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Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
4.429 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

One incredible stock for growth investors

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me gusta que se hable del tema, por supuesto, que se discuta
no me gusta que centren la controversia en el argumento que si no recuerdo mal originó el Bastardo, que la FDA requiera datos del REDUCE-IT para aprobar ANCHOR. Es increible como ese tio ha conseguido expandir su mierda :(((


edito: es que sigo sin entender que tiene que ver una cosa con otra. Que tiene que ver aprobar ANCHOR, rango 200-500 mg/dl para reduccion de trigliceridos con la necesidad de saber los beneficios cardiovasculares que produzca Vascepa en los de 150-200 mg/dl que es el rango de Reduce-It.
Y es mas, cuando por dos veces intento GSK meter a Lovaza en Anchor ... joer, GSK no tenia un estudio Reduce-It y aun asi buscaron la aprobacion de Anchor, por algo seria!


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno, bueno, bueno..
Los mercados parece que hacen caso omiso al tema usano del presupuesto y del techo de deuda, pero el día 17 se acerca, y es posible que, no obstante estar convencidos los mercados, según aparentan, que se llegará a un acuerdo, a medida que nos acerquemos a esa fecha, el nerviosismo puede ir haciendo mella en los inversores....
Es curioso ver cómo la noticia no aparece ahora mismo en ninguno de los medios de comunicación (CNN, CNBC...)....
Los futuros de los índices, ahora mismo en rojo, pero de manera moderado, por debajo del -0,5%...

A ver cómo se desarrolla esta semana, ya que la fecha límite es a principios de la próxima...


Re: Farmas USA


Oncothyreon Announces Presentation of Final Results from Phase 1 Trial of ONT-380

SEATTLE, WA, Oct. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Oncothyreon Inc. (NASDAQ: ONTY) today announced the presentation of final results from the first Phase 1 trial of ONT-380 at the American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference on Advances in Breast Cancer Research in San Diego. The results were presented by Virginia F. Borges, M.D., Associate Professor in the Division of Medical Oncology, University of Colorado School of Medicine. ONT-380 (also known as ARRY-380) is an orally active, reversible and selective small-molecule HER2 inhibitor being developed by Oncothyreon in collaboration with Array BioPharma Inc. (Nasdaq: ARRY), Boulder, Colorado.

The first-in-human Phase 1 trial, with both dose-escalation and expansion components, enrolled a total of 50 patients, 43 of whom had HER2+ metastatic breast cancer. In this study, ONT-380 demonstrated an acceptable safety profile; treatment-related adverse events were primarily Grade 1. Because ONT-380 is selective for HER2 and does not inhibit EGFR, there was a low incidence and severity of treatment-related diarrhea, rash and fatigue, side effects which have been associated with EGFR inhibition. A single patient experienced Grade 2 treatment-related diarrhea and no patient developed treatment-related Grade 3 diarrhea; one patient had a Grade 3 rash. Additionally, there were no treatment-related cardiac events or Grade 4 treatment-related adverse events reported. The maximum tolerated dose of ONT-380 established in this Phase 1 trial was 600 mg twice daily. The dose-limiting toxicity was reversible elevation in liver enzymes.

In this trial, 22 HER2+ breast cancer patients with measurable disease were treated with ONT-380 at doses greater than or equal to 600 mg BID. In this heavily pretreated patient population, there was a clinical benefit rate (partial response [n = 3] plus stable disease for at least 6 months [n = 3]) of 27%. Notably, two of the patients with partial responses during treatment with ONT-380 had confirmed progressions while on prior lapatinib- and trastuzumab-containing regimens.


Re: Farmas USA

ONTY +5% en pre, en 2,15$, con un máximo en pre en 2,20!!!!

Un saludo y suerte...


Re: Farmas USA


Acuerdo confidencial con L'Oreal para la investigación de cosméticos.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»