Berkshire Hathaway, reporte anual 2012
Buffett ha publicado un nuevo capítulo de esa biblia de la inversión que son las legendarias cartas anuales de Berkshire.
Comentarios de Buffett sobre la incertidumbre económica:
"There was a lot of hand-wringing last year among CEOs who cried “uncertainty” when faced with capital allocation decisions (despite many of their businesses having enjoyed record levels of both earnings and
cash). At Berkshire, we didn’t share their fears, instead spending a record $9.8 billion on plant and
equipment in 2012, about 88% of it in the United States. That’s 19% more than we spent in 2011, our
previous high. Charlie and I love investing large sums in worthwhile projects, whatever the pundits are
saying. We instead heed the words from Gary Allan’s new country song, “Every Storm Runs Out of Rain.”"
Sobre el market timing:
"Since the basic game is so favorable, Charlie and I believe it’s a terrible mistake to try to dance in and out
of it based upon the turn of tarot cards, the predictions of “experts,” or the ebb and flow of business
activity. The risks of being out of the game are huge compared to the risks of being in it."
Buffett condensa en 10 líneas lo que otros intentan explicar en 300 páginas, sin más dilación, enjoy: