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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
165 suscriptores
Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
10.857 / 38.212

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Merkel said the UK would not be allowed to engage in “cherry picking” – keeping the advantages of the single market but rejecting free movement. She said:

We will make sure that negotiations will not be carried out as a cherry-picking exercise. There must be and there will be a palpable difference between those countries who want to be members of the European family and those who don’t ...

Whoever wants to leave this family cannot expect to shed all its responsibilities but keep the privileges ...

Those for example, who want free access to the single market will in return have to respect European basic rights and freedoms ... That’s true for GB just as much as for the others.

Free acccess to the single market is granted to those who accept the four basic European freedoms: that of people, goods, services and capital. Norway for instance is not a member of the European Union but has access to the single market because it accepts open migration from the European Union.


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

y tiene razón, si te vas pues te olvides de todas las ventajas del euro y si te quedas tienes que aceptar las condiciones. ¿estos de UK se creen listos? ¿o mejores que el resto?


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Si Farage consigue la mitad de lo que pretende será el fin de la UE. También tiene parte de razón cuando dice esto, sobre todo cuando habla de Merkel incitando a la inmigración hacia Europa (y luego queriendo redistribuir los inmigrantes a su capricho, eso no lo dice..):

"Well, just look at the Mediterranean. As a policy to impose poverty and the rest of the Mediterranean, you’ve done very well. And you are in denial over Mrs Merkel’s call last year for as many people as possible to cross the Mediterranean into the European Union. [It] has led to massive divisions within countries and between countries.

But the biggest problem you’ve got, and the main reason the United Kingdom voted the way that it did, is that you have, by stealth, by deception, without ever telling the truth to the British or the rest of the people’s of Europe, you have imposed upon them a political union.

And when the people in 2005 in the Netherlands and France voted against the political union, when they rejected the constitution, you simply ignored them and brought the Lisbon treaty in through the back door."


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Dax hoy se está portando fenomenal. En cambio, ibex está rebelde. Espero que sean tonterías de adolescencia y se le quiten pronto ;)

P.S. Esto empieza a ser interesante. Sobre las 15h Ibex pegó un fogonazo de 50 puntos hacía abajo, sin ningún motivo aparente.


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Buenas tardes!

Por aqui un largo en Bbva, a 6,25, 25000 titulos. Ole ahi!


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Ojala aciertes, pero de momento es un rebote por sobreventa.


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía


Pero los rebotes por sobreventa no duran un día necesariamente, en cualquier caso el que comprara ayer en el mejor de los casos se lleva un 4% en un día que no es moco de pavo.
