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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.845 / 3.346

Re: El titulo lo dice todo


¿Te refieres a que estan proponiendo repartirselas o en efecta ya se las han repartido?

!Me has generado esa confusion.!



Facturas del Examiner

Si a alguien le cabía alguna duda de la que se avecina para JPM y FDIC que lea con detenimiento en lo que estan trabajando los cerca de 40 abogados que tiene el examiner con el acelerador metido en quinta marcha.

Nos espera una navidad muy alegre!!! y a JPM y FDIC ya veremos que les trae Papá Noel Hochberg :)


¿Cómo nos deja el MOR de agosto?

Pues eso, con el inminente ingreso de los 5 billones del acuerdo del IRS, ¿Cómo estamos ahora mismo Activos/Pasivos?

¿Hay algún análisis o resumen por GW?


JPM posible RICO - Bid Rigging

Bid Rigging

Bid rigging is the way that conspiring competitors effectively raise prices where purchasers — often federal, state, or local governments — acquire goods or services by soliciting competing bids.

Essentially, competitors agree in advance who will submit the winning bid on a contract being let through the competitive bidding process. As with price fixing, it is not necessary that all bidders participate in the conspiracy.

Bid rigging also takes many forms, but bid-rigging conspiracies usually fall into one or more of the following categories:

Bid Suppression: In bid suppression schemes, one or more competitors who otherwise would be expected to bid, or who have previously bid, agree to refrain from bidding or withdraw a previously submitted bid so that the designated winning competitor's bid will be accepted.

Complementary Bidding: Complementary bidding (also known as "cover" or "courtesy" bidding) occurs when some competitors agree to submit bids that either are too high to be accepted or contain special terms that will not be acceptable to the buyer. Such bids are not intended to secure the buyer's acceptance, but are merely designed to give the appearance of genuine competitive bidding. Complementary bidding schemes are the most frequently occurring forms of bid rigging, and they defraud purchasers by creating the appearance of competition to conceal secretly inflated prices.

Bid Rotation: In bid rotation schemes, all conspirators submit bids but take turns being the low bidder. The terms of the rotation may vary; for example, competitors may take turns on contracts according to the size of the contract, allocating equal amounts to each conspirator or allocating volumes that correspond to the size of each conspirator company. A strict bid rotation pattern defies the law of chance and suggests collusion is taking place.

Subcontracting: Subcontracting arrangements are often part of a bid-rigging scheme. Competitors who agree not to bid or to submit a losing bid frequently receive subcontracts or supply contracts in exchange from the successful low bidder. In some schemes, a low bidder will agree to withdraw its bid in favor of the next low bidder in exchange for a lucrative subcontract that divides the illegally obtained higher price between them.

Almost all forms of bid-rigging schemes have one thing in common: an agreement among some or all of the bidders which predetermines the winning bidder and limits or eliminates competition among the conspiring vendors....

...If the offense was committed on or after June 22, 2004, the maximum Sherman Act fine is $100 million for corporations and $1 million for individuals, and the maximum Sherman Act jail sentence is 10 years. Under some circumstances, the maximum potential fine may be increased above the Sherman Act maximums to twice the gain or loss involved. In addition, collusion among competitors may constitute violations of the mail or wire fraud statute, the false statements statute, or other federal felony statutes, all of which the Antitrust Division prosecutes...

RICO Daños x 3

...If the offense was committed on or after June 22, 2004, the maximum Sherman Act fine is $100 million for corporations and $1 million for individuals, and the maximum Sherman Act jail sentence is 10 years.

**Under some circumstances, the maximum potential fine may be increased above the Sherman Act maximums to twice the gain or loss involved.**

In addition, collusion among competitors may constitute violations of the mail or wire fraud statute, the false statements statute, or other federal felony statutes, all of which the Antitrust Division prosecutes...


Re: JPM paraliza 50,000 embargos de viviendas por errores !!!

Ya había leído acerca de esto... ojalá sea porque no vean claro si son los dueños legales de esas hipotecas... (recordemos que la 'venta de Wamu' por parte de la FDIC todavía no ha finalizado...