técnico.

Hay traders que a ese enfrentamiento con su propia conciencia lo ven como un proceso de autorrealización. Algunos toman nota de sus miserias e intentan mejorar, otros, lo dejan pasar pensando que lo más importante es beneficiarse a costa de cualquier otra cosa.


Re: Autorrealización

me considero una persona SUPERFELIZ Y AFORTUNADA,

OS VAN A DESPLUMAR saltad del barco que aun estais a tiempo.


Inicio de semana

Comunes -8%
Preferentes : igual que la anterior

Que alguien venda para que a este individuo se le ponga cara de gusto !!!!


Re: Inicio de semana Spotroth sigue soñando...

Investor, yes I hear what you are saying, but keep in mind this time around there is much, much more of the illegal type of actions that went on. I have no doubts PJS/BDO valuation will show WaMu was a VERY solvent bank just to touch on one sensitive topic that would blow the roof off of this travesty, should these hearings take place in the open.

So I will say again, there is NO WAY these Confirmation Hearings can take place unless totally black out again, so that means they have to enter something other than POS POR 6+ or pull WMI out of the G.S. This WILL NOT come to light during any normal Confirmation hearing!


Volumen bajo mínimos en Preferentes

WAMKQ: 5500
WAMPQ: 4040 ... ya estan jugando a no llegar a $40

Vamos que no vende ni el Tato.




El juego de Ajedrez

Since we are in a Chess Game by Susman-TPS vs Rosen, WMI & Hedge Monkeys,
what else can happen prior to Hearing?

1. Hedge Funds Settle?
2. More delays?
3. WMI pulls out of GSA?
4. Huh??

If they are willing to go into Hearings after Susman sealed objections its an ALL or NOTHING for shareholders who are left completely in the dark yet we rely on our feelings.

Best of luck to everyone...its been a long journey these past 3 years.


Susman tiene enfilado a Aurelius (de otro Caso)

Same pattern - insider trading based on confidential information.
Looks worse than our case, but, then, we don't know what SG has on the hedgies, do we?

From Vitro's complaint:

1. Defendants are the epitome of Wall Street's bond vultures. The defendants, manyof them technically offshore entities based in tax havens, buy distressed company debt for pennies on the dollar and then use whatever means necessary to extract unjustified financial concessions from the distressed companies. In this case, they have crossed the line, engaging in tortious, illegal, and otherwise wrongful acts which have caused Vitro - the distressed company at issue- substantial harm.
5. Instead of negotiating m good faith and supporting the plan, Defendant Bondholders demanded unreasonable concessiOns from Vitro and sought to obtain unfair advantages over other creditors. When Vitro refused, Defendants resorted to unlawful tactics to extract the unfair concessions they sought. They breached their confidentiality agreements with Vitro, using and disclosing Vitro's sensitive and non-public information in an effort to disrupt Vitro's business and to destroy the restructuring plan. Defendants also made false and disparaging statements about Vitro, and thereby interfered with Vitro's relationships with other creditors, not to mention the customers and suppliers on which Vitro's future depends.
Additionally, and based on an initial statistical analysis, it appears that Defendants may also have used Vitro's non-public information to illegally trade in Vitro's securities and/or may have disclosed that information to others who traded in Vitro's securities. Defendants' destructive game of chicken-like tactics have become clear: either Vitro gives in to their unreasonable demands or they will continue to use improper means to kill Vitro's consensual restructuring plan and, potentially, destroy Vitro.