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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.609 / 3.346

Re: H's K's P's Q's

no creo que ofrezca nada de sustancia sera una maniobra para ganar tiempo y aprobar el DS,sin examninador no tenemos nada que hacer


Re: H's K's P's Q's

Ten Shin tu optimismo esta cercano al de Simpson.
1) Para que la juez apruebe el DS tiene que tener constancia de que el EC ha recibido toda la informacion solicitada.
2) Rosen tiene que contestar a las casi 600 objeciones al DS
3) Si WMI no presenta una oferta digna al EC, las negociaciones de buena fe quedaran rotas y continuaran exigiendo el examinador.
4)Es la primera vez desde que se estableció el EC que WMI reconoce al mismo, la presión del examiner ha sido fundamental.
5)Todo retraso beneficia al EC.
6)Los bonistas WMB estan en contra del DS, sin ellos no puede aprobarse el POR.

Desconozco porque no han subido aun las acciones, en cualquier caso las comunes y preferentes segun el DS tienen un valor inferior incluso rayando el cero. Veo dificil que bajemos de los niveles actuales ya que la modificacion que presente Rosen no sera inferior al DS existente.


Re: H's K's P's Q's

tus ponderados comentarios son simepre bienvenidos,lo que me acojona es que puedan engañarnos con una info insulsa financiera y firmen el DS,que puedan englarnos prometiendo una cosa para firmar y donde dije digo digo diego.

ya supongo que mas aun en un caso de tanta enjundia,que no es la venta de un parking estara todo bien atado de cara a que nos puedan voltear una vez llegado a un acuerdo privado,pero claro se mueve tanto dinero en este caso y las presiones son tan fuertes.

al menos que pare el goteo esta semana.otra cosa qeu me pregunto es que claro una vez repetido hasta la sacidad por rosen aquellode, you honor there is no money for equity,no se consideraria perjurio que ahora ofreciera algo mas,no estaria tacitamente reconociendo la estafa?????


Re: H's K's P's Q's

Machoo Hércules¡¡¡

Mi Hércules en primera, les fogueres, sólo falta un acuerdo de 8 dólares con Rosen para que este mes sea completo.

Saludos. Buen finde.


Re: H's K's P's Q's

Enhorabuena Maximun:

Ya he dado el pesame a algunos amigos béticos :)
Por cierto cuando vaya por Alicante te voy a pegar un toque para conocernos, yo estoy casado con una alicantina pero vivimos en Sevilla.

Todo llega en esta vida... quien pensaba que el Hercules subiria tras 14 años? pues eso mismo va a pasar con nuestras WAMU :)

Disfruta de fogueres


Re: H's K's P's Q's

enhorabuena no lo habia entendido,no sabia si era que hacian el hercules en la primera,no estaba al dia en la 2 division,bienvenido sea a al liga de las estrellas





The hearing in Delaware this past Thursday, June 17, has provided fodder for some interesting discussions. The main issue revolves around the implications of the opening statement of WMI's lead attorney, Brian Rosen. The setting: an amended hearing agenda was filed the previous evening in which the following motions were adjourned (postponed) to the next scheduled hearing on July 8: (1) WMI's motion to approve the Disclosure Statement; (2) the Equity Committee's new motion to appoint an examiner; and (3) the Equity Committee's motions for Rule 2004 examinations of JPM and the FDIC. Clearly both parties "gave up" something significant. In addition, WMI and the Equity Committee had had several meetings to try and work out procedures for WMI's sharing of documents with the Equity Committee, which the judge had previously commanded WMI to share.

This is what Rosen said in his opening statement: "We filed a second amended agenda last evening which referred to the Debtors' request with respect to the adjournment of the disclosure statement hearing. As we indicated in the agenda, based upon the good-faith negotiations that are underway between the Debtors and the Equity Committee, with respect to modifications of the Chapter 11 Plan, we thought it was in everyone's best interest to adjourn the Disclosure Statement hearing until July 8 so that these negotiations could continue and to see if a resolution could be reached that would result in a modification to the Plan and a modification to the Disclosure Statement. As part of that the Equity Committee similarly agreed that it would adjourn its motion with respect to the appointment of an examiner and its corresponding discovery motions or applications that it had on file for 2004 requests of JP Morgan Chase, the FDIC, and with respect with discovery of the Debtors."

Some of our shareholders have interpreted Rosen's statement as referring only to the issues regarding WMI's sharing of documents with the Equity Committee. Others have argued that the "good-faith negotiations" mentioned by Rosen must concern more than just document sharing. They reason that a document sharing agreement would not lead to a revision of WMI's Plan of Reorganization, so that the "good-faith negotiations" mentioned by Rosen must involve potentially significant changes to that Plan, presumably such that equity (shareholders) would receive better treatment than in the current Plan, which proposes to give equity essentially nothing.

The Equity Committee's lawyer, Justin Nelson, appeared to confirm that discussions with WMI concerned more than just document issues, saying "So we're trying to work through those issues on the discovery front. We're also trying to talk about other issues as well.", but also seemed determined to make sure that the implications not be taken too far. After other attorneys expressed concern about being left out of potential negotiations regarding the Plan, Nelson rose again to deliver this disclaimer, in which he seemed to struggle to find the right words to express the message he wanted to convey: "Your Honor, it very well might go without saying that, given some of the discussions at the podium in the past few minutes, I just want to emphasize there is nothing imminent with respect to settlement. We are engaged in good-faith negotiations but it's not like we are... there's no way we're... we don't know what's going to happen. And one of the reasons we put off both of these motions is so that we did it without prejudice to timing and any of the other issues. Obviously I think we all reserve our rights on what were in those motions and I know with respect to the Equity Committee we feel strongly about that. But there is nothing imminent."

These statements from the hearing certainly leave room for varying interpretations. We report... you decide.