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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.614 / 3.346

Reflexiones sobre lo ocurrido ayer

"Sargent said after the hearing that he did not think the judge’s ruling would hinder the insider trading investigation.

“We think we have plenty of evidence without it,” he said.

Judge Walrath did, however, deal a blow to the hedge funds in granting another low-ranking creditor group — holders of WMI trust-preferred securities — access to the same information that was already produced to the equity committee, arming another potential adversary at the confirmation hearing with information to pursue the insider trading claims."

AOC sat back as Aurelius atty burnt at the stake before the court....and out of the 4 HFs ..which one was ordered to provide further discovery>???? Yep, the one that argued and ranted in front of the Judge, the same Aurelius that refused to join settlement discussions with EC/debtors and other 3 Hfs...

Sargent/Susman team says they have enough evidence and I believe their attempt to obtain further discovery was only a manner in which to see if they could uncover any further dirt.....
AOC probably played it the smartest today...Just to respond to Judge's questions, without openly arguing/ranting before the court and now is on record that they have turned over everything to the EC..... Low and behold when confirmation trial comes on July 13th and EC's evidence may show something differently...hhhhmm??

Lets get to confirmation and let the battle lines be drawn....I am full support to WaMuers/EC/Susman and team.... good luck WaMuers..


¿TPS = preferentes?

Pues eso, ayer me llamó la atención que la jueza pregunto si TPS no estaba ya representada por el EC. Con ello creo que vuelve a dejar claro que (de momento) considera a TPS equidad = preferentes.

¿Si TPS obtiene 'algo' en los litigios se repartiría entre el resto de las preferentes o sería algo 'exclusivo' para ellos?


Re: ¿TPS = preferentes?

Por lo que la Juez dijo ayer TPS parece ser una afiliada a las P´s y el EC es su representante

"Today" -- although TPS would counter otherwise -- I heard the court treat -- TPS as effectively a "loose affiliation of some of the P holders" and the EC is the "official representative of the P holders".

Prior to the ruling that TPS was deemed to be P's -- the TPS had their own arguments to be made on how they were treated, where their payout should be from, etc, etc. Now they are, per the court, second-fiddle to the EC's representation of the P's.

Depende de como se articule su operación si sale todo bien. Si es JPM quien paga por fuera más para las preferentes. Si ellos logran sacar algo pues se suma a preferentes y se parte entre todas las clases.
Al menos así lo veo yo de momento.

Estamos atacando desde varios flancos a ver si alguno hace diana en el blanco. LO de ayer...pues más de lo mismo... intentar que nada parezca lo que es. Ya veremos mañana lo que ponen en las objeciones Susman para que la gente respire un poco más tranquila.


Este es más optimista que yo :) ... un poco de humor hasta que leamos mañana las objeciones

Breaking News is coming, the overwhelming anxiety from confirmation hearings has pushed the defense into making a decision they have been avoiding for 3 years. The ironic thing is they used the very same excuse for not wanting to hand over more evidence to the EC, because it would delay confirmation.

Guess what, EC lead attorney's Susman Godfrey claimed, "they have what they need to prove serious charges." End of story, case closed.

The defense already offered two lowball settlements outside the POR GSA, but the EC laughed at the figures claiming, "billions were being disputed."

As fast as breaking news came last week about bondholders flip flopping, we will hear more breaking news before July 13, there is no other option for the defense if they want to avoid indictments.

Shorts will need to cover, they have been in full swing driving the price down this week, kudos, but the upward pressure will be far to great when the deal is announced.


Depositions & Players

Today are the depositions of WMI by EC lawyers, and EC counsels by the WMI lawyers.

Conveniently they made the meeting at the same place, should give a better efficiency.

There will be present at the meeting

- The lawyers of the EC
Some counselor of the EC
- The lawyers of the WMI
Some managers of WMI
- The lawyers of the settlement noteholders
- The lawyers of TPS holders
- The lawyers of JPM

Now, let`s try another tackle, who would be neccessary for a meeting about the offer of the hedgefunds and the debtors to the ec?


(Law360).Sargent: "[EC] has plenty of evidence for IT"

(Law360).Sargent: "[EC] has plenty of evidence for IT"

(June 29, 2011) -- A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Wednesday denied Washington Mutual Inc. shareholders access to more information in their insider trading probe of four hedge funds related to a settlement at the center of the financial giant's reorganization plan.

Last week, the official committee of equity security holders took depositions from principals at the four hedge funds — Owl Creek Asset Management LP, Appaloosa Management LP, Centerbridge Partners LP and Aurelius Capital Management LP — and argued that those depositions highlighted a need to compel more documents.

The equity security holders contend that the hedge funds used material nonpublic information gleaned from settlement negotiations between the financial giant and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to trade in WMI debt. It intends to use those allegations to mount an opposition to WMI’s reorganization plan.

The hedge funds hold around $2 billion in WMI notes and were instrumental in forging the settlement, which was deemed fair by the court in January and lies at the heart of WMI and its affiliated debtors’ Chapter 11 plan.

“The settlement noteholders did not maintain internal ethical walls between employees involved in the bankruptcy and those that were doing trading,” committee attorney Edgar Sargent of Susman Godfrey LLP said at the hearing.

Among the documents sought by the committee were investment models calculating recoveries in the bankruptcy under different scenarios and internal emails at the hedge funds. The equity security holders also said they needed communications between the debtors and the hedge funds’ attorneys, as the funds maintained that their counsel served a crucial role in filtering material nonpublic information from their view.

Attorneys for the hedge funds countered at the hearing that they had already produced all the information required by the judge’s order permitting the committee’s investigation, and that the request was a mere delay tactic by an out-of-the-money constituency.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Mary F. Walrath took counsel at their word that they had produced all the required documents in their possession and said that the investment models and internal communications were not relevant to the insider trading allegations.

“What’s relevant is what information [the hedge funds] had, not how they analyzed it,” the judge said.

Brian S. Rosen of Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, lead counsel for WMI, said that the company’s only concern was avoiding a delay of its July 13 confirmation hearing, noting that the debtors felt the bankruptcy should have wrapped up last year and delays to this point have cost creditors an estimated $250 million.

Sargent said after the hearing that he did not think the judge’s ruling would hinder the insider trading investigation.

“We think we have plenty of evidence without it,” he said.

Judge Walrath did, however, deal a blow to the hedge funds in granting another low-ranking creditor group — holders of WMI trust-preferred securities — access to the same information that was already produced to the equity committee, arming another potential adversary at the confirmation hearing with information to pursue the insider trading claims.

The global settlement the hedge funds helped forge resolves disputes over the failed bank's assets among WMI; the FDIC, which was appointed as Washington Mutual Bank NA’s receiver after it failed in 2008; and JPMorgan, which bought substantially all of the bank’s assets for nearly $1.9 billion.


Ahora que el Gurú y su pupilo vengan a decir que el EC es corrupto y que no va a encontrar nada de Insider Trading amen de chorradas varias que me estoy aburriendo...


Veremos las Objeciones mañana???? ¿donde está todo el mundo?? :) :)

Tomorrow marks the start of another holiday weekend. The markets don't open again until Tuesday. The EC attorneys are deposing WGM today and our objections are due tomorrow. I think it is interesting that everyone important to a settlement will be talking today and everyone is in NYC. If a settlement is going to get done before the confirmation hearing, it would seem that this would be the time to do it. All the depositions will have been taken, the evaluations will have been exchanged and there is an urgency on behalf of the hedge funds not to air their dirty laundry by writing it all down in an objection. WGM could easily delay the objection deadline until midnight July 4th and use the weekend to try to wrap this up. So, I wonder what people think. Is another postponement in the offing and we hear nothing Friday? If so, a settlement will be announced on Tuesday before market opens, or an objection will be filed by midnight July 4th if the talks were unsuccessful again.

I think you are being a little optimistic. The guys we are dealing here (JPM, Hedgies, SB/FDIC) are power-drunk, arrogant crooks who think they have a different set of laws for them. So, unless SG really puts them through the wringer, they won't come to their senses and will have to be literally dragged, kicking and screaming to a settlement by their attorneys when they finally tell them that the only OTHER option they may face is some serious Jail Time. I think this will take at least 3 more months AFTER PORV6 is killed/ GSA is dead and an entirely new POR is in place.


Re: Veremos las Objeciones mañana???? ¿donde está todo el mundo?? :) :)

"Ahora que el Gurú y su pupilo vengan a decir que el EC es corrupto y que no va a encontrar nada de Insider Trading amen de chorradas varias que me estoy aburriendo... "

No paras de provocar Mr. Zapatero de Rankia, luego dices que si te califican esto o lo otro. Ya te hemos dicho bastante y estas suficientemente identificado en tu actitud extremadamente subjetiva del fin del proceso. El que quiera suicidarse pues que te siga, ya todos saben de que va la vaina despues de tantas advertencias, postea tu solo y que te diviertas.