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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.245 / 3.346

Re: Menudo Master estamos haciendo en esta BK

Aqui en España al unico Juez que han procesado y llevado a la carcel que yo sepa es a Estivill y hace años.

De politicos la tira.

Y en el proceso que nos interesa la Juez que es la que debe decidir, esta dejando claro en utilizar la Ley para comandar debidamente el proceso.

Mi opinión es que esta forzando la situación para hacer entrar a los accionistas, negociadamente o no con los debtors, partiendo de la base de que haya dinero para todos, al menos para preferentes.


Re: Menudo Master estamos haciendo en esta BK

Maximunae no sigas con la cancion de la corrupcion EC o Juez.
Cuidate que la semana q entra no te peguen un bocado a tus H de aupa.
Willingham sigue dentro con 1 Millon comunes compradas a 0,20 y este no va a dar releases como las comunes no reciban algo.

El juego ha cambiado lo que ocurre es que no nos lo acabamos de creer!!!

Los que no dabais un duro por el trabajo del EC deberiais replantearos la estrategia.


Re: Menudo Master estamos haciendo en esta BK

El juego cambiará cuando cambie el precio de las acciones. El mercado es soberano. Si el lunes los precios no se mueven es que huele a pescadilla y si se doblan, las expectativas mejoran e iran por el buen camino.


Re: Menudo Master estamos haciendo en esta BK

la cantidad de estivills que habra,sin que salgan a la luz,a veces es suficiente un prevaricacion indirecta,dilatacion del proceso,incurrir en un defescto de forma que anule las alegaciones,te suena el palacio de la musica de barcelona????????????

y eso que no es nada comparado con los dueños del mundo JPM.


La Juez Walrath es muy inteligente

- Judge denied the POR knowing fully well that competing POR from EC will come up.

- Judge knows that asset valuation work by PJS is not yet presented to the court by EC. Now, EC has the upper hand since Rosen has already shown all his cards.

- Based on the POR denial ruling, there is no way JPM/FDIC/Rosen can ever get any releases from EC, without adequate compensation to equity holders.

- Judge was testing JPM/FDIC/Rosen to extend their GS deadline beyond Dec 31, knowing fully well that subsequent NOL's will start flowing into WMI and equity holders. More delay means more NOL to wmi estate. What a turn this BK case is taking!

- Who cares if Judge did not give ALL her opinions accourding to anyone's desire. IMO, she was very smart to throw some bones to Rosen, similar to the meal given to a guy before his execution. The fact is, judge gave the current POR/GS, a death sentence.


Equity is IN

- NOL : Judge has clearly provided her opinion on this.
- Liquidation Trust : Again she has noted this for Prefs.
- Releases : FDIC definitely wants this. JPM will follow.
- Tax Refunds : This has to come to WMI.
- 4B : Her reasoning on JPM crashing as a bank is poop like.

The above I believe is going to trickle down to Commons. And one last thing .. her action towards noteholders which should definitely open a box of surprises now.

What can we do?
- Keep fighting
- Do not trust anybody but fellow shareholders and EC. I mean even the Judge has lost my support. Her 4B comment and statement on "lack of good faith" is negatively brilliant. A jury would easily catch the evil in debtors.
- Trial or better JURY TRIAL
- How can we support Hoffman by further filing for motions especially for the FSB 29B .. something that Govin has raised recently.
- TPS will freaking fight now. TPS and EC should join hands and rip an undeniable POR.

My knowledge with BK cases is limited. All I can do to help is spread the word, donate for any causes and HOLD MY SHARES OR BUY MORE.

Last thing .. I am going to write to the Judge on her 4B remark. JPM just paying their employees around 9.6B in bonuses whoaaaaaaa. And she said 4B will cause it to crash. LOL. If true then JPM shareholders would start selling and I would be the first to SHORT JPM.


Re: Equity is IN

Si, pero:

The judge ordered a rewrite of certain elements of Washington Mutual's Chapter 11 plan, but upheld the fundamental deal at its core, a pact with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Walrath sided with the company on the question of fairness, finding that the split of cash, tax refunds and other assets was a reasonable deal, given the complexities of the legal issues and the determination of those on the other side of the tug-of-war: regulators and J.P. Morgan

Estamos mejor que antes pero aun hay mucha indefinición en el proceso y todos los accionistas continuan indefensos.


Re: Equity is IN

el lunes se vera si todo esto es bueno para la equidad o no.
Si es bueno las acciones de preferentes se deberian disparar, de lo contrario estas noticias no serian muy bien interpretadas.
Tened en cuenta que los grandes inversores y brokers saben realmente interpretar todo esto, no como nosotros. Es gente muy especializada y asesorada.