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Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
255 / 17.057

Re: Farmas USA

Llevo acumulado ( sobre todo entre ayer y hoy ) un -14% en THLD, lo mismo en OREX, -10% en ANLY, -25% en ZLCS, -8% en EXEL ... no sigo ... y no las voy a volver a mirar hasta la proxima semana .... me empieza a dar vertigo ... solo espero que sea el efecto FB ... o yo que se ... pero que sea pasajero por Dios!


Re: Farmas USA

si, yo llevo creo que todas esas y además CLDX, me he quitado achn, y he vuelto a entrar en arna.


Re: Farmas USA

jajaja, Framus...asi estoy yo tambien.....pensando en dejarlo todo!!!jaja



Re: Farmas USA

j..der , que manera de caer todas mis farmas THLD, ZLCS, EXEL ... yo creo que hoy to er
mundo mundial ha comprado o intentado comprar FB , y han sacado cash de las farmaceuticas,

paciencia ya volveran al redil


ASCO: Galena Pharma

ASCO: Galena Pharma

Safety and long-term maintenance of anti-HER2 immunity following booster inoculations of the E75 breast cancer vaccine.

Sub-category: Immunotherapy and Biologic Therapy

Category:Developmental Therapeutics - Clinical Pharmacology and Immunotherapy

Abstract No: 2529

Citation:J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr 2529)

Author(s): Raetasha Sheavette Dabney, Diane F Hale, Timothy J Vreeland, Guy T. Clifton, Alan K. Sears, Ritesh Patil, Sathibalan Ponniah, Nathan M. Shumway, George Earl Peoples, Elizabeth Ann Mittendorf; Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX; Department of Surgery, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX; Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY; Cancer Vaccine Development Program, United States Military Cancer Institute, USUHS, Bethesda, MD; San Antonio Military Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, TX; University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Background: We have completed accrual and are in the follow up portion of phase I/II clinical trials evaluating the E75 HER2 peptide vaccine. E75 has been proven safe, capable of stimulating HER2 immunity, and effective in decreasing breast cancer recurrence rates. During the conduct of this trial, it was noted that E75-specific immunity waned after the Primary Vaccine Series (PVS) which corresponded with late recurrences. To maintain long-term immunity, a voluntary booster program was started. Here we present analysis of the booster inoculations. Methods: The trial enrolled node-positive or high-risk, node-negative breast cancer patients (pts) with tumors expressing any level of HER2 (IHC 1-3+). HLA-A2/A3+ pts comprised the vaccine group (VG), HLA-A2/A3- pts were followed as the control group (CG). The VG received 4-6 monthly inoculations of E75+GM-CSF. Volunteer booster program pts (BG) received inoculations every 6 months after the PVS. Pts were monitored for toxicities, in vivo responses by local reactions (LR) and DTH, and in vitro responses measured by enumeration of E75 specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Results: 53 pts received at least 1 booster, 34 received 2, 24 three, 20 four, 12 five, and 8 at least 6. 24% of pts had no local toxicity, 73% Grade 1 (G1), 3% G2. 74% had no systemic toxicity, 35% G1, 1% G2. LRs increased significantly from the initial vaccine (R1) during PVS to each booster (B) (R1: 59.5±3.1 v B1: 89.2±3.3, p menor a 0.001 ; B2: 95.15±5, p menor a 0.001; v B3: 86.63±5.5, p menor a 0.001; v B4: 83.26±4.6, p menor o igual a 0.001; v B5: 80.67±6.7, p=0.006; v B6: 78.75±9.4, p=0.04). Dimer values increased from the end of PVS to each post-booster value (pre B1:1.29±0.25 v post B1: 1.46±0.38; post B2: 1.41±0.4; post B3: 1.84±0.35; post B4: 2.23±0.4; post B5:1.94±0.31; post B6: 2.73±0.09, p=0.02). At median 60 months, the recurrence rate for BG was 3.8% vs 18.9% in the CG (p=0.01). Conclusions: Booster inoculations are well-tolerated and appear to assist in the maintenance of long term peptide-specific immunity. Boosted pts have improved recurrence rates. Based on the success of this program, we have incorporated the practice of booster inoculations in our current cancer vaccine trials.

Es un estudio de seguimiento, administrando dosis "de recuerdo" de una vacuna contra cáncer de mama HER2+. Los resultados son buenos, disminuyendo la tasa de recurrencia durante 5 años de 18.9% en el grupo control a 3.8% en el tratado (p=0.01).

Desde un punto de vista comercial, esto supone un atractivo adicional, dado que se multiplican el número de dosis a administrar a cada paciente. Para las pacientes no es tan cómodo, pero para la compañía será más rentable (uno de los problemas con las vacunas es que, si sólo se administran una vez, es difícil recuperar la inversión).

Pero no os lancéis en tromba a comprar GALE, porque ayer ya pegó el arreón (+20%, al mercado no se le pasa una) y hoy está corrigiendo (-6%). Otra "a seguir"; no me extrañaría que tras la "euforia" en torno a ASCO vuelva a estar en torno a $1. Por supuesto, salvo que la open.


HER2 = Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2. Es un oncogén que se expresa en aproximadamente 25-30% de las pacientes con cáncer de mama, y le confiere mal pronóstico. Sin embargo, responden mejor al tratamiento combinado de quimioterapia con trastuzumab (Herceptin), un anticuerpo monoclonal específico.

Nota: he tenido que poner "menor a" o "menor o igual a " porque cuando uso el signo menor altera el formato y desaparecen párrafos enteros. Cosas del HTML, supongo

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