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Carbures Europe

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Carbures Europe
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Carbures Europe
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Re: Carbures Europe

Si analizamos el volumen del Viernes ...El lunes tiene pinta de cerrar por encima de los 0,70€,,, El valor que le dan actualmente "2016" Black toro y Wilbur Ross es de +- 200 millones... (Veremos el plan de negocio del 2017 vs 2018 sera espectacular)....


Spanish composites: growth trajectory

For the past week I’ve been traveling through Spain and visiting composites fabricators’ facilities, and a composites fabrication equipment supplier. Entrepreneurial effort and innovation clearly can occur anywhere, and it has been a fascinating journey from the standpoint of seeing growth and expansion of companies as composites usage has also expanded. CW has already presented an overview and good information about Carbures (see Ginger Gardiner’s blog about the company here: but I visited three of the company’s locations — in Jerez de la Fronterra, Illescas and El Burgo de Osma, Spain — to see firsthand the work that they do, and meet the people involved. The three plant visits afforded a chance to observe the Tier 2 firm’s work in aerospace and defense projects, and its small yet developing mobility (auto and rail) business line. The company has grown both organically and through strategic acquisitions of engineering design/production firms that have expanded its reach and client base. What is clear, especially evident at the El Burgo facility, is that the acquisitions have yielded good people: experts with deep connections in a specific business area. Case in point is Josef Neuhäusler, who is the general manager of Carbures Mobility and the founder of aXcep in Munich, with years of experience in automotive system and component design. With aXcep’s acquisition in 2013, Carbures installed Neuhäusler as the leader of its mobility group, and his connections are leading to significant new business, including a hybrid composite-aluminum wheel program in collaboration with 2elle-engineering (Trebaseleghe, Italy). Neuhäusler is confident that the hybrid wheel will succeed, because the aluminum will be placed on the wheel spokes, where damage is most likely to occur, while the carbon fiber makes up the rim for a 30% weight reduction over all-metal wheel design. It was an opportunity to see a bit of the planning, development, strategy, even staff development and lean methods implementation, as Carbures dives into autocomposites. I was also fortunate to see the MTorres plant in Torres de Elorz, in Navarra, where they design and assemble a myriad array of machines for aerospace manufacturing processes, metal and composites. From a start making machines for paper handling, the company has grown by figuring out how to insert automated processes into complex manufacturing and assembly. I got a chance to see the assembly and testing of MTorres’ “hybrid” automated fiber placement (AFP) heads, which are easily changed out during production to keep production flowing, and which are proving to be much more efficient than automated tape laying (ATL) even for flat parts. A highlight of the MTorres visit was the Lego area. Company head Manuel Torres believes so strongly in developing the new generation of engineers that MTorres joined six years ago the First Lego League, which sponsors robotic competitions with robots made of Lego pieces, for children ages 10 to 16. Company employees’ children can participate, and now other kids from the area as well. Each team must build a working, programmed robot to carry out specific tasks, and must explain the concept, in English, to an expert panel for points. In 2015 a team from MTorres came first in international competition. Spanish jamon was a highlight of the visit And, I must mention that the Spanish are unfailingly excellent hosts; they provided me with ample food, including of course jamon! CW will publish a full report on the Carbures facility visits in an upcoming issue, and an article regarding MTorres technology as well, so stay tuned.

Josef Neuhausler (left) and managing director Roberto Rey at the Carbures Mobility facility in El Burgo de Osma, Spain


Re: Carbures Europe

Buen dia. Como llevo sosteniendo CAR necesita deshacerse de tanta compra hecha con muy poco sentido y a perdidas. La buena noticia seria que la había vendido con importantes plusvalías, y lo es bastante menos que la metan a concurso lo cual acabara siendo perdida para CAR y para los accionistas.
La compra fue una de las dos ultimas hechas alla por julio del 2014. La otra fue PIPSA que también lleva tiempo a la venta. Asi que el desguace coge camino de abajo arriba. Las siguientes serán(por ese orden) ENSINO (junio-14 por 1.150.000 por suscip. de AK) y AXCEP (Mayo-14 por 1.160.000) La anterior compra anunciada también en Mayo-14 fue C.Cap.Australasia de la que posteriormente desistieron.
Eran tiempos aquellos de soplar dentro de la burbuja.
Technical en concreto, fue adquirida por 850.000 € con pago aplazado con la empresa y vencimiiento 31-3-15. Por tanto aun no vencido el plazo no se puede considerar impago.

EDITO. ¿Esta información no conlleva un necesario HR?
MAB,CNMV,BME deben estar cerrados.


Re: Carbures Europe

Vendidas las Abengoas a 0,217€ el ultimo euro q se lo lleve otro


Re: Carbures Europe

Con los Beneficias de FXCM y Abengoa van a parar a Carbures,, si rompe el 0,69 compro unas cuantas más por debajo me marco compra en 63..


Re: Carbures Europe

Hablando de impagos, el hilo me lleva a esta hipótesis de ovillo.

Pag. 87/212 HR de 30-4-15 Presentacion cuentas anuales 2014.
“A 31-12-14 existe un préstamo vencido con BBVA por importe de 3.971miles de Euros. El Grupo esta en negociaciones avanzadas con la Entidad para acordar un nuevo calendario de amortización de este préstamo. (ver nota 2.5).”
La nota 2.5 se puede ver en la pag. 25/212 HR de 30-4-15 Presentacion cuentas anuales 2014.

En la pag. 112/212 de este mismo HR. Detalla avales.
Entre ellos, se observa este: ¿Casualidad?
5-02-14 ANTIGUOS DUEÑOS – COMPRA EMPRESA – Vencimiento 1-12-15- Importe 3.971 miles de €.
En esa fecha se adquirió MAPRO por 11,2 millones de los cuales nos dicen que 5,8 los pagaron al contado ¿? Y 5,4 restantes con pagos ANUALES aplazados con la empresa por 4 años a razón de 1,35 mills. por año pagaderos en el mes de febrero.