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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.434 / 3.346

Algo hay...

pues eso, yo no sigo esto mucho, pero hoy, de repente, las preferentes +12% y triplicando el volumen.


En USA se preparan para el Shareholders Meeting de JPM

In less than 24 hours, over a thousand people from local and national grassroots organizations will converge in Columbus, Ohio to directly confront J.P. Morgan Chase at their annual shareholder meeting.

Hard-working Americans are fed up with Chase for…

FORECLOSING on 100,000 Ohio families every year,

DODGING TAXES and not paying their fair share back into the economy,

GOUGING our communities and states with excessive interest rate deals,

DEPLETING loans to small businesses and hindering job creation and economic stability,

And, AWARDING themselves with millions of dollars in bonuses and compensation while the rest of the country experiences huge cuts due to a broken economy caused by big banks

It's On!
Hundreds of people from local and national grassroots organizations are gathering in Columbus, Ohio on May 17 to directly confront J.P. Morgan Chase and deliver a message that we are in a revenue crisis and its time to “Make Wall Street Pay”.

Live from the Showdown in Ohio

no taxes last year, and yet politicians backed by Wall Street are proposing to cut education and critical social programs. We are not in a budget crisis -- we are in a massive revenue crisis caused by Wall Street’s epic crash of our economy.

Ohio is one of the states hardest hit by the epidemic of foreclosure and joblessness caused by Wall Street. It is a state where unions have been under attack, and where hard-won labor rights that built the middle class have been stripped away from teachers and public sector workers. Ohio also happens to be where JP Morgan Chase has chosen to have their annual shareholder meeting. Bad move.

JPMorgan Chase continues to gouge communities with interest rate swap deals costing cities hundreds of millions of dollars, has the largest number of foreclosed homes as of 2010, and has reduced small business lending by 75% in the wake of a government bailout meant to spur lending.

The Showdown in Ohio is being organized by National People’s Action and the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, and is part of a series of protests at big bank shareholder meetings nationwide as part of the New Bottom Line Campaign.


Re: En USA se preparan para el Shareholders Meeting de JPM

¿Que tiene que ver este meeting con Wamu? A lo mejor te crees que van a hablar de pagar a la equidad. Venga dejate de cuentos.


K´s parece que empiezan a moverse

+15% con Volumen x 3... calma... pero parece prometedor


Re: K´s parece que empiezan a moverse

Estas muy nervioso Simpson, las subidas tal como ha dicho Ptolomeo son ridiculas en relacion a las caidas constantes que se sucedieron en 2 meses, no obstante iran en mi beneficio cuanto mas suban las preferentes mas margen quedará para ponerme corto. A lo mejor te crees que van a subir sin parar, se nota que eres un bisoño de las Bks y que esta es tu primera experiencia, pardillo. Tu si que vas a comprar Telepizzas pero será con dinero nuevo no con las Wamu. Jajaja


Re: K´s parece que empiezan a moverse

"As many of you may recall from some of my previous posts, I often consult with an attorney colleague of mine who is also invested in this case. After Friday came and went - with several "missing" objections - we chatted yesterday about what possibly might explain SG's reasons.

1) Failure of PACER (not likely)
2) Abject incompetence and failure to perform on behalf of SG (possible, but unlikely)
3) a term sheet that has been agreed upon by the parties of interest, the details of which will be completed and signed prior to the confirmation hearing.

My colleague, an intellectual property attorney, has been engaged in the timing of such deadlines and term sheets, as patent applications and response to the patent office (like objections here) are time-sensitive and face hard deadlines. The only way an attorney like my friend - or Susman - would miss a deadline like Friday's is a term sheet - which, by the way, is BINDING - that would make missing a deadline moot.

Good news coming, folks. GLTA."


Corrupcion EC/Susman

CORRECTA - 2) Abject incompetence and failure to perform on behalf of SG (possible, but unlikely.

Añadir la posible corruptela del EC/Susman en no presentar las alegaciones pertinentes, con lo que el POR sera confirmado definitivamente.


Besugo se reconvierte BASHERSUGO

Mira que te da coraje que vayan subiendo las preferentes... ajo y agua majete. Ajo y agua.