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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.075 / 3.346

Re: Poli bueno (EC) Poli malo (TPS - TRICADIA)

Tu mismo comentaste la corrupcion del examiner, lo de que unas veces se gana y otras se pierde lo dijiste el mismo dia que todos vimos caer un 70% las acciones.
La Juez ya ha demostrado en muchas ocasiones estar a favor de los debtors. Esta señora se va a pasar por el forro cualquier mocion, apelación o reclamacion que se haga y además con el informe se lo han puesto muy fácil. Si, es una pena pero es lo que es el proceso, una manipulacion total que solo va camino de demostrar que la FDIC tiene plenos poderes para intervenir cualquier banco sin ninguna justificación necesariamente.
No hay que fiarse de las apariencias de la Juez, ya se ha visto en otros hearings.



I think the meanings of Tricadia motions are two folds. (1) They argue there are approximately $17 B NOL carry-forward. And according to IRS rules, in general, in order for the re-organized entity or post bankruptcy company to take full advantage of NOL carry forward without restrictions, the ownership of reorganized (post bankruptcy) corporation should stay “intact”. To qualify, the new company needs at least 50+% of “old and cold” equity interests in its ownership mix (post reorganization). (2) Tricadia understands that the debtors intend to cancel all current equity interests. They don’t care. They basically said to the debtors we (Tricadia/CCB) can be that precious 50+% of equity interests in the ownership mix of reorganized company so that the estate can still enjoy the full benefits of NOL carry forward. According to Tricadia, Tricadia/CCB is qualified as “old and cold” equity interests since the great majority of CCB holders has held their notes for more than 18 months before the commencement date (9/26/2008) until now (another IRS rule).

Make no mistake. Tricadia argues for its own benefits.

However, the contribution of Tricadia motions, from the existing equity holders’ perspective, is they brought the tens of billions of largely ignored or brushed aside assets by the debtors – NOL carry forward into the broad daylight for people to see and argue. If, (1) by facts, there will be tens of billions of current and future NOL tax attributes available to the estates; and (2) by law, there is a requirement for “old and cold” equity interests included in the reorganized company in order to take the tax benefits, then it begs the questions: why cancel the current equity? Why not factor in the existing equity in the ownership composition of the post bankruptcy company, which will not only maximize the estates’ assets but also will be the best and most straightforward way to preserve the estates’ tax attributes of such magnitude? The issue of NOL carry forward hits on the issues of both fairness (in distribution) and the debtors’ duty of maximizing the estates’ assets, two key principles in the bankruptcy law.

The reasons the debtors fighting against Tricadia motions are obvious. If EC/Susman manage to take advantage of some of Tricadia’s arguments, and convince the court the need (and fairness) to include the existing equity holders in the reorganized company just for the sake of protecting the estates’ NOL tax benefits, the existing equity will become the majority stakeholders of the reorganized company, and debtors/creditors will lose control of the bonanza they're expecting to gift to themselves. Moreover, since the amount of NOL tax benefits is so huge (potentially), if proved valid, it will tip the balance of A and L to the favor of A, which means the debtors/creditors can lose control of the estate and the case all together.

Rosen has more fears about EC than about Tricadia on this potentially explosive issue


United International (1000 miembros)

We collected over 1000 new members to United International through European United, IHUB, Yahoo, wamurights, wamuequity etc.. We now had a new coalition that could support the Hoffman Legal Team’s filings. Someone on Yahoo recommended we raise a Litigation Fund to support the Hoffman team with counsel, I thought that was a marvelous idea. I had already had a long conversation with German United and they had been willing to offer their support to our International Effort.

We went into fundraising mode (Thanks to all of You) and starting raising the funds the Hoffman Legal Team was going to need to adjudicate the content of the letters. A couple of days later, the debtors answered the 2nd Hoffman letter. Notice the hearing date and objection deadline.

Now we have Tricadia on board with arguing the NOL’s for us, vs the Debtors who are wanting to expunge them and us with them. Now I have not heard the Tricadia court hearing yet, but in due time I will listen to it.. Now as we wane towards Nov 23rd, Boom on Nov 19th. A new Hoffman Letter is out, it is all about THJMW’s jurisdiction and what she has to rule on to override Judge Collyers order. Very good letter, contains much info for the parties to surf over..

Tricadia moves to be heard on the abandonement of the NOLs and states to the court it is not a good move for the court to rule in favor of debtors for this motion. They win.. Then Hoffman Legal Team submits a new motion today for the Unsealing motion. The Hoffman Legal Team is the perfect team t o stand behind, because if it had not been for the original filing, the parties may have just tried to seep the NOL’s under the rug after the confirmation hearing. Now it is out in the open and needs to be addressed. We expect the EC will jump on board the 554 Claims release of FDIC in quick time. As for unsealing the documents, they were forced to seal them, so most likely they are barred from arguing their release. We are working hard for all of you to accomplish our original statement.. United International was formed to get an accurate accounting of all member/shareholders, so we may all speak as one voice United Internationally in Strength and Number.

Raising a Litigation Fund, is just one of the many duties we will be performing for all members. You see it was the Hoffman Letters that started a sequence of events that may just change the entire course of this case..So if not for the Hoffman Letters, Tricadia never would have been able ot preserve our NOL’s.

Thank YOU Hoffman Legal Team..



¿que pasaría si TPG entrara en acción?
Quedan 3 dias para saberlo...



Ni lo sueñes.

Esos callan como perras porque les han resarcido por otro lado... eso está claro.



jajajaja he dicho que pasaría... en WAMU no puedes descartar nada más que todo te pillara de sorpresa lo esperes o no.

Yo solo espero que Susman ponga el pavo (mañana es el día de acción de gracia) a cocinarse a fuego lento para ver lo que queda de el a partir del 1 de Diciembre

It is not a matter of if he will move it is when.

1. Susman does not sign up with cases to tarnish his name and Reputation.
2. If this case was over he would have departed awhile ago.
3. His silence is his M.O.
4. He is positioning right now.
5. You will see Susman at the time and moment when the the target is best positioned for the kill.



la verdad, simpson, me parece que una vez mas te equivocas.
todas las apelaciones no serviran para nada en el mundo de la jueza, que es real. de la misma manera que no sirvieron las 700 apelaciones al DS, y ya ves donde estamos.
TPG ya tiene su asunto arreglado, asi que no sueñes.
y Rosen hara lo mismo, al que no pueda matar con la complicidad de la jueza, lo sobornara.



Bla bla bla... que poco sentido del humor.
te has quedado un poco anticuado si solo has leido el DS. Sigue opinando desde la barrera que es lo tuyo.

Ultimamente veo que hay una legión de listos no invertidos que van de profesores en esto de Bancarrota. Si la Juez hubiera estuviera comprada no habría dado cancha a Tricadia.

Lo de TPG ha sido un comentario irónico que desafortunadamente el tono no se aprecia en esto de internet

Susman ya ha dicho que piensa poner una moción "sellada" para el POR confirmation hearing.
¿que creeis que va a poner la receta del pavo? a veces de verdad que leo cada chorrada repetitiva, si va a poner esa moción es que tiene algo... simple y llanamente ¿será una receta para el pavo? ya veremos.

Los ladrones de sueños seguid piando la misma canción.