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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
4.102 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

BIOD, a las 21:00 estábamos en 300k títulos, y vamos camino de los 500k, acompañando también el precio...

Un saludo


Re: Farmas USA

Reflexiones de fin de semana:

ARNA . Los gordos , obesos y ballenas usanos tienen que volver de vacaciones. Hasta entonces aqui poco hay que vender. Necesitamos que vuelvan en Septiembre-Octubre con las conciencias castigadas de todo los excesos que se han pegado en verano. Unos iran al gimnasio ( en el mio las colas de Septiembre para darse de alta son increibles), y otros iran al medico a por Belviq. :)

VNDA . Procurare reentrar corto el mismo Lunes. Se va por el barranquillo y ese jugoso gap hay que rellenarlo.

Si el viernes no llegamos a tener vencimiento de opciones, AMRN se nos planta en 6,2x al cierre. Por cierto, hacia tiempo que no decia esto, el lunes creo que actualizaran el Orange Book, voy a estar pendiente, just in case.
( , Rx 202057 )

CLSN ... Si lo miramos bien, entre articulo bajista y alcista nos estan haciendo un juego que va en el rango 1-1,25 que no esta nada mal si uno lo aprovecha. Ayer segun vi el articulo de Alpha Exposure me conecte al broker para ponerme corto, hubieran sido un 5-6% rapido y facil. Pero como he de ir con shares no hice el movimiento.

SNTA . Si nos fijamos solamente en el cuerpo de la vela que dejo el Viernes yo diria que seguimos en canal. Esa sombra inferior , tan alargada, porque es muy bruta y se paso de frenada pero a tener en cuenta la recuperacion que hizo. Martillo de libro, no?


Re: Farmas USA

Y la joya de la corona actal. Que opinas de esta bicha.
Yo creo q tal como va la tenemos en los 7 largos antes del 16 de octubre.


Re: Farmas USA

el viernes se ejecuto la orden que puse el jueves de cierre del corto.Así que volveré a abrir si ella vuelve a los 11,1x
Creo que no he sido el único que ha querido los $$$$$ para el Finde. 
Podría dar juego, rango 10.5x / 11.1x , antes de irse pabajo.


Re: Farmas USA

Yo he acumulado con la idea de estar breakeven pre-adcom. Mi promedio es 7,9x.
En condiciones normales espero lleguemos a ese nivel, tendrá su zigzageo como es normal pero pienso que veremos esos 8 pavos.

Ahora bien, cualquier evento, rumor factible o situación añadida no prevista de aquí a entonces hará que nos podamos ir a los dos dígitos. Y será terreno ganado y ya añadido a lo que se incremente hasta la FDA de diciembre.

Como podréis imaginar , lo de no quedarse dentro para un evento en farmas me lo voy a pasar por el arco del triunfo con esta bicha. Es mas, quisiera venderlo todo en 2014 pero no creo que pueda.

Mi precio objetivo de venta no es inferior al PO minimo de los analistas que han valorado AMRN con ANCHOR, que de todos los PO que hay solo 3 han incluido ANCHOR ( con partnership) que, aplicando la reciente dilución, quedan los PO en 18$ ,20$ y 30$.

De todos modos se vera que sucede hasta diciembre, lo bueno es que esta tan estudiada esta farma que en cada momento sabremos que esta y que no esta descontado.

Por cierto, echad un vistazo a las call de 20 pavos Enero 2014. Interesante ese volumen diría yo ...


Edito: y ayer en after, 6,13$ ;)


Re: Farmas USA

Conferencia Cannacord

Extraigo lo mas relevante que recuerde no fue menciado en la anterior conferencia Q2.

I mentioned the product we made on securing Tier 2 conversions. And that's happened I think entirely due to the clinical and efficacy profile of the drug. As we talked to payers, they got two hot ones. One of those is cholesterol management and the second one is diabetes. And in our drug, we are able to talk about cholesterol management with the existing therapy, significantly raises bad cholesterol and ours doesn't. And in the diabetes side, we are able to talk about our trials for example in the ANCHOR study, 72% of the patients -- excuse me 73% of the were diabetic. High triglyceride is the significant concern amongst diabetic patients. We are able to show results in the populations which are diabetic that are comparable to the overall results and without any increase in the HbA1c, that combined with our very strong safety profile. We think it's been very convincing to get these payers to move off their normal cycles and gives us Tier 2 coverage without restrictions here, early on.

Toxicidad Lovaza vs Vascepa
But then it seems also not a medicine where there is immediate feedback loop. So, there is a blood test necessary to measure lipid panels and the earliest of patients are beginning to circle back for their blood test and the feedback that they are getting has been very encouraging and particular patients who are for example on Lovaza, previously many of the docs are reporting back to us, obviously this is anecdotal, but there is enough that these anecdotes to be meaningful that this patient was on Lovaza, wasn't at LDl, at now LDL, this patient was on Lovaza, now is on Vascepa , LDL dropped by 30% plus.

war against Lovaza
And that's the kind of a feedback that we want. Now we're marketing this to the very high triglyceride population right now, most of Lovaza use is not in that population. So, only thing it's approved for -- the most of Lovaza use is not in that indication, most of it is off label in the 200 to 500 category, which is where we are going with ANCHOR .

Today, we're being very careful to not market our drug off label, we think we're going to be getting that indication in December and the last thing we want to be doing is going into FDA conversations with them suggesting somewhere that we're marketing is that indication already.

When we do get that indication which we're counting on, we intend to make it very clear to docs that they have a miss conception over Lovaza being approved for that indication. In fact Lovaza was studied twice for that indication and failed to get approval to its LDL increase. Furthermore, we are going to be working -- continuing to work with payers to ensure that they are aware of the off label use of Lovaza and seek at with certain plans and opportunity to put further restructuring on off label use of Lovaza. So, we are excited about the progress, we are making with our current indication and launch albeit early. But we are more excited about the preparations we are making for launch in the ANCHOR indication here soon.

REDUCE-IT y el estudio JELIS
So, we launched -- the $4 million to $6 million market that we launched to focus on about 3.8 million patients, second indication is about 10 times the size of that, opportunity to double that. And we have got this outcome study going, it's enrolling well, but probably won't see results from that until at least 2016. It's a study that was -- but there is precedent for success off of. This is a study that was conducted in Japan with over 18,000 patients, it showed a comparison of EPA on top of statin and compared to statin alone, EPA is what our active ingredient is in our drug.

It showed the overall cohort of patients which is lower risk patient population, a 19% reduction in cardiovascular events versus statin alone. But if you look at the patients that we're studying which are patients who have elevated triglycerides, there are about 1,000 of those patients in that trial, littler over 950 actually. And they divide their increases at 53% versus statin alone, which is a residual effect, statins are great but there is residual cardiovascular risk remaining. And we think that the addition of EPA has significant bearing. This was done with 1.8 grams we are conducting our with 4 grams, this was in Japan only and we're doing ours on worldwide basis.