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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.474 / 3.346

Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

Esa objeción tb es parte del acuerdo por si de aquí al 8 de Junio esto no va para adelante.


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

"Que nadie use lo que he escrito como motivo para invertir/apostar en Wamu, todo lo contrario. Ahora vamos a todo/nada e invertir en esto podría significar perderlo todo"

Ptolomeo es lo mas coherente que se ha escrito es este hilo y mi queja a Simpson de no haberse incluido al inicio del primer post, como advertencia a quien quiera entrar. El que compró a 0´04-0´06 ya tiene el beneficio pero los que quieran entrar ahora o entraron recientemente despues de la subida que sepan que todo puede ocurrir especialmente en la comunes.


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

Aqui el problema es que hay que estar en todo... poner información y dar Disclaimers todo totalmente gratuito.. y encima que le salga bien a la gente y se forre.

Venga ya Besugo que todo el mundo sabe que para que unos GANEN otros PIERDEN sino esto no sería la Bolsa.

De todas formas ya no hablamos más de quien estaba equivocado ¿vale? a ver si se puede enterrar el hacha de guerra. Porque yo se de más de uno que perjuro que yo estaba equivocado en todo y que era un Pumper y mira por donde van los derroteros de lo que yo argumentaba día tras día para oir siempre lo mismo... así que no me hagas hablar. Os equivocasteis y ni siquiera habeis sido capaces de admitirlo como dijisteis que lo hariais en un post anterior.


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

Lee bien los post y lo que se escribe, yo dije que pediria disculpas si las preferentes se pagaban incluso al 20% y las comunes a 2 €, incluso te diria a 70 centimos. Esto podria resarcir a los que compraron incluso a precio elevados y fueron influenciados a comprar al bollo. Si las comunes finalmente no reciben nada, quedaran infinidad de pillados que compraron a precios muy por encima del actual. Si claro unos ganan y otros pierden en bolsa, sobretodo tu que compras y despues pones el anuncio haciendo subir los precios y quedas ganando el primero.


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

Here is a synopsis of the Court Opinion on potential value of WMMRC

(1) Even if the analysis showed that the PIERS Claimants were getting stock at par, the Court still could not conclude that the rights offering has no value. The right to buy into a company does have inherent value; it includes the “upside” if the company is successful. (2) Further, in this case the Court concludes that the reorganized company has value in excess of the enterprise value of $157.5 million set by the Debtors’ expert. The expert acknowledged that his valuation was based only on the cash flows expected to be generated by the runoff of the insurance assets currently held by the Reorganized Debtor and did not consider that the Reorganized Debtor might start or acquire another business. The fact that the Reorganized Debtor is raising new capital through the rights offering suggests otherwise. (3) (committee’s expert opined that fact that the senior creditors and management were taking stock in the reorganized company is a “strong indicator that the company is being undervalued”). (4) But see In re Mirant … (finding that “[t]he market is not the proper measure for the value of Mirant Group for the purpose of satisfying claims” because the market often undervalues companies in bankruptcy). (5) Further, the Reorganized Debtor may in fact be a public company... A public company has additional value in its ability to raise capital and acquire (or be acquired by) other businesses. MicroSignal, Corp. v. MicroSignal Corp., … (3d Cir. 2005) (finding that a merger would result in a public company which is better equipped to raise capital); David N. Feldman, Reverse Mergers + Pipes: The New Small-Cap IPO Reprinted and Updated from Pipes: … – A Guide to Private Investment in Public Equity … (2007) (“It is easier to raise money as a public company than as a private company.”). (6) Finally, because the Debtors will not emerge from bankruptcy before December 31, 2010, the Debtors could potentially have the full use of their approximately $5 billion in NOLs. …Valuation in Bankruptcy, 32 UCLA L. Rev. 1061, 1129-30 (1985) (noting that NOLs often are a debtor’s largest asset). (Summarized from Opinions, p. 98-100)

So we know for a while NOLs are the largest asset of WMMRC. We also know the potential value of NOLs can go anywhere from $5B to $17B. We’ll be in control of this entity (pending the final agreement). It seems the Judge pretty much outlined what NewCo will be worth already. It’s up to EC, its professionals, and potential partners, to present the roadmap to realize this potentially tremendous value. (I can’t help but recall the conversation between Ard and Sole about “marketing WMMRC” in 10/2010. Of course, we’ll have other options for NewCo too. The fact is our guys have their eyes on the NewCo for a long time).

WMMRC as a business has nothing to do with JPM and FDIC. It’s a deal between EC, SNHs, and debtors (Someone may argue JPM and FDIC made this deal possible indirectly by compromising on their $54B claims and tax refunds. I’ve a counter argument but will reserve it for other time). In other words, Equity still receives no considerations from both JPM and FDIC. I don’t think EC/Susman will let them off the hook so easily. We need more details to understand Litigating Trust. I doubt that the Trust is set up to go after nickels or dimes from small, or some remotely related players. I still believe what I’ve said recently that the case calls for a true multilateral, “holistic” solution that all parties can be on board. As I said, JPM and FDIC can either (1) sit down with the equity to stop future lawsuits; or (2) declare war on equity directly. If they choose war (in other words, no tangible contribution to equity), I don’t think EC/Susman will disarm us in the first place to grant releases, and hold a target-less Litigation Trust. This puzzle remains to be resolved (FJR issue too). But, we’re heading in the right direction nonetheless.


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

Venga hombre que no somos tan tontos Besugo, o sea que Mr Simpson está ganando dinerito con esto a costa de que otros pierdan y gracias a sus comentarios pumperianos. Pues si es asi, tu mismo te delatas, puesto que tu tambien estas haciendo dinero con tus cortos y tus comentarios bashersugos. Asi que deja ya esos argumentos que aburren al personal


Re: $11 Billones en NOL's

jaja, TOUCHÉ!!


Y el hermano Vene?

No han visto al hermano Venerando?

Hermano Venerando dónde estás? Os ha tocado claustro?