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Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

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Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra
Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra
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Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

ellos compraron dos diviciones de kodak por 2800 millones que les debian y 650 millones en efectivo.
lo que confunde es lo de las filiales ellas no se vendieron si no se liberaron de cualquier deuda con kpp.
pero lo rescatable es que al quedar completada la operacion ya se modifica todo el tablero del jiego.
pasivo mucho menos y 650 millones mas en efectivo.
lo que sumaria en efectivo en usa de 1750 millones minimo.
parese que hau yna venta de otros activos inmuebles que sumarian.
al paso que va se les pagara todo a los acrredores y nos liberaran kodak


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

este producto puede tener ventad enormes para sumar a sensores y cobros por utilisacion de patentes kodak tiene un enorme futuro


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

Creo que el buen futuro de kodak esta a la vista. Esperemos que don Alan Gropper no sea miope.


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

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The UK pension fund of Eastman Kodak, the photography company, is scrambling to collect votes from members to approve a new pension scheme during what has become an increasingly confused balloting process.

The Kodak Pension Plan (KPP) came up with an alternative scheme for existing members to avoid former employees from falling into the UK’s Pension Protection Fund after Kodak’s parent company, Eastman Kodak, entered bankruptcy protection last year.


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Plan members are currently being balloted to approve the new scheme, which hinges on the KPP’s purchase of two niche Kodak businesses for $650m as a future source of liability funding.

Although the ballot was meant to finish on July 12, FTfm has learnt that this deadline has been extended to give “members more time to make a decision if they wish to take it”, according to Steven Ross, chairman of trustees of the KPP.

The new plan needs to be approved by a clear majority of its 15,000 members for it to be sanctioned by the PPF.

FTfm has also learnt that the KPP trustees failed to explain the “commutation factor” in their communication with members. This is the rate that will be used to determine the impact of members taking out their pension as a tax-free lump sum.

The KPP’s new commutation terms are in fact more generous than those of its previous scheme. The 6,200 members who are yet to retire will receive a pension that is roughly 25 per cent bigger than that under the existing plan, according to John Ralfe, a pension fund consultant.

Mr Ralfe added that members who choose to go into the PPF will receive at least the same starting pension as they were expecting under the existing plan, as well as the same or a greater cash lump sum. However, trustees have indicated members will lose money by entering the PPF.

Mr Ralfe said: “It is not clear how many of the KPP members currently voting will fully understand this issue to allow them to make a properly informed decision.

“Since it is good news for the 6,200 deferred members, it is rather odd that the KPP trustees failed to explain this in any of their communications with members.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2013. You may share using our article tools.


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

Gracisa jgcoboss, muy interesante, ya imaginaba que el anterior articulo tenia serios errores.La cotización no lo reflejaba.Todo indica q no hay eventos relevantes en el corto plazo pues se enfría el volumen y la cotización se ablanda, aun así espero sorpresas positivas en Agosto, los británicos tendrán q ponerse de acuerdo antes de vacacionar y A.Gropper dejarnos algún regalito antes de irse a "surfear" a Hawai mas ahora que el sabe que ya Kodak ha desatado la fiebre del oro en el mercado de impresión y en Mayo nos dejaron mal sabor en primavera


Re: Kodak - Chapter 11: Quiebra

No se va a escuchar aun accionista si no a 2 debemos tratar de contactarlos y darles mas elementos a ambos.
el juicio a las 8 empresas financieras de boston va pesar mucho algunas son vinculantes al caso kodak incluso cineplex el caso en chapter 11 estuvo alan gropper que debe estar en la mira de la suprema

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