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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.066 / 3.346

Re: Tranquilidad Mr. Simpson, tranquilidad...

si las noticias hoy no hay duda que son buenas y estoy contento,estoy mas cerca de de recuperar el mercedes que hace unas horas.hemos mejorado hemos pasado del imposible al absolutamente improbable.

chistes en honor de ptolomeo:"si un pobre come merluza fresca es que uno de los 2 esta malo" ah se encuentran 2 pobres (o cualquier español ,gracias zp por universalizar la miseria)y le dice al otro como te va????y el otro contesta sino como me llega pa los gastos.

saludos pd:si no fuera por la juez hasta pediria un credito para comprar mas,dudo de su ecuanimidad por las que nos ha hecho pasar


Re: Bid Rigging (Manipulación de las licitaciones)

On November 12, I posted that the bid-rigging antitrust claim against JPM, potentially worth enormous treble damages to equity shareholders under the Clayton Act, ought not be dismissed on the grounds Examiner Hochberg proffered in his report. The examiner stated that for bid rigging to have occurred, all bidding banks would likely have had to conspire to let JPM win the FDIC's auction of WMB:

Last week I emailed Susman, Sargent, and Nelson, encouraging them to pursue an "information asymmetry" theory of bid rigging. On this model, evidence that JPM had more information than did other bidding banks concerning the identity and value of WMB's assets and liabilities would imply that JPM colluded with the FDIC in ensuring that JPM would win the auction. And this would constitute bid rigging. There would be no need for other bidders to have agreed to let JPM win, just that they knew less about the assets and liabilities than did JPM.

Good News

As expected, the attorneys did not write back, but fortunately the Equity Committee's objection filed today addresses this issue of information asymmetry, or as the EC brief calls it, "information disparity":

"The Examiner fails to take into account that the discovery from the FDIC would shed light not only on potential claims against the FDIC, but also on claims against others, particularly against JPMC. FDIC documents and witnesses may describe JPMC's communications with other bidders. They may demonstrate an information disparity between JPMC and the other bidders that motivated JPMC to engage in tortious conduct in an effort to obtain WMB assets." EC Objection to Plan Confirmation, p.36.

Kirsten Grind's 12/28/09 PSBJ report strongly suggests that this information asymmetry, and collusion between FDIC and JPM to fix the bid, indeed existed before WMB's seizure by FDIC.

She writes:

"Now, more than a year after WaMu’s closure, recently released court documents and an ongoing investigation by the Puget Sound Business Journal suggest that JPMorgan was working months in advance on a plan to acquire WaMu once the government seized the bank from its shareholders.

"The documents also appear to show that regulators were working with JPMorgan to structure the deal well before the bank was seized.
"The Business Journal reviewed more than 1,000 pages of internal JPMorgan emails and financial presentations produced as exhibits in court filings as well as public records released through the Freedom of Information Act, and interviewed dozens of people familiar with WaMu’s closure, including government officials, former regulators and outside experts.

"The new information shows that JPMorgan had a detailed plan to acquire WaMu from regulators as early as July 2008, more than two months before the tumultuous days in late September when the government formally signaled that it planned to seize WaMu and offer it to bidders.

"By Sept. 11, JPMorgan appeared to expect that WaMu would be taken over by the government, and was making detailed preparations to buy it as a distressed asset, according to the documents."

The bid-rigging claim against JPM based on information asymmetry (information disparity) is the mother of all claims in this case, being worth possibly tens of billions of dollars. Thankfully, Susman is on its trail, referring to "potentially gargantuan antitrust claims against JPMC and other banks ...." EC Objection, p.24.

Things look quite favorable for us from here, assuming the judge now rejects the POR as she should, based on the EC's sound legal arguments.



Creo que ayer al contrario de lo que muchos pensaban fue un buen día para nosotros. Ahora la gente entenderá el porqué se debe presentar todo en el último minuto (no dar a tu oponente la ventaja del tiempo) y que ellos ahora se harten de trabajar día y noche el fin de semana.

Veo demasiados frentes abiertos para que este POR no termine claudicando. Hemos avanzado en nuevos frentes que nos benefician directamente como son las cartas de Hoffman, Tricadia y espero que gracias al apoyo y donaciones de muchos tengamos representación legal en próximas fechas.

Seguimos contando con el apoyo del UST (algo que muchos ya dudaban). Susman no está comprado como se ha insinuado repetidamente.

Ahora todos los ojos apuntan a Wallrath para que WAMU no supere al fiasco de K-Mart(el peor ejemplo de una BK que pulio a los accionistas para hacer ricos a los bonistas como después se probaría). Si la Juez es lista entenderá que sus decisiones seran apeladas por muchos a instancias superiores porque se le acumula la evidencia.
Por el bien de ella y creo que de Weil será mejor que dictamine con las pruebas presentadas.

Rosen ha presentado una "loco-moción" como la llaman en USA en la que pretende que se aparten $10 Billones para asegurar el Voto. Es decir pretende coger $10 Billones de WMI para pagar a JPM la compra de un banco por $1.9 Billones, esto es la locura motion. (Seguiremos informando)
Parece que no las tienen todas con su maquiavelico Plan después de todo.

Ahora a esperar los Hearings del 23 noviembre y 1 Diciembre para ver a TPS como dinamita el POR.

De todas las mociones que hoy se han presentado la de TPS supera a la de Susman y en este caso la unión de todas es lo que nos ayudará a dinamitar POR v.6

Mucha suerte a todos


Re: Conclusiones

Vaya pedazo de objection de TPS.

Haber que nos espera la próxima semana.